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A basic first person character controller for Unity3D
// ------------------------------------------
// BasicFPCC.cs
// a basic first person character controller
// with jump, crouch, run, slide
// 2020-10-04 Alucard Jay Kay
// ------------------------------------------
// source :
// Brackeys FPS controller base :
// smooth mouse look :
// ground check : (added isGrounded)
// run, crouch, slide : (added check for headroom before un-crouching)
// interact with rigidbodies :
// ** SETUP **
// Assign the BasicFPCC object to its own Layer
// Assign the Layer Mask to ignore the BasicFPCC object Layer
// CharacterController (component) : Center => X 0, Y 1, Z 0
// Main Camera (as child) : Transform : Position => X 0, Y 1.7, Z 0
// (optional GFX) Capsule primitive without collider (as child) : Transform : Position => X 0, Y 1, Z 0
// alternatively :
// at the end of this script is a Menu Item function to create and auto-configure a BasicFPCC object
// GameObject -> 3D Object -> BasicFPCC
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
#if UNITY_EDITOR // only required if using the Menu Item function at the end of this script
using UnityEditor;
public class BasicFPCC : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Layer Mask")]
[Tooltip("Layer Mask for sphere/raycasts. Assign the Player object to a Layer, then Ignore that layer here.")]
public LayerMask castingMask; // Layer mask for casts. You'll want to ignore the player.
// - Components -
private CharacterController controller; // CharacterController component
private Transform playerTx; // this player object
[Header("Main Camera")]
[Tooltip("Drag the FPC Camera here")]
public Transform cameraTx; // Main Camera, as child of BasicFPCC object
[Header("Optional Player Graphic")]
[Tooltip("optional capsule to visualize player in scene view")]
public Transform playerGFX; // optional capsule graphic object
[Tooltip("Disable if sending inputs from an external script")]
public bool useLocalInputs = true;
public string axisLookHorzizontal = "Mouse X"; // Mouse to Look
public string axisLookVertical = "Mouse Y"; //
public string axisMoveHorzizontal = "Horizontal"; // WASD to Move
public string axisMoveVertical = "Vertical"; //
public KeyCode keyRun = KeyCode.LeftShift; // Left Shift to Run
public KeyCode keyCrouch = KeyCode.LeftControl; // Left Control to Crouch
public KeyCode keyJump = KeyCode.Space; // Space to Jump
public KeyCode keySlide = KeyCode.F; // F to Slide (only when running)
public KeyCode keyToggleCursor = KeyCode.BackQuote; // ` to toggle lock cursor (aka [~] console key)
// Input Variables that can be assigned externally
// the cursor can also be manually locked or freed by calling the public void SetLockCursor( bool doLock )
[HideInInspector] public float inputLookX = 0; //
[HideInInspector] public float inputLookY = 0; //
[HideInInspector] public float inputMoveX = 0; // range -1f to +1f
[HideInInspector] public float inputMoveY = 0; // range -1f to +1f
[HideInInspector] public bool inputKeyRun = false; // is key Held
[HideInInspector] public bool inputKeyCrouch = false; // is key Held
[HideInInspector] public bool inputKeyDownJump = false; // is key Pressed
[HideInInspector] public bool inputKeyDownSlide = false; // is key Pressed
[HideInInspector] public bool inputKeyDownCursor = false; // is key Pressed
[Header("Look Settings")]
public float mouseSensitivityX = 2f; // speed factor of look X
public float mouseSensitivityY = 2f; // speed factor of look Y
[Tooltip("larger values for less filtering, more responsiveness")]
public float mouseSnappiness = 20f; // default was 10f; larger values of this cause less filtering, more responsiveness
public bool invertLookY = false; // toggle invert look Y
public float clampLookY = 90f; // maximum look up/down angle
[Header("Move Settings")]
public float crouchSpeed = 3f; // crouching movement speed
public float walkSpeed = 7f; // regular movement speed
public float runSpeed = 12f; // run movement speed
public float slideSpeed = 14f; // slide movement speed
public float slideDuration = 2.2f; // duration of slide
public float gravity = -9.81f; // gravity / fall rate
public float jumpHeight = 2.5f; // jump height
[Header("Grounded Settings")]
[Tooltip("The starting position of the isGrounded spherecast. Set to the sphereCastRadius plus the CC Skin Width. Enable showGizmos to visualize.")]
