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Last active June 19, 2021 16:36
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DSL wrapper for working with regular expressions in a readable manner in F#. Gist messes with the file ordering, but the correct file order is: Types > Evaluation > Operators > ActivePatterns > Examples
module Krow.Regex.ActivePatterns
open System.Text
let (|Regex|_|) (pattern:IRegex) input =
if input = null then
let match' = RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(input, pattern |> Regex.evaluate)
if match'.Success then
Some( List.tail [ for groups in match'.Groups -> groups.Value ])
with _ -> None
let (|Regexs|) (pattern:IRegex) input =
if input = null then [] else
let matches = RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(input, pattern |> Regex.evaluate)
[ for match' in matches do (List.tail [ for group in match'.Groups -> group.Value ]) ]
with e -> []
module Krow.Regex.Evaluation
open Krow.Regex.Types
open System.Text
module Regex =
let escape s = (RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape s).Replace("]", "\]")
let unescape (s:string) = (RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape (s.Replace("\]", "]")))
module private Helpers =
let groupable (regex:IRegex) =
match regex with
| :? Regex.Sequence | :? Regex.OneOf -> Regex.NonCapturing regex :> IRegex
| _ -> regex
let listGroupable (regex:IRegex) =
match regex with
| :? Regex.OneOf -> Regex.NonCapturing regex :> IRegex
| _ -> regex
let rec charsetContent charSet =
match charSet with
| CharSet.OneOf chars ->
let string = (new string(chars |> List.toArray)).Replace("/",@"\/")
| CharSet.Range (first,last) ->
| CharSet.Multiple charSets ->
charSets |> charsetContent |> List.reduce (+)
let referenceString reference =
match reference with
| Group.Positional number -> number |> string
| Group.Named string -> string
|> escape
let rec evaluate (regex:IRegex) =
match regex with
| :? Regex.Literal as literal ->
let (Regex.Literal literal) = literal
escape literal
| :? Regex.Raw as literal ->
let (Regex.Raw literal) = literal
| :? Regex.OneOf as oneOf ->
let (Regex.OneOf regexs) = oneOf
|> evaluate |> String.concat "|"
| :? Regex.Sequence as sequence ->
let (Regex.Sequence regexs) = sequence
regexs |> (listGroupable >> evaluate) |> String.concat ""
| :? Regex.NonCapturing as grouping ->
let (Regex.NonCapturing regex) = grouping
$@"(?:{evaluate regex})"
| :? Mode.WithModes as withModes ->
let (Mode.WithModes (modes, regex)) = withModes
let modeChar = function
| Mode.CaseInsensitive -> "i"
| Mode.Multiline -> "m"
| Mode.ExplicitCapture -> "n"
| Mode.IgnoreUnescapedWhiteSpace -> "x"
let modeList = modes |> modeChar |> String.concat ""
| :? Group.Reference as reference ->
let string = reference |> referenceString
match reference with
| Group.Positional _ -> $@"\{string}"
| Group.Named _ -> $@"\k<{string}>"
| :? Look.Look as look ->
match look with
| Look.Ahead regex -> $@"(?={regex |> evaluate})"
| Look.Behind regex -> $@"(?<={regex |> evaluate})"
| :? Look.Negated as look ->
let (Look.Negated look) = look
match look with
| Look.Ahead regex -> $@"(?!{regex |> evaluate})"
| Look.Behind regex -> $@"(?<!{regex |> evaluate})"
| :? Group.Group as group ->
let (Group.Group(group,regex)) = group
let regex = regex |> evaluate
match group with
// Capturing
| Group.Capturing -> $@"({regex})"
| Group.CapturingWithName name -> $@"(?<{name}>{regex})"
// Non capturing
| Group.NonBacktrackingGrouping -> $@"(?>{regex})"
