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  • Save AlunHewinson/5411706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlunHewinson/5411706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Function to find the next permutation after a given permutation in Excel. The function NextPerm is used as in the following example: =NextPerm("acdeb") This gives the result acebd. The function can be used to produce a list of permutations like so: In cell A1 type your starting permutation, e.g. "ABCDE" In cell A2 enter =NextPerm(A1) (you should…
Function NextPerm(ByVal strIndex As String)
nChanger = FindChanger(strIndex)
If nChanger = 0 Then
NextPerm = SortAscending(strIndex)
Exit Function
End If
strNextStart = Left(strIndex, nChanger - 1)
strNextEnd = StepEndUp(Mid(strIndex, nChanger))
NextPerm = strNextStart & strNextEnd
End Function
Function FindChanger(ByVal strIndex As String)
nLen = Len(strIndex)
For n = nLen To 2 Step -1
strEndian = Mid(strIndex, n, 1)
strStartian = Mid(strIndex, n - 1, 1)
nEndian = Asc(strEndian)
nStartian = Asc(strStartian)
If nStartian < nEndian Then FindChanger = n - 1: Exit Function
Next n
FindChanger = 0
End Function
Function StepEndUp(ByVal strIndex As String)
nLen = Len(strIndex)
nNewMid = 999
strStartian = Left(strIndex, 1)
For n = 2 To nLen
strMidian = Mid(strIndex, n, 1)
If Asc(strMidian) > Asc(strStartian) And Asc(strMidian) < nNewMid Then
nNewMid = Asc(strMidian)
End If
Next n
strNewMid = Chr(nNewMid)
strTempEnd = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(strIndex, strNewMid, "")
strEnd = SortAscending(strTempEnd)
StepEndUp = strNewMid & strEnd
End Function
Function SortAscending(ByVal strIndex As String)
nLen = Len(strIndex)
nMin = 999
For n = 1 To nLen
nMin = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(nMin, Asc(Mid(strIndex, n, 1)))
Next n
strTemp = Chr(nMin)
strTempEnd = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(strIndex, strTemp, "")
If Len(strTempEnd) > 1 Then
SortAscending = strTemp & SortAscending(strTempEnd)
SortAscending = strTemp & strTempEnd
End If
End Function
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