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Last active December 12, 2015 14:06
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Save AlvaroFranco/11284510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NSTimer extension with block support and the ability to pause and resume it
// NSTimer+Extension.h
// NSTimer+Extension
// Created by Alvaro Franco on 4/25/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 AlvaroFranco. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface NSTimer (Extension)
+(id)scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)inTimeInterval block:(void (^)())inBlock repeats:(BOOL)inRepeats;
+(id)timerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)inTimeInterval block:(void (^)())inBlock repeats:(BOOL)inRepeats;
// NSTimer+Extension.m
// NSTimer+Extension
// Created by Alvaro Franco on 4/25/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 AlvaroFranco. All rights reserved.
#import "NSTimer+Extension.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation NSTimer (Extension)
+(id)scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)inTimeInterval block:(void (^)())inBlock repeats:(BOOL)inRepeats {
void (^block)() = [inBlock copy];
id ret = [self scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:inTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(executeSimpleBlock:) userInfo:block repeats:inRepeats];
return ret;
+(id)timerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)inTimeInterval block:(void (^)())inBlock repeats:(BOOL)inRepeats {
void (^block)() = [inBlock copy];
id ret = [self timerWithTimeInterval:inTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(executeSimpleBlock:) userInfo:block repeats:inRepeats];
return ret;
+(void)executeSimpleBlock:(NSTimer *)inTimer {
if([inTimer userInfo]) {
void (^block)() = (void (^)())[inTimer userInfo];
static NSString *const NSTimerPauseDate = @"NSTimerPauseDate";
static NSString *const NSTimerPreviousFireDate = @"NSTimerPreviousFireDate";
-(void)pauseTimer {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, (__bridge const void *)(NSTimerPauseDate), [NSDate date], OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, (__bridge const void *)(NSTimerPreviousFireDate), self.fireDate, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
self.fireDate = [NSDate distantFuture];
-(void)resumeTimer {
NSDate *pauseDate = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, (__bridge const void *)NSTimerPauseDate);
NSDate *previousFireDate = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, (__bridge const void *)NSTimerPreviousFireDate);
const NSTimeInterval pauseTime = -[pauseDate timeIntervalSinceNow];
self.fireDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:pauseTime sinceDate:previousFireDate];
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Line:9 should be NSTimer+Extension.h

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could you plz write how we can use it

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