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Created November 14, 2013 11:04
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Save Altreus/7465020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
syntax on
set mouse=a
set background=dark
set showmatch
set showcmd
set ai
set tabstop=4
set foldcolumn=3
"set expandtab
let &shiftwidth=&softtabstop
set nu
set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,n~/.viminfo
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif
au BufReadPost *COMMIT_EDITMSG :1
if has("gui_running")|color golden|endif
"highlight Comment guifg=darkblue ctermfg=darkblue
set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ 10
set go-=T
set go-=m
set go+=c
set t_Co=256
set statusline=%-10.(%l:%L\ %c[%v]%)\ \ %<%r%{FindSub()}\ \ %=%m%f\ \ %{GitBranchInfoTokens()[0]}
autocmd FileType php :noremap K :!php --rf <cword><CR>
autocmd FileType php set foldlevel=10
let php_folding=1
autocmd FileType php set omnifunc=phpcomplete#CompletePHP
autocmd FileType html set omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
autocmd FileType javascript set omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
autocmd FileType php,html autocmd! BufWritePre <buffer> :%s/\s\+$//e
" set incremental searching with highlight
set incsearch
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
set hlsearch
cnoreabbrev W w
map <F1> :w !php -l %<CR>
map <F2> <C-W>+
map <F3> <C-W>-
map <F4> <C-W>_
map <F5> <C-W>=
map <F6> :W<CR>
map <F9> <C-W>>
map <F10> <C-W><
map <F11> zM
map <F12> zR
map <F7> "*p
imap <F7> <C-o>"*p
map <S-F7> "*P
imap <S-F7> <C-o>"*P
nmap F zc
nmap f zo
imap <C-l> <C-x><C-o>
xmap <F12> :call CComment()<CR>
nmap + :LargerFont<CR>
nmap - :SmallerFont<CR>
map [[ [{
map ]] ]}
map ,, :m+1<CR>
map ^^ :m-2<CR>
nmap <Leader>d "_d
nmap <Leader>x "_x
nmap <Leader>c "_c
nmap <Leader>s "_s
nmap <Leader>r "_r
nmap <Leader>D "_D
nmap <Leader>X "_X
nmap <Leader>C "_C
nmap <Leader>S "_S
vmap <Leader>d "_d
vmap <Leader>c "_c
vmap <Leader>x "_x
vmap <Leader>s "_s
vmap <Leader>r "_r
highlight Folded term=standout guifg=lightblue guibg=#000025
highlight Comment ctermfg=darkgray
hi MatchParen NONE
hi MatchParen term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline
command! -range Cat set nonu | <line1>,<line2>p | set nu
function! CComment() range
call cursor(a:lastline, 1)
norm o*/
call cursor(a:firstline, 1)
/* norm O
let s:pattern = '^\(.* \)\([1-9][0-9]*\)$'
let s:minfontsize = 6
let s:maxfontsize = 16
function! AdjustFontSize(amount)
if has("gui_gtk2") && has("gui_running")
let fontname = substitute(&guifont, s:pattern, '\1', '')
let cursize = substitute(&guifont, s:pattern, '\2', '')
let newsize = cursize + a:amount
if (newsize >= s:minfontsize) && (newsize <= s:maxfontsize)
let newfont = fontname . newsize
let &guifont = newfont
echoerr "You need to run the GTK2 version of Vim to use this function."
function! LargerFont()
call AdjustFontSize(1)
command! LargerFont call LargerFont()
function! SmallerFont()
call AdjustFontSize(-1)
command! SmallerFont call SmallerFont()
function! FindSub()
let subpattern = '\(sub\|function\) \w\+'
let subline = search(subpattern, 'bnW')
if !subline
return 'not in sub'
return matchstr(getline(subline), subpattern)
function! s:DiffWithSaved()
let filetype=&ft
vnew | r # | normal! 1Gdd
exe "setlocal bt=nofile bh=wipe nobl noswf ro ft=" . filetype
com! DiffSaved call s:DiffWithSaved()
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