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Created November 7, 2019 17:02
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  • Save Amar1729/805058ed36cc911fd4569e93ad045826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Amar1729/805058ed36cc911fd4569e93ad045826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
src/infer $ git checkout v0.17.0
M facebook-clang-plugins
Note: switching to 'v0.17.0'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:
git switch -c <new-branch-name>
Or undo this operation with:
git switch -
Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false
HEAD is now at 99464c01d Bump facebook-clang-plugins version
src/infer $ ./ -y java
initializing opam...
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
installing infer dependencies; this can take up to 30 minutes...
[WARNING] Lock file opam.locked is outdated, you may want to re-run opam lock:
Dependencies present in opam file not in lock file:
- utop
The following actions will be performed:
↘ downgrade ocamlfind 1.8.1 to 1.8.0
↘ downgrade camlidl 1.07 to 1.05
∗ install camlp4 4.07+1 [required by javalib]
⊘ remove ounit2 2.2.1 [conflicts with dune]
↻ recompile ppx_tools 5.1+4.06.0 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade zarith 1.9.1 to 1.7 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade parmap 1.0-rc11 to 1.0-rc10 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade menhir 20190924 to 20190626 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade camlzip 1.09 to 1.08 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade mlgmpidl 1.2.12 to 1.2.10 [uses camlidl, ocamlfind]
↻ recompile base-bytes base [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade dune 1.11.4 to 1.10.0
↻ recompile apron 20160125 [uses camlidl, ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade ounit 2.2.1 to 2.0.8 [uses ocamlfind]
↻ recompile stdlib-shims 0.1.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile spawn v0.13.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile sexplib0 v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile result 1.4 [uses dune]
↻ recompile re 1.9.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_derivers 1.2.1 [uses dune]
↻ recompile jbuilder transition [uses dune]
↻ recompile jane-street-headers v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile dune-configurator 1.0.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile cppo 1.6.6 [uses dune]
↻ recompile base64 3.2.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ANSITerminal 0.8.1 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade ocaml-compiler-libs v0.12.1 to v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile elina 1.1 [uses camlidl, ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade topkg 1.0.1 to 1.0.0 [uses ocamlfind]
↻ recompile ocaml-migrate-parsetree 1.4.0 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade octavius 1.2.1 to 1.2.0 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade easy-format 1.3.2 to 1.3.1
↻ recompile base v0.12.2 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade extlib 1.7.6 to 1.7.5 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade mtime 1.2.0 to 1.1.0 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade integers 0.3.0 to 0.2.2 [uses ocamlfind]
↻ recompile ppxfind 1.3 [uses dune, ocamlfind]
↻ recompile atd 2.0.0 [uses easy-format]
↘ downgrade biniou 1.2.1 to 1.2.0 [uses easy-format]
↻ recompile variantslib v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile typerep v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile stdio v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile parsexp v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile fieldslib v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade javalib 3.1.1 to 3.1 [uses ocamlfind]
↘ downgrade ctypes 0.15.1 to 0.14.0 [uses ocamlfind]
↻ recompile ppx_deriving 4.4 [uses dune]
↻ recompile yojson 1.7.0 [uses dune, easy-format]
↻ recompile sqlite3 4.4.1 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade ppxlib 0.8.1 to 0.8.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile sexplib v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade sawja 1.5.7 to 1.5.6 [uses ocamlfind]
↻ recompile atdgen-runtime 2.0.0 [uses jbuilder]
↻ recompile ppx_variants_conv v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_typerep_conv v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_stable v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_sexp_conv v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_pipebang v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_optional v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_optcomp v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_let v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_js_style v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_inline_test v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_here v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_fields_conv v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_enumerate v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_compare v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile atdgen 2.0.0 [uses jbuilder]