// this should be just above the base of the cc, in the amount of the skin width (in case the cc sinks in)
//public float startDistanceFromBottom = 0.2f;
public float groundCheckY = 0.33f; // 0.25 + 0.08 (sphereCastRadius + CC skin width)
[Tooltip("The position of the ceiling checksphere. Set to the height minus sphereCastRadius plus the CC Skin Width. Enable showGizmos to visualize.")]
// this should extend above the cc (by approx skin width) so player can still move when not at full height (not crouching, trying to stand up),
// otherwise if it's below the top then the cc gets stuck
public float ceilingCheckY = 1.83f; // 2.00 - 0.25 + 0.08 (height - sphereCastRadius + CC skin width)
public float sphereCastRadius = 0.25f; // radius of area to detect for ground
public float sphereCastDistance = 0.75f; // How far spherecast moves down from origin point
public float raycastLength = 0.75f; // secondary raycasts (match to sphereCastDistance)
public Vector3 rayOriginOffset1 = new Vector3(-0.2f, 0f, 0.16f);
public Vector3 rayOriginOffset2 = new Vector3(0.2f, 0f, -0.16f);
[Header("Debug Gizmos")]
[Tooltip("Show debug gizmos and lines")]
public bool showGizmos = false; // Show debug gizmos and lines
// - private reference variables -
private float defaultHeight = 0; // reference to scale player crouch
private float cameraStartY = 0; // reference to move camera with crouch
[Header("- reference variables -")]
public float xRotation = 0f; // the up/down angle the player is looking
private float lastSpeed = 0; // reference for calculating speed
private Vector3 fauxGravity =; // calculated gravity
private float accMouseX = 0; // reference for mouse look smoothing
private float accMouseY = 0; // reference for mouse look smoothing
private Vector3 lastPos =; // reference for player velocity
public bool isGrounded = false;
public float groundSlopeAngle = 0f; // Angle of the slope in degrees
public Vector3 groundSlopeDir =; // The calculated slope as a vector
private float groundOffsetY = 0; // calculated offset relative to height
public bool isSlipping = false;
public bool isSliding = false;
public float slideTimer = 0; // current slide duration
public Vector3 slideForward =; // direction of the slide
public bool isCeiling = false;
private float ceilingOffsetY = 0; // calculated offset relative to height
public bool cursorActive = false; // cursor state
void Start()
void Update()
void Initialize()
if ( !cameraTx ) { Debug.LogError( "* " + + ": BasicFPCC has NO CAMERA ASSIGNED in the Inspector *" ); }
controller = GetComponent< CharacterController >();
playerTx = transform;
defaultHeight = controller.height;
lastSpeed = 0;
fauxGravity = Vector3.up * gravity;
lastPos = playerTx.position;
cameraStartY = cameraTx.localPosition.y;
groundOffsetY = groundCheckY;
ceilingOffsetY = ceilingCheckY;
void ProcessInputs()
if ( useLocalInputs )
inputLookX = Input.GetAxis( axisLookHorzizontal );
inputLookY = Input.GetAxis( axisLookVertical );
inputMoveX = Input.GetAxis( axisMoveHorzizontal );
inputMoveY = Input.GetAxis( axisMoveVertical );
inputKeyRun = Input.GetKey( keyRun );
inputKeyCrouch = Input.GetKey( keyCrouch );
inputKeyDownJump = Input.GetKeyDown( keyJump );
inputKeyDownSlide = Input.GetKeyDown( keySlide );
inputKeyDownCursor = Input.GetKeyDown( keyToggleCursor );
if ( inputKeyDownCursor )
void ProcessLook()
accMouseX = Mathf.Lerp( accMouseX, inputLookX, mouseSnappiness * Time.deltaTime );
accMouseY = Mathf.Lerp( accMouseY, inputLookY, mouseSnappiness * Time.deltaTime );
float mouseX = accMouseX * mouseSensitivityX * 100f * Time.deltaTime;
float mouseY = accMouseY * mouseSensitivityY * 100f * Time.deltaTime;
// rotate camera X
xRotation += ( invertLookY == true ? mouseY : -mouseY );
xRotation = Mathf.Clamp( xRotation, -clampLookY, clampLookY );
cameraTx.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler( xRotation, 0f, 0f );
