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Last active June 22, 2019 13:43
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Guided exercise to create a comparison trigger on Lead to set Rating = Cold on Closed - Not Converted Leads
public class LeadTriggerTest {
public static testMethod void testOneClosedNotConverted(){
Lead l = new Lead();
l.LastName = 'Lead Last Name';
l.Company = 'Lead Company';
insert l;
l.Status = 'Closed - Not Converted';
update l;
//Retrieve the new Status value for the updated Lead
List<Lead> testLeads = [Select Rating from Lead];
//and Assert that it has the value we expect
System.assertEquals('Cold', testLeads[0].Rating);
//Another way to do the same thing when there's only 1 record you want to test
Lead testLead = [Select Rating from Lead Limit 1];
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (After Update) {
//Create a Map of ID to Lead to hold eventual updates
for(){ //Create a for-loop that increments an Integer for each item in
//Instantiate a Lead from trigger.old
//Instantiate a Lead from
if(){ //Create an if condition that checks if Status changed AND that the new status is Closed - Converted
//Instantiate the Lead in the loop for editing, and set Rating = Cold
//Put the Lead into your map
if(){ //Use an if condition to check if there are records in your Map
//Issue an update call to save the edited Leads in your Map
public class LeadTriggerTest {
public static testMethod void testManyClosedNotConverted(){
List<Lead> leadsToInsert = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to hold test data we'll add
//Use a for loop to prepare multiple Leads
for(Integer i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++){
Lead l = new Lead();
l.LastName = 'Lead Last Name' + i;
l.Company = 'Lead Company' + i;
insert leadsToInsert;//Insert our test data
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to update our leads in bulk
//Use a for loop to prepare our updates
for(Lead l : leadsToInsert){
l.Status = 'Closed - Not Converted';
test.startTest();//Start our actual test, updating our records
update leadsToUpdate;//issue update call
List<Lead> testLeads = [Select Rating from Lead];//Query for Leads, getting the field updated by our Lead Trigger
//Use a for loop to check each Lead
for(Lead l : testLeads){
//put this inside your Lead Trigger's for loop, after the first if condition ends
if(){ //Create an if condition that checks if Company changed and that the new value is Our Competitor, Inc.
if(){//Create an if condtion that checks your map to see if it already contains the record Id
leadsToUpdate.get(nw.Id).DoNotCall = True;//If it does, you can get the Do Not Call field, and set it to True
} else {//If the map doesn't contain the record ID...
//Instantiate the Lead in the loop for editing, and set Do Not Call = True
//Put the lead into your map
public class LeadTriggerTest {
public static testMethod void testManyClosedNotConverted(){
List<Lead> leadsToInsert = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to hold test data we'll add
//Use a for loop to prepare multiple Leads
for(Integer i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++){
Lead l = new Lead();
l.LastName = 'Lead Last Name' + i;
l.Company = 'Lead Company' + i;
insert leadsToInsert;//Insert our test data
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to update our leads in bulk
//Use a for loop to prepare our updates
for(Lead l : leadsToInsert){
l.Status = 'Closed - Not Converted';
test.startTest();//Start our actual test, updating our records
update leadsToUpdate;//issue update call
List<Lead> testLeads = [Select Rating from Lead];//Query for Leads, getting the field updated by our Lead Trigger
//Use a for loop to check each Lead
for(Lead l : testLeads){
System.assertEquals('Cold', l.Rating);
public static testMethod void testManyDoNotCall(){
List<Lead> leadsToInsert = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to hold test data we'll add
//Use a for loop to prepare multiple Leads
for(Integer i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++){
Lead l = new Lead();
l.LastName = 'Lead Last Name' + i;
l.Company = 'Lead Company' + i;
insert leadsToInsert;//Insert our test data
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to update our leads in bulk
//Use a for loop to prepare our updates
for(Lead l : leadsToInsert){
