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Created July 23, 2010 18:56
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  • Save AlyxRen/487874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlyxRen/487874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Code for
$.get('url', function(data){
//data is a JSON Array ['0','1','2']
var end = $('<div>');
//add the <ul> and traverse into it
//make the anonymous function
var x = -1,
//data is accessible due to functional scoping
// make a jquery <div> just to hold the appended Objects
while(++x<y) {
//return everything under the output </code><code class="javascript"> container
return oput.children();
)//continue chaining;
var _get = (function reload(){
//If theres no GET Key Values, just return an empty Object;
if (!{ return {}; }
//remove the '?'
var list =,
//Make an array of ['Key=Value',]
keyVals = keyvals.split('&amp;'),
//build the hash object
baz = (function(){
var x=-1, y=keyVals.length, oput = {}, key;
//loop through each KeyValue
while(++x&lt;y) {
//split out key and value
key = keyVals[x].split('=');
//set key = value, or true if there's no value I.E. :: /i.html?simple&amp;this=NotSimple
oput[key[0].toLowerCase()] = key[1] || true;
//in case you change the url without forcing a reset, you can reload the Hash Object
oput.Re = reload;
return oput;
return baz;
//Set the Global refrence to the Hash Object
window._GET = _get;
Object.create(Object prototype, Object objectDescriptors);
//Property descriptors
value: '', //value to be set initially, any type
writable: true, //whether or not it may be modified
get: function(){}, //return value is what will be returned when accessed
set: function(inp){}, //function called when property is set.
enumerable: true, //shows up on a for ... in loop if true
configurable: true //if false, is set to read-only(property is unwritable, and cannot be deleted, and this cannot be modified)
var asd = Object.create(Object.prototype, {
'foo': {
value: "Bar",
writable: true,
enumerable: false
'rix': {
get: function(){
set: function(inp){ = inp;
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
});; //outputs "Bar",
asd.rix; //outputs "BarBar",
asd.rix = "Baz";; //outputs "Baz",
asd.rix; //outputs "BazBaz",
for (var i in asd){
} //outputs only "rix", does not go over "foo"
var foo = "true";
foo; //outputs "true"
(true) && (foo = "I'm done!!");
foo; //outputs "I'm done!!"
(true) || (foo = "fooBar");
foo; //outputs "I'm done!!"
//function defaults::
function fooBar(aab, baa){
aab = aab || "foo";
baa = baa || "Bar";
return aab + baa;
//Typecasting 101::
// .toString()
406+''; //"406"
[100,42,"hello Dolly",86]+''; //"100,42,hello Dolly,86"
// parseInt(str, 10)
"406"*1; //406
"604"-0; //604
"1313"/1; //1313
// Math.floor**
~~1.59678; //1
~~6.954899; //6
~~-2.649875; //-2**
// Boolean()
!!0; //false
!![]; //true
!!""; //false
!!34; //true
**:the only difference between ~~ and Math.floor is negative numbers,
Math.floor drops everything to the lowest interger side while
~~ pulls to the closest to 0.
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