// rotate player Y
playerTx.Rotate( Vector3.up * mouseX );
void ProcessMovement()
// - variables -
float vScale = 1f; // for calculating GFX scale (optional)
float h = defaultHeight;
float nextSpeed = walkSpeed;
Vector3 calc; // used for calculations
Vector3 move; // direction calculation
// player current speed
float currSpeed = ( playerTx.position - lastPos ).magnitude / Time.deltaTime;
currSpeed = ( currSpeed < 0 ? 0 - currSpeed : currSpeed ); // abs value
// - Check if Grounded -
isSlipping = ( groundSlopeAngle > controller.slopeLimit ? true : false );
// - Check Ceiling above for Head Room -
// - Run and Crouch -
// if grounded, and not stuck on ceiling
if ( isGrounded && !isCeiling && inputKeyRun )
nextSpeed = runSpeed; // to run speed
if ( inputKeyCrouch ) // crouch
vScale = 0.5f;
h = 0.5f * defaultHeight;
nextSpeed = crouchSpeed; // slow down when crouching
// - Slide -
// if not sliding, and not stuck on ceiling, and is running
if ( !isSliding && !isCeiling && inputKeyRun && inputKeyDownSlide ) // slide
// check velocity is faster than walkSpeed
if ( currSpeed > walkSpeed )
slideTimer = 0; // start slide timer
isSliding = true;
slideForward = ( playerTx.position - lastPos ).normalized;
lastPos = playerTx.position; // update reference
// check slider timer and velocity
if ( isSliding )
nextSpeed = currSpeed; // default to current speed
move = slideForward; // set input to direction of slide
slideTimer += Time.deltaTime; // slide timer
// if timer max, or isSliding and not moving, then stop sliding
if ( slideTimer > slideDuration || currSpeed < crouchSpeed )
isSliding = false;
else // confirmed player is sliding
vScale = 0.5f; // gfx scale
h = 0.5f * defaultHeight; // height is crouch height
nextSpeed = slideSpeed; // to slide speed
else // - Player Move Input -
move = ( playerTx.right * inputMoveX ) + ( playerTx.forward * inputMoveY );
if ( move.magnitude > 1f )
move = move.normalized;
// - Height -
// crouch/stand up smoothly
float lastHeight = controller.height;
float nextHeight = Mathf.Lerp( controller.height, h, 5f * Time.deltaTime );
// if crouching, or only stand if there is no ceiling
if ( nextHeight < lastHeight || !isCeiling )
controller.height = Mathf.Lerp( controller.height, h, 5f * Time.deltaTime );
// fix vertical position
calc = playerTx.position;
calc.y += ( controller.height - lastHeight ) / 2f;
playerTx.position = calc;
// offset camera
calc = cameraTx.localPosition;
calc.y = ( controller.height / defaultHeight ) + cameraStartY - ( defaultHeight * 0.5f );
cameraTx.localPosition = calc;
// calculate offset
float heightFactor = ( defaultHeight - controller.height ) * 0.5f;
// offset ground check
groundOffsetY = heightFactor + groundCheckY;
// offset ceiling check
ceilingOffsetY = heightFactor + controller.height - ( defaultHeight - ceilingCheckY );
// scale gfx (optional)
if ( playerGFX )
calc = playerGFX.localScale;
calc.y = Mathf.Lerp( calc.y, vScale, 5f * Time.deltaTime );
playerGFX.localScale = calc;
// - Slipping Jumping Gravity -
// smooth speed
float speed;
if ( isGrounded )
if ( isSlipping ) // slip down slope
// movement left/right while slipping down
// player rotation to slope
Vector3 slopeRight = Quaternion.LookRotation( Vector3.right ) * groundSlopeDir;
float dot = Vector3.Dot( slopeRight, playerTx.right );
// move on X axis, with Y rotation relative to slopeDir
move = slopeRight * ( dot > 0 ? inputMoveX : -inputMoveX );
// speed
nextSpeed = Mathf.Lerp( currSpeed, runSpeed, 5f * Time.deltaTime );
// increase angular gravity
float mag = fauxGravity.magnitude;
calc = Vector3.Slerp( fauxGravity, groundSlopeDir * runSpeed, 4f * Time.deltaTime );
fauxGravity = calc.normalized * mag;
// reset angular fauxGravity movement
fauxGravity.x = 0;
fauxGravity.z = 0;
if ( fauxGravity.y < 0 ) // constant grounded gravity
//fauxGravity.y = -1f;
fauxGravity.y = Mathf.Lerp( fauxGravity.y, -1f, 4f * Time.deltaTime );