// Balancing
| Group.UnCapturing reference ->
$@"(?<-{reference |> referenceString}>{regex})"
| Group.Balancing (newName, reference) ->
$@"(?<{newName |> escape}-{reference |> referenceString}>{regex})"
| :? SpecialChar.SpecialChar as special ->
match special with
| SpecialChar.WildCard -> @"."
| SpecialChar.Bell -> @"\a"
| SpecialChar.Backspace -> @"\b"
| SpecialChar.Tab -> @"\t"
| SpecialChar.VerticalTab -> @"\v"
| SpecialChar.CarriageReturn -> @"\r"
| SpecialChar.NewLine -> @"\n"
| SpecialChar.Escaped -> @"\e"
| SpecialChar.Octal oct -> $@"\{oct}"
| SpecialChar.Hexadecimal hex -> $@"\x{hex}"
| SpecialChar.ASCII ascii -> $@"\u{ascii}"
| :? Anchor.Anchor as anchor ->
match anchor with
| Anchor.Start -> @"\A"
| Anchor.StartOfLine -> @"^"
| Anchor.End -> @"\z"
| Anchor.EndOfLine -> @"$"
| Anchor.Boundary -> @"\b"
| Anchor.NotBoundary -> @"\B"
| Anchor.AfterMatch -> @"\G"
| :? CharSet.CharSet as charSet ->
$"[{charsetContent charSet}]"
| :? CharSet.Negated as negated ->
let (CharSet.Negated charSet) = negated
$"[^{charsetContent charSet}]"
| :? CharClass.CharClass as charClass ->
match charClass with
| CharClass.InUnicodeBlock block -> $@"\p{{{block}}}"
| CharClass.LetterOrDigit -> @"\w"
| CharClass.WhitespaceChar -> @"\s"
| CharClass.Digit -> @"\d"
| :? CharClass.Negated as negated ->
let (CharClass.Negated charClass) = negated
match charClass with
| CharClass.InUnicodeBlock block -> $@"\P{{{block}}}"
| CharClass.LetterOrDigit -> @"\W"
| CharClass.WhitespaceChar -> @"\S"
| CharClass.Digit -> @"\D"
| :? Quantity.Quantified as quantified ->
match quantified with
| Quantity.Greedy (regex,quantity) ->
let regex = regex |> groupable |> evaluate
match quantity with
| Quantity.Exactly amount ->
| Quantity.AtLeast amount ->
if amount = 0 then
else if amount = 1 then
| Quantity.Between (min,max) ->
if min = 0 && max = 1 then
| Quantity.Lazy (regex,quantity) ->
let greedQuantified = Quantity.Greedy(regex,quantity) |> evaluate
greedQuantified + "?"
| :? Condition.Conditional as conditional ->
let evaluateCondition = function
| Condition.Regex regex -> regex |> evaluate
| Condition.Reference reference -> reference |> referenceString
$@"(?({conditional.If |> evaluateCondition}){conditional.Then |> evaluate}|{conditional.Else |> evaluate})"
| _ -> failwith "Not supported"
module Examples
open Krow.Regex
let bounded (regex:IRegex) =
Anchor.Start + regex + Anchor.End
let lineBounded (regex:IRegex) =
Anchor.StartOfLine + regex + Anchor.EndOfLine
let separatedList separator (regex:IRegex) =
regex + (separator + regex) * (0,())
module Guid =
let hexDigit = CharSet.Range('0', '9') / CharSet.Range('a', 'f')
let guid =
Regex.Sequence [
hexDigit * 8 + "-"
hexDigit * 4 + "-"
CharSet.Range('1', '5') + "-"
CharSet.OneOf ['8';'9';'a';'b']
hexDigit * 3 + "-"
hexDigit * 12
module Email =
let allowedSpecialChars = CharSet.OneOf [
let alphaNumeric = CharSet.Range('a','z') / CharSet.Range('0','9')
let alphaNumericOrHyphen = alphaNumeric / "-"
module Hex =
let group1 =
|> (fun a -> SpecialChar.Hexadecimal a :> IRegex)
|> Regex.OneOf
let group2 =
|> (fun a -> SpecialChar.Hexadecimal a :> IRegex)
|> Regex.OneOf
let part = group1 / ( @"\" + group2)
let name = part * (0,())
let quotedName = "\"" + name + "\""
module User =
let stringPart = (alphaNumeric / allowedSpecialChars) * (1,())
let stringName = separatedList "." stringPart
let name = stringName / Hex.quotedName
module Ip =
let ipPart =
Regex.OneOf [