↻ recompile ppx_custom_printf v0.12.1 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_bench v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_sexp_value v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_sexp_message v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_fail v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_hash v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_assert v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile bin_prot v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_base v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile splittable_random v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_expect v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile jst-config v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_bin_prot v0.12.1 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade base_quickcheck v0.12.1 to v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile time_now v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_module_timer v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile ppx_jane v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile base_bigstring v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade core_kernel v0.12.3 to v0.12.2 [uses dune]
↻ recompile protocol_version_header v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile async_kernel v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↘ downgrade core v0.12.4 to v0.12.3 [uses dune]
↻ recompile async_rpc_kernel v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile textutils v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile async_unix v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile async_extra v0.12.0 [uses dune]
↻ recompile async v0.12.0 [uses dune]
===== ∗ 1 ↻ 69 ↘ 24 ⊘ 1 =====
<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
[ANSITerminal.0.8.1] found in cache
[apron.20160125] found in cache
[async.v0.12.0] found in cache
[async_extra.v0.12.0] found in cache
[async_kernel.v0.12.0] found in cache
[async_rpc_kernel.v0.12.0] found in cache
[async_unix.v0.12.0] found in cache
[atd.2.0.0] found in cache
[atdgen.2.0.0] found in cache
[atdgen-runtime.2.0.0] found in cache
[base.v0.12.2] found in cache
[base64.3.2.0] found in cache
[base_bigstring.v0.12.0] found in cache
[bin_prot.v0.12.0] found in cache
[base_quickcheck.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[biniou.1.2.0] downloaded from cache at
[camlidl.1.05] downloaded from cache at
[camlzip.1.08] downloaded from cache at
[camlp4.4.07+1] downloaded from cache at
[cppo.1.6.6] found in cache
[core.v0.12.3] downloaded from cache at
[core_kernel.v0.12.2] downloaded from cache at
[ctypes.0.14.0] downloaded from cache at
[elina.1.1] found in cache
[easy-format.1.3.1] downloaded from cache at
[dune.1.10.0] downloaded from cache at
[fieldslib.v0.12.0] found in cache
[extlib.1.7.5] downloaded from cache at
[integers.0.2.2] downloaded from cache at
[jane-street-headers.v0.12.0] found in cache
[jst-config.v0.12.0] found in cache
[javalib.3.1] downloaded from cache at
[mlgmpidl.1.2.10] downloaded from cache at
[menhir.20190626] downloaded from cache at
[mtime.1.1.0] downloaded from cache at
[ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0] found in cache
[ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[octavius.1.2.0] downloaded from cache at
[ocamlfind.1.8.0] downloaded from cache at
[ounit.2.0.8] downloaded from cache at
[parsexp.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_assert.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_base.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_bench.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_bin_prot.v0.12.1] found in cache
[ppx_compare.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_custom_printf.v0.12.1] found in cache
[ppx_derivers.1.2.1] found in cache
[ppx_deriving.4.4] found in cache
[ppx_enumerate.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_expect.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_fail.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_fields_conv.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_hash.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_here.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_inline_test.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_jane.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_js_style.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_let.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_module_timer.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_optcomp.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_optional.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_pipebang.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_sexp_conv.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_sexp_message.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_sexp_value.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_stable.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_tools.5.1+4.06.0] found in cache
[ppx_typerep_conv.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppx_variants_conv.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppxfind.1.3] found in cache
[protocol_version_header.v0.12.0] found in cache
[parmap.1.0-rc10] downloaded from cache at
[re.1.9.0] found in cache
[result.1.4] found in cache
[sexplib.v0.12.0] found in cache
[ppxlib.0.8.0] downloaded from cache at
[sexplib0.v0.12.0] found in cache
[spawn.v0.13.0] found in cache
[splittable_random.v0.12.0] found in cache
[sqlite3.4.4.1] found in cache
[stdio.v0.12.0] found in cache