// - Jump -
if ( !isSliding && !isCeiling && inputKeyDownJump ) // jump
fauxGravity.y = Mathf.Sqrt( jumpHeight * -2f * gravity );
// --
// - smooth speed -
// take less time to slow down, more time speed up
float lerpFactor = ( lastSpeed > nextSpeed ? 4f : 2f );
speed = Mathf.Lerp( lastSpeed, nextSpeed, lerpFactor * Time.deltaTime );
else // no friction, speed changes slower
speed = Mathf.Lerp( lastSpeed, nextSpeed, 0.125f * Time.deltaTime );
// prevent floating if jumping into a ceiling
if ( isCeiling )
speed = crouchSpeed; // clamp speed to crouched
if ( fauxGravity.y > 0 )
fauxGravity.y = -1f; // 0;
lastSpeed = speed; // update reference
// - Add Gravity -
fauxGravity.y += gravity * Time.deltaTime;
// - Move -
calc = move * speed * Time.deltaTime;
calc += fauxGravity * Time.deltaTime;
controller.Move( calc );
// - DEBUG -
// slope angle and fauxGravity debug info
if ( showGizmos )
calc = playerTx.position;
calc.y += groundOffsetY;
Debug.DrawRay( calc, groundSlopeDir.normalized * 5f, );
Debug.DrawRay( calc, fauxGravity, );
// lock/hide or show/unlock cursor
public void SetLockCursor( bool doLock )
cursorActive = doLock;
void ToggleLockCursor()
cursorActive = !cursorActive;
void RefreshCursor()
if ( !cursorActive && Cursor.lockState != CursorLockMode.Locked ) { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; }
if ( cursorActive && Cursor.lockState != CursorLockMode.None ) { Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; }
// check the area above, for standing from crouch
void CeilingCheck()
Vector3 origin = new Vector3( playerTx.position.x, playerTx.position.y + ceilingOffsetY, playerTx.position.z );
isCeiling = Physics.CheckSphere( origin, sphereCastRadius, castingMask );
// find if isGrounded, slope angle and directional vector
void GroundCheck()
//Vector3 origin = new Vector3( transform.position.x, transform.position.y - (controller.height / 2) + startDistanceFromBottom, transform.position.z );
Vector3 origin = new Vector3( playerTx.position.x, playerTx.position.y + groundOffsetY, playerTx.position.z );
// Out hit point from our cast(s)
RaycastHit hit;
// "Casts a sphere along a ray and returns detailed information on what was hit."
if (Physics.SphereCast(origin, sphereCastRadius, Vector3.down, out hit, sphereCastDistance, castingMask))
// Angle of our slope (between these two vectors).
// A hit normal is at a 90 degree angle from the surface that is collided with (at the point of collision).
// e.g. On a flat surface, both vectors are facing straight up, so the angle is 0.
groundSlopeAngle = Vector3.Angle(hit.normal, Vector3.up);
// Find the vector that represents our slope as well.
// temp: basically, finds vector moving across hit surface
Vector3 temp = Vector3.Cross(hit.normal, Vector3.down);
// Now use this vector and the hit normal, to find the other vector moving up and down the hit surface
groundSlopeDir = Vector3.Cross(temp, hit.normal);
// --
isGrounded = true;
isGrounded = false;
} // --
// Now that's all fine and dandy, but on edges, corners, etc, we get angle values that we don't want.
// To correct for this, let's do some raycasts. You could do more raycasts, and check for more
// edge cases here. There are lots of situations that could pop up, so test and see what gives you trouble.
RaycastHit slopeHit1;
RaycastHit slopeHit2;
if (Physics.Raycast(origin + rayOriginOffset1, Vector3.down, out slopeHit1, raycastLength))
// Debug line to first hit point
if (showGizmos) { Debug.DrawLine(origin + rayOriginOffset1, slopeHit1.point,; }
// Get angle of slope on hit normal
float angleOne = Vector3.Angle(slopeHit1.normal, Vector3.up);
if (Physics.Raycast(origin + rayOriginOffset2, Vector3.down, out slopeHit2, raycastLength))
// Debug line to second hit point
if (showGizmos) { Debug.DrawLine(origin + rayOriginOffset2, slopeHit2.point,; }
// Get angle of slope of these two hit points.
