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Created June 5, 2017 13:19
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  • Save AmaanC/7331a19e8ee918282adbba3d74387d39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  • emms
  • movd
  • movq
  • packssdw
  • packsswb
  • packuswb
  • paddb
  • paddd
  • paddsb
  • paddsw
  • paddusb
  • paddusw
  • paddw
  • pand
  • pandn
  • pcmpeqb
  • pcmpeqd
  • pcmpeqw
  • pcmpgtb
  • pcmpgtd
  • pcmpgtw
  • pmaddwd
  • pmulhw
  • pmullw
  • pshufw
  • por
  • pslld
  • psllq
  • psllw
  • psrad
  • psraw
  • psrld
  • psrlq
  • psrlw
  • psubb
  • psubd
  • psubsb
  • psubsw
  • psubusb
  • psubusw
  • psubw
  • punpckhbw
  • punpckhdq
  • punpckhwd
  • punpcklbw
  • punpckldq
  • punpcklwd

(Several such as movd, movq, psrlw, etc. have multiple instruction encodings)

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