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Last active April 29, 2020 04:35
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Un ejemplo de lo que puede pasar si al menos dos personas contagiadas tienen contacto con otras y estas con otras mas en un corto periodo de tiempo.
// Global function to generate a rnd number
const rndNumber = (maxNumber = 30, minNumber = 1) => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * maxNumber) + minNumber;
// main function goes here, we destructure the variables to be used
const coVid19NI = ({
objDate = new Date(),
currentDate = objDate.toDateString(),
contactedOnes = rndNumber(30),
indirectContactedOnes = rndNumber(10)
} = {}) => {
// Time to calculate all these values, I did a correction from the previous version
const totalAffected =
intReportedCases * contactedOnes * indirectContactedOnes;
const realCases =
totalAffected + intReportedCases * contactedOnes + intReportedCases;
// now we return the whole enchilada on this line, let's proceed to do this!
return `So far (${currentDate}), only ${intReportedCases} Corona Virus cases have been reported by local authorities
in Nicaragua. If each of these cases had contact with at least ${contactedOnes} individuals and then these ones had
contact with at least ${indirectContactedOnes} more people each, We suspect that there must be around ${realCases}
real cases in the whole country.`;
// Let's call the function now, time to put it into action
intReportedCases: 3
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