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Last active November 27, 2019 05:01
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trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after update) {
//prepare an empty Map of ID-to-Account for your updates
Map<ID, Account> acctMapToUpdate = new Map<Id, Account>();
//prepare a for-loop you can use to compare old and new field values
for(Integer i = 0 ; i < ; i++){
Account old = trigger.old[i];
Account nw =[i];
//Evaluate Custom Settings to decide whether to execute actions
//if(Org_Exceptions__c.getOrgDefaults().Bypass_Triggers__c){//Returns only the Organization values, regardless of user
//if(Org_Exceptions__c.getInstance().Bypass_Triggers__c){//Returns values based on User and User's Profile
//if(Feature_Toggles__c.getValues('AccountTrigger').Activated__c){}//Returns setting for specific toggle record
//Check if the value of TickerSymbol changed
if(old.TickerSymbol != nw.TickerSymbol){
//Open the account record for editing and change the Rating field
Account a = new Account(Id = nw.Id, Rating = 'Needs Evaluation');
//Add the account record to your map
acctMapToUpdate.put(nw.Id, a);
//Check if your Map has any records
if(acctMapToUpdate.size() > 0){
//update the account records in your map
update acctMapToUpdate.values();
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after update) {
//prepare an empty Map of ID-to-Account for your updates
//prepare a for-loop you can use to compare old and new field values
//start for-loop
//Check if the value of TickerSymbol changed
//Open the account record for editing and change the Rating field
//Add the account record to your map
//end for-loop
//Check if your Map has any records
//update the account records in your map
public class TestAccountTrigger {
static void initData(){
Account a0 = new Account(Name = 'Account Zero', Industry = 'Finance');
insert a0;
Account a1 = new Account(Name = 'Account One', Industry = 'Finance');
insert a1;
/* These require you to create Custom Settings and their Custom Fields before you can save it in Apex
Feature_Toggles__c toggles = new Feature_Toggles__c(Name = 'AccountTrigger', Activated__c = True);
insert toggles;
Org_Exceptions__c exception1 = new Org_Exceptions__c(Bypass_Triggers__c = True);
insert exception1;
static testMethod void testAll(){
List<Account> getAccts = [Select ID from Account];
List<Account> acctsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
acctsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = getAccts[0].Id, TickerSymbol = 'aZero'));
acctsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = getAccts[1].Id, TickerSymbol = 'aOne'));
update acctsToUpdate;
List<Account> updatedAccts = [Select ID, Rating from Account];
for(Account a : updatedAccts){
System.assertEquals('Needs Evaluation', a.Rating, 'This was supposed to match if TickerSymbol changed');
static testMethod void negativeTest(){
List<Account> getAccts = [Select ID from Account];
List<Account> acctsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
acctsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = getAccts[0].Id, Industry = 'Banking'));
acctsToUpdate.add(new Account(Id = getAccts[1].Id, Industry = 'Banking'));
update acctsToUpdate;
List<Account> updatedAccts = [Select ID, Rating from Account];
for(Account a : updatedAccts){
System.assertNotEquals('Needs Evaluation', a.Rating, 'This was supposed to match only if TickerSymbol changed');
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