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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# From a Github Profile, grab a couple of details that'll give us information about its user
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Made with ❤️ in Python 3 by Alvison Hunter - April 5th, 2021
# For JavaScript, Python & Web Development tips, visit our channel:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import requests
import textwrap
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
# Base list of user profiles.
gh_profiles_lst = ['getify', 'maxschwarzmueller', 'AlvisonHunterArnuero']
# Constants to draw box with title & screen line divider
TOP_BOX_LINES = "╔" + "═"*88 + "╗"
BOTTOM_BOX_LINES = "╚" + "═" * 88 + "╝"
BOX_TITLE = "USER PROFILE #" # The title inside the box
HORIZ_LINE = "-"*90 # simple data divider on screen
# Get current user github profile, add it to gh_profiles_lst
get_profile_name = input("Enter Github User Name: \n")
print("Retrieving information. Please wait...")
# If no user name is provided, let's add Guido Van Rossum
gh_profiles_lst.append('gvanrossum') if (
not get_profile_name) else gh_profiles_lst.append(get_profile_name)
# Time to try all of this, let us do it, folks!
for ind, user in enumerate(gh_profiles_lst):
gh_user = user
url = "" + gh_user
r = requests.get(url)
soup = bs(r.content, 'html.parser')
name = soup.select_one('span.p-name').get_text(strip=True)
nickname = soup.select_one('span.p-nickname').get_text(strip=True)
followers = soup.select_one('div.mb-3 > a > span').get_text(strip=True)
bio = soup.select_one('div.p-note').get_text()
company = soup.select_one('span.p-org').get_text()
location = soup.select_one('span.p-label').get_text()
repos = soup.select_one(
'a.UnderlineNav-item > span').get_text(strip=True)
contributions = soup.select_one(
'div.position-relative > h2').get_text()
# Let's grab the Repositories that are currently pinned on the Profile
pinned_repos = []
for elem in soup.find_all(class_="repo"):
# Let's wrapup the Profile Bio Content Text
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=88)
word_list = wrapper.wrap(text=bio)
# Let's add a boxed Header for each of the profiles
print(f"║ {(BOX_TITLE+str(ind+1)).ljust(86)} ║")
# Additional profile information comes on these lines now
print(f"NAME: {name} | NICKNAME: {nickname} | FOLLOWERS: {followers}")
print(HORIZ_LINE) # This is a simple dashed line on the screen
print("PROFILE BIO:")
# Print each line from the BIO object.
for element in word_list:
print(HORIZ_LINE) # This is a simple dashed line on the screen
print(f"COMPANY: {company} | LOCATION: {location}")
print(HORIZ_LINE) # This is a simple dashed line on the screen
f"REPOSITORIES: {repos} | LAST YEARS CONTRIBUTIONS: {contributions.lstrip().split(' ')[0]}")
print(HORIZ_LINE) # This is a simple dashed line on the screen
print(HORIZ_LINE) # This is a simple dashed line on the screen
# If the pinned repos are less than 6, let's add the difference
if len(pinned_repos) < 6:
for el in range(6-len(pinned_repos)):
# Time to display all of this on the screen, shall we?
for i, elem in enumerate(pinned_repos, 1):
print(str(elem.title()).ljust(30), end='\n' if i % 3 == 0 else ' ')
# If we are unable to find the provided user, let us handle it like this
except AttributeError:
print(HORIZ_LINE) # This is a simple dashed line on the screen
f"Uh oh! We are unable to find user << {gh_user} >> on Github Records.")
print(HORIZ_LINE) # This is a simple dashed line on the screen
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