"25" + CharSet.Range('0','5')
"2" + CharSet.Range('0','4') + CharSet.Range('0','9')
CharSet.OneOf ['0';'1'] + CharSet.Range('0','9') + CharSet.Range('0','9')
let hexPart =
alphaNumericOrHyphen * (0,()) + alphaNumeric + ":" +
let lastPart = ipPart / hexPart
let address = "[" + (ipPart + ".") * 3 + lastPart + "]"
module Domain =
let part = (alphaNumeric * (1,())) |> separatedList "-"
let name = part |> separatedList "."
let email = bounded ( + "@" + (Ip.address /
module Krow.Regex.Operators
open Regex
type RegexSequence = RegexSequence with
static member (?<-) (RegexSequence, first:Sequence, second:Sequence) =
let (Sequence list1) = first
let (Sequence list2) = second
Sequence(list1 @ list2)
static member (?<-) (RegexSequence, first:IRegex, second:Sequence) =
(?<-) RegexSequence (Sequence [first]) second
static member (?<-) (RegexSequence, first:Sequence, second:IRegex) =
(?<-) RegexSequence first (Sequence [second])
static member (?<-) (RegexSequence, first:IRegex, second:IRegex) =
(?<-) RegexSequence (Sequence [first]) (Sequence [second])
static member (?<-) (RegexSequence, first:string, second:IRegex) =
(?<-) RegexSequence (Sequence [Literal first]) (Sequence [second])
static member (?<-) (RegexSequence, first:IRegex, second:string) =
(?<-) RegexSequence (Sequence [first]) (Sequence [Literal second])
static member inline (?<-) (RegexSequence, first, second) =
first + second
let inline (+) first second : 'R = ( (?<-) RegexSequence first second)
type RegexOneOf = RegexOneOf with
static member (?<-) (RegexOneOf, first:OneOf, second:OneOf) =
let (OneOf list1) = first
let (OneOf list2) = second
OneOf(list1 @ list2)
static member (?<-) (RegexOneOf, first:IRegex, second:OneOf) =
(?<-) RegexOneOf (OneOf [first]) second
static member (?<-) (RegexOneOf, first:OneOf, second:IRegex) =
(?<-) RegexOneOf first (OneOf [second])
static member (?<-) (RegexOneOf, first:IRegex, second:IRegex) =
OneOf [first;second]
static member (?<-) (RegexOneOf, first:CharSet.CharSet, second:CharSet.CharSet) =
match first,second with
| CharSet.Multiple charsets1, CharSet.Multiple charsets2 ->
CharSet.Multiple (charsets1 @ charsets2)
| CharSet.Multiple charsets1, charset2 ->
CharSet.Multiple (charsets1 @ [charset2])
| charset1, CharSet.Multiple charsets2 ->
CharSet.Multiple (charset1 :: charsets2)
| charset1, charset2 ->
CharSet.Multiple [charset1;charset2]
static member (?<-) (RegexOneOf, CharSet.Negated first, CharSet.Negated second) =
CharSet.Negated ((?<-) RegexOneOf first second)
static member (?<-) (RegexOneOf, first:string, second:IRegex) =
(?<-) RegexOneOf (OneOf [Literal first]) (OneOf [second])
static member (?<-) (RegexOneOf, first:IRegex, second:string) =
(?<-) RegexOneOf (OneOf [first]) (OneOf [Literal second])
static member inline (?<-) (RegexOneOf, first, second) =
first / second
let inline (/) first second : 'R = ( (?<-) RegexOneOf first second)
type RegexQuantification = RegexQuantification with
static member (?<-) (RegexQuantification, regex, quantity) =
Quantity.Greedy(regex, Quantity.Exactly quantity)
static member (?<-) (RegexQuantification, regex, quantity) =
Quantity.Greedy(regex, Quantity.Between quantity)
static member (?<-) (RegexQuantification, regex, quantity) =
let quantity, () = quantity
Quantity.Greedy(regex, Quantity.AtLeast quantity)
static member inline (?<-) (RegexQuantification, first, second) =
first * second
let inline ( * ) first second : 'R = ( (?<-) RegexQuantification first second)
type RegexLazyQuantification = RegexLazyQuantification with