[stdlib-shims.0.1.0] found in cache
[textutils.v0.12.0] found in cache
[time_now.v0.12.0] found in cache
[typerep.v0.12.0] found in cache
[sawja.1.5.6] downloaded from cache at
[variantslib.v0.12.0] found in cache
[yojson.1.7.0] found in cache
[topkg.1.0.0] downloaded from cache at
[zarith.1.7] downloaded from cache at
<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
⊘ removed elina.1.1
⊘ removed apron.20160125
⊘ removed mlgmpidl.1.2.12
⊘ removed camlidl.1.07
⊘ removed ounit.2.2.1
⊘ removed ounit2.2.2.1
⊘ removed parmap.1.0-rc11
⊘ removed zarith.1.9.1
∗ installed camlidl.1.05
⊘ removed ANSITerminal.0.8.1
⊘ removed async.v0.12.0
⊘ removed async_extra.v0.12.0
⊘ removed async_rpc_kernel.v0.12.0
⊘ removed async_unix.v0.12.0
⊘ removed async_kernel.v0.12.0
⊘ removed atdgen.2.0.0
⊘ removed atd.2.0.0
⊘ removed atdgen-runtime.2.0.0
⊘ removed base64.3.2.0
⊘ removed ctypes.0.15.1
⊘ removed integers.0.3.0
⊘ removed menhir.20190924
⊘ removed mtime.1.2.0
⊘ removed ppx_deriving.4.4
⊘ removed ppx_tools.5.1+4.06.0
⊘ removed ppxfind.1.3
⊘ removed protocol_version_header.v0.12.0
⊘ removed sqlite3.4.4.1
⊘ removed stdlib-shims.0.1.0
⊘ removed textutils.v0.12.0
⊘ removed core.v0.12.4
⊘ removed core_kernel.v0.12.3
⊘ removed base_bigstring.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_jane.v0.12.0
⊘ removed base_quickcheck.v0.12.1
⊘ removed ppx_bin_prot.v0.12.1
⊘ removed bin_prot.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_expect.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_custom_printf.v0.12.1
⊘ removed ppx_fail.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_fields_conv.v0.12.0
⊘ removed fieldslib.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_let.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_module_timer.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_optional.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_pipebang.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_sexp_value.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_stable.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_typerep_conv.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_variants_conv.v0.12.0
⊘ removed re.1.9.0
⊘ removed sexplib.v0.12.0
⊘ removed parsexp.v0.12.0
⊘ removed spawn.v0.13.0
⊘ removed splittable_random.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_bench.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_inline_test.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_sexp_message.v0.12.0
⊘ removed time_now.v0.12.0
⊘ removed jane-street-headers.v0.12.0
⊘ removed jst-config.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_assert.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_base.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_enumerate.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_hash.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_compare.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_here.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_js_style.v0.12.0
⊘ removed octavius.1.2.1
⊘ removed jbuilder.transition
⊘ removed ppx_optcomp.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppx_sexp_conv.v0.12.0
⊘ removed ppxlib.0.8.1
⊘ removed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.1
⊘ removed ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0
⊘ removed ppx_derivers.1.2.1
⊘ removed result.1.4
⊘ removed stdio.v0.12.0
⊘ removed topkg.1.0.1
⊘ removed typerep.v0.12.0
⊘ removed variantslib.v0.12.0
⊘ removed base.v0.12.2
⊘ removed dune-configurator.1.0.0
⊘ removed sexplib0.v0.12.0
⊘ removed yojson.1.7.0
⊘ removed biniou.1.2.1
⊘ removed easy-format.1.3.2
⊘ removed sawja.1.5.7
⊘ removed javalib.3.1.1
⊘ removed camlzip.1.09
⊘ removed extlib.1.7.6
⊘ removed base-bytes.base
⊘ removed cppo.1.6.6
⊘ removed dune.1.11.4
⊘ removed ocamlfind.1.8.1
∗ installed camlp4.4.07+1
∗ installed dune.1.10.0
∗ installed cppo.1.6.6
∗ installed dune-configurator.1.0.0
∗ installed jane-street-headers.v0.12.0
∗ installed jbuilder.transition
∗ installed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.0
∗ installed ocamlfind.1.8.0
∗ installed base-bytes.base
∗ installed ANSITerminal.0.8.1
∗ installed base64.3.2.0
∗ installed camlzip.1.08
∗ installed easy-format.1.3.1
∗ installed biniou.1.2.0
∗ installed extlib.1.7.5
∗ installed mlgmpidl.1.2.10
∗ installed javalib.3.1
∗ installed menhir.20190626
∗ installed atd.2.0.0
∗ installed octavius.1.2.0
∗ installed ounit.2.0.8
∗ installed parmap.1.0-rc10
∗ installed ppx_derivers.1.2.1
∗ installed ppx_tools.5.1+4.06.0
∗ installed re.1.9.0
∗ installed result.1.4
∗ installed sawja.1.5.6
∗ installed sexplib0.v0.12.0
∗ installed ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0
∗ installed base.v0.12.2
∗ installed fieldslib.v0.12.0
∗ installed parsexp.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppxfind.1.3
∗ installed apron.20160125
∗ installed sexplib.v0.12.0
∗ installed spawn.v0.13.0
∗ installed stdio.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_deriving.4.4
∗ installed sqlite3.4.4.1
∗ installed stdlib-shims.0.1.0
∗ installed topkg.1.0.0
∗ installed integers.0.2.2
∗ installed elina.1.1
∗ installed mtime.1.1.0
∗ installed typerep.v0.12.0
∗ installed variantslib.v0.12.0
∗ installed yojson.1.7.0
∗ installed atdgen-runtime.2.0.0
∗ installed atdgen.2.0.0
∗ installed zarith.1.7
∗ installed ppxlib.0.8.0
∗ installed ctypes.0.14.0
