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Created July 27, 2015 08:55
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Save AlvaroCaste/fb9a4d4a93bcded33ffa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package bowling
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.{ShouldMatchers, FlatSpec}
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
class BowlingTest extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers with PropertyChecks {
val rolls = Gen.chooseNum(0, Game.TotalPins)
val mediocreFrames = for {
firstRoll <- Gen.chooseNum(0, Game.TotalPins - 1)
secondRoll <- Gen.chooseNum(0, Game.TotalPins - firstRoll - 1)
} yield Seq(firstRoll, secondRoll)
val mediocreLines = Gen.listOfN(Game.TotalFrames, mediocreFrames)
.map(rolls => Line(rolls.flatten))
val spareFrames = for {
firstRoll <- Gen.chooseNum(0, Game.TotalPins - 1)
secondRoll = Game.TotalPins - firstRoll
} yield Seq(firstRoll, secondRoll)
def lineWithNonFinalSpareFrame(bonus: Int) = for {
spareFrameIndex <- Gen.chooseNum(0, Game.TotalFrames - 2)
framesBeforeSpare <- Gen.listOfN(spareFrameIndex, mediocreFrames)
spareFrame <- spareFrames
bonusFrame = Seq(bonus, 0)
framesAfterSpare <- Gen.listOfN(Game.TotalFrames - spareFrameIndex - 2, mediocreFrames)
} yield Line(framesBeforeSpare.flatten ++ spareFrame ++ bonusFrame ++ framesAfterSpare.flatten)
val lastSpareFrames = for {
frame <- spareFrames
bonusRoll <- rolls
} yield frame :+ bonusRoll
"Bowling score" should "be 0 for the gutter game" in {
val gutterLine = Line(Seq.fill(20)(0))
Game.scoreFor(gutterLine) shouldBe 0
it should "be the sum of rolls if no spare or strike is achieved" in {
forAll(mediocreLines) { mediocreLine =>
withClue(mediocreLine) {
Game.scoreFor(mediocreLine) shouldBe mediocreLine.rolls.sum
it should "consider a spare in a non-final frame" in {
val bonus = 7
forAll(lineWithNonFinalSpareFrame(bonus)) { line =>
Game.scoreFor(line) shouldBe line.rolls.sum + bonus
it should "consider a spare in the last frame" in {
val rollAfterSpare = 5
val line = Line(Seq.fill(18)(2) ++ Seq(1, 9, rollAfterSpare))
Game.scoreFor(line) shouldBe line.rolls.sum
it should "be 300 for the perfect game" in {
val perfectLine = Line(Seq.fill(13)(Game.TotalPins))
Game.scoreFor(perfectLine) shouldBe 300
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