static member (?<-) (RegexLazyQuantification, regex, quantity) =
Quantity.Lazy(regex, Quantity.Exactly quantity)
static member (?<-) (RegexLazyQuantification, regex, quantity) =
Quantity.Lazy(regex, Quantity.Between quantity)
static member (?<-) (RegexLazyQuantification, regex, quantity) =
let quantity, () = quantity
Quantity.Lazy(regex, Quantity.AtLeast quantity)
static member inline (?<-) (RegexLazyQuantification, first, second) =
first *? second
let inline ( *? ) first second : 'R = ( (?<-) RegexLazyQuantification first second)
type RegexNegation = RegexNegation with
static member (?<-) (RegexNegation, charClass:CharClass.CharClass, _) =
CharClass.Negated charClass
static member (?<-) (RegexNegation, charClass:CharClass.Negated, _) =
let (CharClass.Negated charClass) = charClass
static member (?<-) (RegexNegation, charClass:CharSet.CharSet, _) =
CharSet.Negated charClass
static member (?<-) (RegexNegation, charClass:CharSet.Negated, _) =
let (CharSet.Negated charClass) = charClass
static member (?<-) (RegexNegation, look:Look.Look, _) =
Look.Negated look
static member (?<-) (RegexNegation, look:Look.Negated, _) =
let (Look.Negated look) = look
static member inline (?<-) (RegexNegation, first, _) =
let inline (!) first : 'R = ( (?<-) RegexNegation first ())
let aaa = !(Look.Ahead (Literal "aa"))
module Krow.Regex.Types
type IRegex = interface end
module Regex =
type Literal =
| Literal of string
interface IRegex
type Raw =
| Raw of string
interface IRegex
type OneOf =
| OneOf of IRegex list
interface IRegex
type Sequence =
| Sequence of IRegex list interface IRegex
type internal NonCapturing =
| NonCapturing of IRegex
interface IRegex
module Mode =
type Mode =
| CaseInsensitive
| Multiline
| ExplicitCapture
| IgnoreUnescapedWhiteSpace
type WithModes =
| WithModes of Mode list * IRegex
interface IRegex
module Look =
type Look =
| Ahead of IRegex
| Behind of IRegex
interface IRegex
type Negated =
|Negated of Look interface IRegex
module Group =
type Reference =
| Positional of int
| Named of string
interface IRegex
type Kind =
// Capturing
| Capturing
| CapturingWithName of string
// Non capturing
| NonBacktrackingGrouping
// Balancing
| UnCapturing of Reference // Balancing while omitting first arg
| Balancing of string * Reference
type Group =
| Group of Kind * IRegex
interface IRegex
module SpecialChar =
type SpecialChar =
| WildCard
| Bell
| Backspace
| Tab
| VerticalTab
| CarriageReturn
| NewLine
| Escaped
| Octal of string
| Hexadecimal of string
| ASCII of string
interface IRegex
module Anchor =
type Anchor =
| Start
| StartOfLine
| End
| EndOfLine
| Boundary
| NotBoundary
| AfterMatch
interface IRegex
module CharSet =
type CharSet =
| OneOf of char list
| Range of char * char
| Multiple of CharSet list
interface IRegex
type Negated =
| Negated of CharSet
interface IRegex
module CharClass =
type CharClass =
| InUnicodeBlock of string
| LetterOrDigit
| WhitespaceChar
| Digit
interface IRegex
type Negated =
| Negated of CharClass
interface IRegex
module Quantity =
type Quantity =
| Exactly of int
| AtLeast of int
| Between of int * int
type Quantified =
| Greedy of IRegex * Quantity
| Lazy of IRegex * Quantity
interface IRegex
module Condition =
type Condition =
| Regex of IRegex
| Reference of Group.Reference
type Conditional =
{ If: Condition; Then: IRegex; Else: IRegex }
interface IRegex
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amieres commented Feb 11, 2021