∗ installed ppx_compare.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_enumerate.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_fields_conv.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_here.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_inline_test.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_js_style.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_let.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_optcomp.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_optional.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_pipebang.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_sexp_conv.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_assert.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_bench.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_custom_printf.v0.12.1
∗ installed ppx_fail.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_hash.v0.12.0
∗ installed jst-config.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_sexp_message.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_sexp_value.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_stable.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_typerep_conv.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_variants_conv.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_base.v0.12.0
∗ installed splittable_random.v0.12.0
∗ installed bin_prot.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_expect.v0.12.0
∗ installed time_now.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_bin_prot.v0.12.1
∗ installed base_quickcheck.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_module_timer.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_jane.v0.12.0
∗ installed base_bigstring.v0.12.0
∗ installed core_kernel.v0.12.2
∗ installed protocol_version_header.v0.12.0
∗ installed async_kernel.v0.12.0
∗ installed async_rpc_kernel.v0.12.0
∗ installed core.v0.12.3
∗ installed textutils.v0.12.0
∗ installed async_unix.v0.12.0
∗ installed async_extra.v0.12.0
∗ installed async.v0.12.0
<><> jbuilder.transition installed successfully <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
=> Jbuilder has been renamed and the jbuilder package is now a transition package. Use the dune package instead.
preparing build...
checking for .release... no
checking for .facebook... no
checking for build platform... Darwin
checking for Windows build... no
checking for python2.7... python2.7
checking for xcode-select... xcode-select
checking for xcrun... xcrun
checking for clang... clang
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether clang accepts -g... yes
checking for clang option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... no
checking for awk... awk
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/local/bin/ginstall -c
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/local/bin/gmkdir -p
checking for ocamlc... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlc
OCaml version is 4.07.1
OCaml library path is /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/ocaml
checking for ocamlopt... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlopt
checking for ocamlc.opt... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlc.opt
checking for ocamlopt.opt... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlopt.opt
checking for dynlink.cmxa... yes
checking for ocaml... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocaml
checking for ocamldep... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamldep
checking for ocamlmktop... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlmktop
checking for ocamlmklib... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlmklib
checking for ocamldoc... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamldoc
checking for ocamlbuild... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlbuild
checking if OCaml version is >= 4.06.1... yes
checking for ocamlbuild... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlbuild
checking for ocamlfind... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlfind
checking for ocamllex... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamllex
checking for ocamllex.opt... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamllex.opt
checking for menhir... menhir
checking for OCaml findlib package atdgen... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/atdgen
checking for OCaml findlib package biniou... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/biniou
checking for OCaml findlib package camlzip... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/camlzip
checking for OCaml findlib package easy-format... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/easy-format
checking for OCaml findlib package oUnit... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/oUnit
checking for utop... no
checking for OCaml findlib package yojson... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/yojson
checking for opam... opam
checking opam version... 2.0.5
checking current opam root... /Users/paula1/.opam
checking current opam switch... ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda
checking for java... java
checking for javac... javac
checking for OCaml findlib package javalib... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/javalib
checking for OCaml findlib package sawja... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/sawja
checking for Java major version... 8
checking for JAVA_HOME... /Users/paula1/.sdkman/candidates/java/8.0.172-zulu/jre/..