l.Company = 'Our Competitor, Inc.';
test.startTest();//Start our actual test, updating our records
update leadsToUpdate;//issue update call
List<Lead> testLeads = [Select DoNotCall from Lead];//Query for Leads, getting the field updated by our Lead Trigger
//Use a for loop to check each Lead
for(Lead l : testLeads){
public class LeadTriggerTest {
public static list<Lead> testData = new List<Lead>();
public static void createTestData(){
List<Lead> leadsToInsert = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to hold test data we'll add
//Use a for loop to prepare multiple Leads
for(Integer i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++){
Lead l = new Lead();
l.LastName = 'Lead Last Name' + i;
l.Company = 'Lead Company' + i;
insert testData;//Insert our test data
public static testMethod void testManyClosedNotConverted(){
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to update our leads in bulk
//Use a for loop to prepare our updates
for(Lead l : testData){
l.Status = 'Closed - Not Converted';
test.startTest();//Start our actual test, updating our records
update leadsToUpdate;//issue update call
List<Lead> testLeads = [Select Rating from Lead];//Query for Leads, getting the field updated by our Lead Trigger
//Use a for loop to check each Lead
for(Lead l : testLeads){
System.assertEquals('Cold', l.Rating);
public static testMethod void testManyDoNotCall(){
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to update our leads in bulk
//Use a for loop to prepare our updates
for(Lead l : testData){
l.Company = 'Our Competitor, Inc.';
test.startTest();//Start our actual test, updating our records
update leadsToUpdate;//issue update call
List<Lead> testLeads = [Select DoNotCall from Lead];//Query for Leads, getting the field updated by our Lead Trigger
//Use a for loop to check each Lead
for(Lead l : testLeads){
public class LeadTriggerTest {
public static void createTestData(){
List<Lead> leadsToInsert = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to hold test data we'll add
//Use a for loop to prepare multiple Leads
for(Integer i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++){
Lead l = new Lead();
l.LastName = 'Lead Last Name' + i;
l.Company = 'Lead Company' + i;
insert leadsToInsert;//Insert our test data
public static testMethod void testManyClosedNotConverted(){
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to update our leads in bulk
//Use a for loop to prepare our updates
for(Lead l : [Select Status from Lead]){
l.Status = 'Closed - Not Converted';
test.startTest();//Start our actual test, updating our records
update leadsToUpdate;//issue update call
List<Lead> testLeads = [Select Rating from Lead];//Query for Leads, getting the field updated by our Lead Trigger
//Use a for loop to check each Lead
for(Lead l : testLeads){
System.assertEquals('Cold', l.Rating);
public static testMethod void testManyDoNotCall(){
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();//Create a List to update our leads in bulk
//Use a for loop to prepare our updates
for(Lead l : [Select Company from Lead]){
l.Company = 'Our Competitor, Inc.';
test.startTest();//Start our actual test, updating our records
update leadsToUpdate;//issue update call
List<Lead> testLeads = [Select DoNotCall from Lead];//Query for Leads, getting the field updated by our Lead Trigger
//Use a for loop to check each Lead
for(Lead l : testLeads){
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (After Update) {
Map<ID, Lead> leadsToUpdate = new Map<ID, Lead>();//Create a Map to hold eventual updates
//This is a very common pattern for iterating over the list of records
//We use the size() method for Lists to handle each Lead in
for(Integer i = 0 ; i < ; i++){
Lead old = trigger.old[i];
Lead nw =[i];//We cannot use "new" as our variable name, it's a reserved word.
if(old.Status != nw.Status && nw.Status == 'Closed - Not Converted'){
Lead l = new Lead(Id = nw.Id, Rating = 'Cold');
leadsToUpdate.put(nw.Id, l);
if(old.Company != nw.Company && nw.Company == 'Our Competitor, Inc.'){
leadsToUpdate.get(nw.Id).DoNotCall = True;
} else {
Lead l = new Lead(Id = nw.Id, DoNotCall = True);
leadsToUpdate.put(nw.Id, l);
//BEST PRACTICE: Use size() again to check that you have records to be updated first
if(leadsToUpdate.size() > 0){
update leadsToUpdate.values();
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