Here is a version of the evaluator the uses sprintf for those in prior versions of F#:

    let escape s = (RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape s).Replace("]", "\]")    // changed

    let rec evaluate = function
        | Literal string  -> escape string
        | LiteralRegex rx -> rx   // added

        | AnyChar         -> @"."
        | Bell            -> @"\a"
        | Backspace       -> @"\b"
        | Tab             -> @"\t"
        | VerticalTab     -> @"\v"
        | CarriageReturn  -> @"\r"
        | NewLine         -> @"\n"
        | Escaped         -> @"\e"
        | Octal oct       -> sprintf @"\%s"  (string oct  )
        | Hexadecimal hex -> sprintf @"\x%s" (string hex  )
        | ASCII ascii     -> sprintf @"\u%s" (string ascii)

        // Anchors
        | Start         -> @"\A"
        | StartOfLine   -> @"^"
        | End           -> @"\z"
        | EndOfLine     -> @"$"
        | Boundary      -> @"\b"
        | NotBoundary   -> @"\B"
        | AfterMatch    -> @"\G"

        // CHAR CLASSES
        | OneOf chars          ->
                                  let string = new string(chars |> List.toArray) |> escape
                                  sprintf @"[%s]" string
        | OneOfEscaped  string -> sprintf @"[%s]" string   // added
        | InRange (first,last) -> sprintf @"[%s-%s]" (string first |> escape) (string last |> escape)
        | InUnicodeBlock block -> sprintf @"\p{{%s}}" (block)
        | LetterOrDigit        -> @"\w"
        | WhitespaceChar       -> @"\s"
        | Digit                -> @"\d"

        | NotOneOf chars           ->
                                      let string = new string(chars |> List.toArray) |> escape
                                      sprintf @"[^%s]" (string)
        | NotOneOfEscaped   string -> sprintf @"[^%s]" string   // added
        | NotInRange (first, last) -> sprintf @"[^%s-%s]" (string first |> escape) (string last |> escape)
        | NotInUnicodeBlock block  -> sprintf @"\P{{%s}}" (block)
        | NotLetterOrDigit         -> @"\W"
        | NotWhitespaceChar        -> @"\S"
        | NotDigit                 -> @"\D"

        // Capturing
        | Capturing                regex  -> sprintf @"(%s)" (regex |> evaluate)
        | CapturingWithName (name, regex) -> sprintf @"(?<%s>%s)" (name) (regex |> evaluate)
        | ReferenceTo reference ->
            match reference with
            | Positional number -> sprintf @"\%s" (number |> string |> escape)
            | Named string -> sprintf @"\k<%s>" (string |> escape)
        // Non capturing
        | Grouping regex -> sprintf @"(?:%s)" (regex |> evaluate)
        | NonBacktrackingGrouping regex -> sprintf @"(?>%s)" (regex |> evaluate)
        // Options
        | WithOptions (modes, regex) ->
            let modeList = modes |> (modeChar>>string) |> String.concat ""
            sprintf @"(?%s:%s)" (modeList) (regex |> evaluate)
        // Lookaround
        | LookingAheadFor regex -> sprintf @"(?=%s)" (regex |> evaluate)
        | LookingAheadAgainst regex -> sprintf @"(?!%s)" (regex |> evaluate)
        | LookingBehindFor regex -> sprintf @"(?<=%s)" (regex |> evaluate)
        | NotLookingBehindAgainst regex -> sprintf @"(?<!%s)" (regex |> evaluate)

        // Balancing
        | UnCapturing (reference,regex) ->
            sprintf @"(?<-%s>%s)" (reference |>referenceString) (regex |> evaluate)
        | Balancing (newName, reference, regex) ->
            sprintf @"(?<%s-%s>%s)" (newName |> escape) (reference |>referenceString) (regex |> evaluate)

        // Combination
        | Either regexs -> regexs |> evaluate |> String.concat "|"
        | Sequence regexs -> regexs |> evaluate |> String.concat ""

        // Ternaries
        | If (condition,yes,no) ->
            sprintf @"(?(%s)%s|%s)" (condition |> evaluate) (yes |> evaluate) (no |> evaluate)
        | IfGroup (reference,yes,no) ->
            sprintf @"(?(%s)%s|%s)" (reference |> referenceString) (yes |> evaluate) (no |> evaluate)

        | OneTimeOrNone          regex  -> sprintf @"%s?"          (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate)
        | MoreThanOnce           regex  -> sprintf @"%s+"          (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate)
        | ManyTimesOrNone        regex  -> sprintf @"%s*"          (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate)
        | Exactly       (amount ,regex) -> sprintf @"%s{{%s}}"     (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate) (string amount)
        | AtLeast       (amount ,regex) -> sprintf @"%s{{%s,}}"    (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate) (string amount)
        | Between       (min,max,regex) -> sprintf @"%s{{%s,%s}}"  (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate) (string min) (string max)

        | OneTimeOrNoneLazily    regex  -> sprintf @"%s??"         (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate)
        | MoreThanOnceLazily     regex  -> sprintf @"%s+?"         (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate)
        | ManyTimesOrNoneLazily  regex  -> sprintf @"%s*?"         (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate)
        | ExactlyLazily (amount, regex) -> sprintf @"%s{{%s}}?"    (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate) (string amount)
        | AtLeastLazily (amount, regex) -> sprintf @"%s{{%s,}}?"   (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate) (string amount)
        | BetweenLazily (min,max,regex) -> sprintf @"%s{{%s,%s}}?" (regex |> quantifiable |> evaluate) (string min) (string max)

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amieres commented Feb 11, 2021

It is working very well.
Except for ||| that doesn't seem to overload like + does.

