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Last active April 29, 2020 04:35
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// Ready for Gist
"use strict";
const start_codon = "AUG";
const stop_codon = "STOP";
const codon_to_amino_acid = {
AUG: "Met",
CAA: "Gln",
CAG: "Gln",
GGU: "Gly",
GCG: "Ala",
UUU: "Phe",
UUC: "Phe",
UGG: "Trp",
UAA: stop_codon,
UAG: stop_codon,
UGA: stop_codon
// use to validate only the allowed characters on the regEx rule
function allowedCharacters(concatString) {
var letters = /^[AUGCTaugct]+$/;
if (concatString.match(letters)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Codons to Amino Acids Translation
function setAminoString(res) {
if (res) {
let strConcatenatedValues = [];
let arrResults = res.match(/.{1,3}/g);
arrResults.forEach(element => {
console.log(strConcatenatedValues.join(" "));
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid characters");
// Part 1 implementation
function protein_synthesis_part_1(dna) {
let boolAllowedChars = allowedCharacters(dna);
if (boolAllowedChars) {
// Verify the gene's length is multiple of 3
if (dna.length % 3 !== 0) {
return alert("This gene's length must be a multiple of 3");
} else {
// Transcribe the DNA TO mRNA
let mRNA = dna;
let strTempmRNA;
let stopCodonPosition = 0;
// clearing the DNA base pairs by replacing the T by an U
let boolVal = dna.indexOf("T");
boolVal ? (mRNA = dna.replace(/T/g, "U")) : (mRNA = dna);
// Find where the start codon is
let startCodonPosition ="AUG");
// Find the first Stop Codon position to end the string
stopCodonPosition =|UAG|UGA/);
strTempmRNA = mRNA.slice(startCodonPosition, stopCodonPosition);
return strTempmRNA;
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid characters");
// Part 2 implementation
function protein_synthesis_part_2(dna) {
let boolAllowedChars = allowedCharacters(dna);
if (boolAllowedChars) {
// validate the length of this
if (dna.length % 3 !== 0) {
return console.log("Exon length must be a multiple of 3");
} else {
//String that will contain the exons to be transcribed and translated
let concatMRNAString = "";
// get current param and add it to this local variable
let strRemoveIntrons = dna;
// Cleaning the introns on this string as requested
let strCurrentExons = strRemoveIntrons.replace(/[a-z]/g, "");
//Let's pass it as params to both of these functions to complete the aminos process
concatMRNAString = protein_synthesis_part_1(strCurrentExons);
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid characters");
function main() {
// passing the string as a parameter manually to avoid using prompt
const getmRNAString = protein_synthesis_part_1("CAAATGCAGGCGTAA");
//Proceed to translate all codons except the ones to stop the flow.
// Second Part, where introns and exons are passed as parameter in a whole string
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