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Last active June 29, 2019 15:17
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Files for Exception Handling Session
public class LogUtility {
public static void messageLog(String classMethod, String customMessage, Set<Id> recordIds) {
Case logEntry = new Case(
Type = 'Message',
Subject = customMessage,
Description = 'Record IDs: ' + recordIds + '\n'
+ customMessage);
insertLog(logEntry, classMethod);
public static void errorLog(String classMethod, Exception e, Set<Id> recordIds){
Case logEntry = new Case(
Type = 'Exception',
Subject = e.getMessage(),
Description = 'Record IDs: ' + recordIds + '\n'
+ 'Exception Type: ' + e.getTypeName() + '\n'
+ 'Stack Trace: ' + e.getStackTraceString() + '\n'
+ 'Line Number: ' + e.getLineNumber()
insertLog(logEntry, classMethod);
private static void insertLog(Case logEntry, String classMethod) {
if(logEntry != null) {
logEntry.Origin = classMethod;
logEntry.Reason = UserInfo.getUserId();
Database.DMLOptions options = new Database.DMLOptions();
options.allowFieldTruncation = true;
Database.insert(logEntry, options);
public class LogUtility {
//Populate fields on a Case record for a simple custom message
public static void messageLog(String classMethod, String customMessage, Set<Id> recordIds) {
//Prepare a Case record's fields to receive the class + method, the custom message and record IDs
//in the Subject and Description, and set Type to be "Message"
//Send the prepared Case record to insertLog() for final processing
//Populate fields on a Case record for an exception error message
public static void errorLog(String classMethod, Exception e, Set<Id> recordIds){
//Prepare a Case record's fields to receive the class + method, the error message and record IDs
//in the Subject and Description, and set Type to be "Exception"
//Send the prepared Case record to insertLog() for final processing
//insertLog handles the parts of the message and exception methods that are the same
//and then use a Database methods instead of DML to insert the Case, allowing Field Truncation
private static void insertLog(Case logEntry, String classMethod) {
//Add the classMethod String to the Case.Origin field
//Add the running user to the Case.Reason field
//Prepare to insert the Case but...
//...make sure that we protect if from excessively long strings by allowing truncation...
//...which means using Database methods instead of DML
public class LogUtilityTest {
public class MyException extends Exception {}
public static final String TEST_CLASS_METHOD = 'TestClass.TestMethod';
public static final String TEST_LOG_MESSAGE = 'Test this custom message';
public static testMethod void testLogMessage() {
LogUtility.messageLog(TEST_CLASS_METHOD, TEST_LOG_MESSAGE, null);
List<Case> testErrorLogs = new List<Case>([select Subject from Case
where Origin = :TEST_CLASS_METHOD]);
System.assertNotEquals(0, testErrorLogs.size());
List<Id> errorLogIds = new List<Id>();
for(Case c : testErrorLogs) {
if(c.Subject == TEST_LOG_MESSAGE) {
System.assertNotEquals(0, testErrorLogs.size());
public static testMethod void testLogException() {
Exception testException = new MyException(TEST_LOG_MESSAGE);
LogUtility.errorLog(TEST_CLASS_METHOD, testException, null);
List<Case> testErrorLogs = new List<Case>([select Subject, Origin from Case where Origin = :TEST_CLASS_METHOD and Type = 'Exception']);
System.assertNotEquals(0, testErrorLogs.size());
//Try this in Anonymous Apex
List<String> strings = new List<String>();
String s1 = strings[0];
String s2 = strings[1]; // Causes a ListException because we've only got one item in our List
catch(Exception e){
LogUtility.errorLog('From Anonymous Apex', e, new Set<Id>());
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