  • Literal "this" ||| Literal "that" works
  • Literal "this" ||| "that" doesn't work
    I'm not sure why

So I changed to '/'. I know is not symmetrical and it doesn't seem commutative. OTOH it confers the meaning well.
For instance: Literal "Err" / "Warn" / "Info" is very readable.

Also RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape doesn't escape the character ] which is a problem when doing OneOf, so I changed it to:

    let escape s = (RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape s).Replace("]", "\]")

Here is an example:

let parseErrWarnInfo = """
Err (1, 7) - (1, 12): "This shows over there as an error".
Warn (2, 7) - (2, 12): "This shows over there as a warning".
Info (3, 7) - (3, 12): "This shows over there as information".

let digitsCap  = MoreThanOnce Digit |> Capturing
let spaces     = ManyTimesOrNone WhitespaceChar 
let coords     = "(" + digitsCap + "," + spaces + digitsCap + ")"
let notOneOf v = Seq.toList v |> NotOneOf 

let errWarnInfo =
    Sequence [
        Capturing(Literal "Err" / "Warn" / "Info")             + " "
        coords                                                 + " - "
        coords                                                 + ": "
        "\"" + Capturing (notOneOf "\"" |> MoreThanOnceLazily) + "\"."
    |> evaluate

printfn "Regex: %s" errWarnInfo  

// (Err|Warn|Info)\ \((\d+),\s*(\d+)\)\ -\ \((\d+),\s*(\d+)\):\ "([^"]+?)"\.

I also changed the operator for Either so it preserves the original order. I doesn't make a difference to the regex, but the rearranging was a little disconcerting.

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amieres commented Feb 11, 2021

With a couple of active patterns:

    let (|Regex|_|) pattern input =
        if input = null then None else
            let m = RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(input, pattern)
            if m.Success then Some(List.tail [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ])
            else None
        with e -> None

    let (|Regexs|) pattern input =
        if input = null then [| |] else
            let ms = RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(input, pattern)
            [| for m in ms do yield (List.tail [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ]) |] 
        with e -> [| |]

then it can be used very nicely like this:

match parseErrWarnInfo with Regexs errWarnInfo r -> printfn "Matches found:\n%A" r

match parseErrWarnInfo with
| Regex errWarnInfo r -> printfn "First Match: %A" r
| _ -> printfn "No match found"

match parseErrWarnInfo with Regexs errWarnInfo r -> printfn "Matches found:\n%A" r

//  Matches found:
//  [|["Err"; "1"; "7"; "1"; "12"; "This shows over there as an error"];
//    ["Warn"; "2"; "7"; "2"; "12"; "This shows over there as a warning"];
//    ["Info"; "3"; "7"; "3"; "12"; "This shows over there as information"]|]

match parseErrWarnInfo with
| Regex errWarnInfo r -> printfn "First Match: %A" r
| _ -> printfn "No match found"

// First Match: ["Err"; "1"; "7"; "1"; "12"; "This shows over there as an error"]

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amieres commented Feb 11, 2021


let hexDigit    = InRange('0', '9') / InRange('a', 'f')
let hexDigits n = Exactly(uint32 n, hexDigit)

Sequence [
    hexDigits  8      + "-"
    hexDigits  4      + "-"
    InRange('1', '5')
    hexDigits  3      + "-"
    oneOf     "89ab"
    hexDigits  3      + "-"
    hexDigits 12
|> evaluate
|> printfn "%s"

//  (?:[0-9]|[a-f]){8}-(?:[0-9]|[a-f]){4}-[1-5](?:[0-9]|[a-f]){3}-[89ab](?:[0-9]|[a-f]){3}-(?:[0-9]|[a-f]){12}

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amieres commented Feb 11, 2021


let allowed  = NotOneOfEscaped (escape "<>()[].,;:@" + evaluate WhitespaceChar) |> MoreThanOnce
let listSep sep elems = elems + ManyTimesOrNone (Literal sep + elems)

listSep "." allowed + "@" + listSep "." allowed
|> evaluate
|> printfn "%s"

in this case allowed needed to include \s without further escaping. For this case I added:

| LiteralRegex  of string
| OneOfEscaped  of string
| NotOneOfEscaped of string
| LiteralRegex rx -> rx
| OneOfEscaped  string -> sprintf @"[%s]" string
| NotOneOfEscaped   string -> sprintf @"[^%s]" string

to allow for cases not contemplated or for composing with regex from other sources.

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