float angleTwo = Vector3.Angle(slopeHit2.normal, Vector3.up);
// 3 collision points: Take the MEDIAN by sorting array and grabbing middle.
float[] tempArray = new float[] { groundSlopeAngle, angleOne, angleTwo };
groundSlopeAngle = tempArray[1];
// 2 collision points (sphere and first raycast): AVERAGE the two
float average = (groundSlopeAngle + angleOne) / 2;
groundSlopeAngle = average;
// this script pushes all rigidbodies that the character touches
void OnControllerColliderHit( ControllerColliderHit hit )
Rigidbody body = hit.collider.attachedRigidbody;
// no rigidbody
if ( body == null || body.isKinematic )
// We dont want to push objects below us
if ( hit.moveDirection.y < -0.3f )
// If you know how fast your character is trying to move,
// then you can also multiply the push velocity by that.
body.velocity = hit.moveDirection * lastSpeed;
// Debug Gizmos
void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
if ( showGizmos )
if ( !Application.isPlaying )
groundOffsetY = groundCheckY;
ceilingOffsetY = ceilingCheckY;
Vector3 startPoint = new Vector3( transform.position.x, transform.position.y + groundOffsetY, transform.position.z );
Vector3 endPoint = startPoint + new Vector3( 0, -sphereCastDistance, 0 );
Vector3 ceilingPoint = new Vector3( transform.position.x, transform.position.y + ceilingOffsetY, transform.position.z );
Gizmos.color = ( isGrounded == true ? : Color.white );
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere( startPoint, sphereCastRadius );
Gizmos.color = Color.gray;
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere( endPoint, sphereCastRadius );
Gizmos.DrawLine( startPoint, endPoint );
Gizmos.color = ( isCeiling == true ? : Color.white );
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere( ceilingPoint, sphereCastRadius );
// =======================================================================================================================================
// ** DELETE from here down, if menu item and auto configuration is NOT Required **
// this section adds create BasicFPCC object to the menu : New -> GameObject -> 3D Object
// then configures the gameobject
// demo layer used : Ignore Raycast
// also finds the main camera, attaches and sets position
// and creates capsule gfx object (for visual while editing)
// A using clause must precede all other elements defined in the namespace except extern alias declarations
//using UnityEditor;
public class BasicFPCC_Setup : MonoBehaviour
private static int playerLayer = 2; // default to the Ignore Raycast Layer (to demonstrate configuration)
[MenuItem("GameObject/3D Object/BasicFPCC", false, 0)]
public static void CreateBasicFPCC()
GameObject go = new GameObject( "Player" );
CharacterController controller = go.AddComponent< CharacterController >(); = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 );
BasicFPCC basicFPCC = go.AddComponent< BasicFPCC >();
// Layer Mask
go.layer = playerLayer;
basicFPCC.castingMask = ~(1 << playerLayer);
Debug.LogError( "** SET the LAYER of the PLAYER Object, and the LAYERMASK of the BasicFPCC castingMask **" );
"Assign the BasicFPCC Player object to its own Layer, then assign the Layer Mask to ignore the BasicFPCC Player object Layer. Currently using layer "
+ playerLayer.ToString() + ": " + LayerMask.LayerToName( playerLayer )
// Main Camera
GameObject mainCamObject = GameObject.Find( "Main Camera" );
if ( mainCamObject )
mainCamObject.transform.parent = go.transform;
mainCamObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( 0, 1.7f, 0 );
mainCamObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
basicFPCC.cameraTx = mainCamObject.transform;
else // create example camera
Debug.LogError( "** Main Camera NOT FOUND ** \nA new Camera has been created and assigned. Please replace this with the Main Camera (and associated AudioListener)." );
GameObject camGo = new GameObject( "BasicFPCC Camera" );
camGo.AddComponent< Camera >();
camGo.transform.parent = go.transform;
camGo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( 0, 1.7f, 0 );
camGo.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
basicFPCC.cameraTx = camGo.transform;
// GFX
GameObject gfx = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Capsule );
Collider cc = gfx.GetComponent< Collider >();
DestroyImmediate( cc );
gfx.transform.parent = go.transform;
gfx.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ); = "GFX";
gfx.layer = playerLayer;
basicFPCC.playerGFX = gfx.transform;
// =======================================================================================================================================
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