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Last active April 27, 2024 08:03
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from typing import Any, KeysView
from decouple import config # type: ignore
import psycopg2 # type: ignore
import pymongo # type: ignore
from tabulate import tabulate # type: ignore
from utils import is_promo_day, unique_id, print_table
# Import schemas
from schemas import order_schema, order_items_schema
# Load environment variable values
PG_DBNAME: Any = config('PG_DBNAME')
PG_USER: Any = config('PG_USER')
PG_HOST: Any = config('PG_HOST')
PG_PORT: Any = config('PG_PORT')
# ----------- PostgresSQL Connection Setup -----------
# Connect to PostgresSQL using the above environment variable values
# Attempt to establish a connection to PostgresQL
pg_conn = psycopg2.connect(
# Create the connection cursor instance
print("PostgresQL connection established.")
pg_cur: Any = pg_conn.cursor()
except psycopg2.OperationalError as e:
# Handle connection errors
print(f"Error connecting to PostgresQL: {e}")
# ----- PostgresQL SQL procedures -----------
# Define All Table Headers lists
clients_header = ["Id", "Name", "Address", "Promo Day"]
products_header = ["Id", "name", "barcode", "brand", "Unit Price", "Tax Rate"]
orders_header = ["Id", "Order Date", "Client Id", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Status"]
order_items_header = ["Id", "Product Id", "Quantity"]
popular_brand_header = ["uId", "Order Date", "Client Id", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Status", "Popular Brand"]
order_highest_item_header = ["Id", "Order Date", "Client Id", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Status", "Id", "Product Id",
"Quantity", "UId", "name", "barcode", "brand", "Unit Price", "Tax Rate"]
# Define a dictionary to store SQL queries for better readability and easier editing.
# Each key represents a specific query, with the value being the corresponding SQL string.
pg_queries = {
"clients": "SELECT * FROM clients",
"products": "SELECT * FROM products",
"orders": "SELECT * FROM orders",
"order_items": "SELECT * FROM order_items",
"order_highest_item": "SELECT * FROM orders JOIN order_items ON orders.uid = order_items.order_uid JOIN products ON products.uid = order_items.product_uid",
"popular_brand": "SELECT *, (SELECT brand FROM order_items JOIN products ON order_items.product_uid = products.uid AND order_items.order_uid = orders.uid ORDER BY order_items.quantity DESC LIMIT 1) AS popular_brand FROM orders",
# SQL queries to extract data from PostgresQL DB
clients: Any = pg_cur.fetchall()
print_table("Clients Table", clients, clients_header)
products: Any = pg_cur.fetchall()
print_table("Products Table", products, products_header)
orders: Any = pg_cur.fetchall()
print_table("Orders Table", orders, orders_header)
order_items: Any = pg_cur.fetchall()
print_table("Order Items Table", order_items, order_items_header)
order_highest_item: Any = pg_cur.fetchall()
print_table("Product Info Joined from Product Table", order_highest_item, order_highest_item_header)
popular_brand: Any = pg_cur.fetchall()
print_table("Most Popular Brand Table", popular_brand, popular_brand_header)
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print("Error While processing this Query: ", e.pgerror)
# Close PostgresQL Connection
# ----------- MongoDB Connection Setup -----------
# Connect to MongoDB and create its instance
mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
# Check if the database exists, just for dev purposes
if 'integrationsDB' in mongo_client.list_database_names():
# Drop this DB temporary until we are good to go with the collected data
print("Database 'integrationsDB' dropped.")
# Create the database
mongo_db = mongo_client['integrationsDB']
# Create all MongoDB collections
orders_collection = mongo_db['orders']
# Create indexes for MongoDB collections
orders_collection.create_index('uid', unique=True)
# ----- MongoDB Database Data Transformation procedures -----------
# Orders Iteration to insert data in integrationsDB MongoDB db
for order in orders:
# Determine if it's a promotion day
order_promo_day: tuple[Any] = next(client[3] for client in clients if client[0] == order[2]),
is_promotion_day: bool = is_promo_day(str(order[1]), order_promo_day[0])
# Get order items information to add it to MongoDB orders
order_items_details: tuple[Any] = next(item for item in order_items if item[0] == order[0]),
# Let's get current product details as well
current_product: Any = next(product for product in products if product[0] == order_items_details[0][1])
# Calculate subtotal, taxes, totals
subtotal: float = float(current_product[4])
taxes: float = float(current_product[5])
total: float = round(float(current_product[4]) * (1 + float(current_product[5])), 2)
# Calculate most popular brand as per integration request
most_popular_brand: tuple[Any] = next(brand[6] for brand in popular_brand if brand[0] == order[0]),
# Let's build the dictionary containing the summary of all this info for MONGODB
order_items_dict: dict[str, Any] = {
"uid": order_items_details[0][0],
"quantity": order_items_details[0][2],
"price": total,
"name": current_product[1],
"brand": current_product[3],
# Generate a unique uid for the order
order_uid: str = unique_id()
# Insert order data collected from PostgresQL into our MongoDB database
'uid': order[0],
'date_of_order': order[1],
'client_uid': order[2],
'client_name': next(client[1] for client in clients if client[0] == order[2]),
'client_address': next(client[2] for client in clients if client[0] == order[2]),
'latitude': order[3],
'longitude': order[4],
'status': order[5],
'subtotal': subtotal,
'taxes': taxes,
'total': total,
'is_promotion_day': is_promotion_day,
'most_popular_brand': most_popular_brand[0],
'order_items': order_items_dict,
except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:
print("Error: Duplicated key", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Error inserting data:", e)
print(f"Data inserted successfully for order# {order[0]}")
# Fetch orders from MongoDB
orders = list(orders_collection.find())
# Display orders using tabulate
if orders:
mongo_tbl_headers: KeysView[str] = orders[0].keys()
rows = [[order[field] for field in mongo_tbl_headers] for order in orders]
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
print(tabulate(rows, headers=mongo_tbl_headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid"))
print("No orders found.")
# Close Mongo Connection
# Wrap up this solution letting the user know that all is now ready
print("All Integration Engineer Test requests have been completed!")
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