checking for inflateEnd in -lz... yes
checking for atdgen... atdgen
checking which .buckversion to use... dotbuckversion
checking for getconf... getconf
checking the number of cpus the build host has... 4
checking for ant... no
checking for buck... no
checking for emacs... emacs
checking for mvn... no
checking for ndk-build... no
checking for ndk-build... no
checking for Python module lxml... unavailable
checking for xcpretty... no
checking for sed... sed
checking if sed is GNU sed... no
checking for gsed... gsed
checking for brew... brew
checking for install_name_tool... install_name_tool
checking for ldd... no
checking for otool... otool
checking for patchelf... no
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile.autoconf
[11:57:45][25505] Generating source dependencies...
[ 1s][25505] SUCCESS Generating source dependencies
[11:57:46][25704] Building native(opt) Infer...
[ 68s][25704] SUCCESS Building native(opt) Infer
[11:58:54][30394] Building Infer models...
[ 6s][30394] SUCCESS Building Infer models
[11:59:00][30882] Building Infer manuals...
[ 2s][30882] SUCCESS Building Infer manuals
*** Success! Infer is now built in '/opt/src/infer/infer/bin/'.
*** Install infer on your system with `make install`.
*** If you plan to hack on infer, check out to setup your dev environment.
src/infer $ git rev-parse HEAD
src/infer $ ./ -y java
initializing opam...
[NOTE] Will configure from built-in defaults.
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
- you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system.
- you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system.
<><> Fetching repository information ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
[default] Initialised
<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
[ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda] downloaded from cache at
<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
∗ installed base-bigarray.base
∗ installed base-threads.base
∗ installed base-unix.base
∗ installed ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda
∗ installed ocaml-config.1
∗ installed ocaml.4.07.1
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
installing infer dependencies; this can take up to 30 minutes...
[WARNING] Lock file opam.locked is outdated, you may want to re-run opam lock:
Dependencies present in opam file not in lock file:
- utop
The following actions will be performed:
∗ install conf-gmp 1
∗ install conf-m4 1
∗ install ocamlbuild 0.14.0
∗ install cmdliner 1.0.4
∗ install camlidl 1.07
∗ install seq base
∗ install conf-perl 1
∗ install conf-pkg-config 1.1
∗ install dune 1.11.4
∗ install conf-which 1
∗ install conf-mpfr 1
∗ install ocamlfind 1.8.1
∗ install conf-zlib 1
∗ install conf-sqlite3 1
∗ install stdlib-shims 0.1.0
∗ install spawn v0.13.0
∗ install sexplib0 v0.12.0
∗ install result 1.4
∗ install re 1.9.0
∗ install ppx_derivers 1.2.1
∗ install ocaml-compiler-libs v0.12.1
∗ install jbuilder transition
∗ install jane-street-headers v0.12.0
∗ install integers 0.3.0
∗ install easy-format 1.3.2
∗ install dune-configurator 1.0.0
∗ install cppo 1.6.6
∗ install conf-autoconf 0.1
∗ install zarith 1.9.1
∗ install topkg 1.0.1
∗ install ppx_tools 5.1+4.06.0
∗ install parmap 1.0-rc11
∗ install ocamlgraph 1.8.8
∗ install num 1.2
∗ install mlgmpidl 1.2.12
∗ install menhir 20190924
∗ install base-bytes base
∗ install camlzip 1.09
∗ install ocaml-migrate-parsetree 1.4.0
∗ install octavius 1.2.1
∗ install biniou 1.2.1
∗ install base v0.12.2
∗ install xmlm 1.3.0
∗ install mtime 1.2.0
∗ install apron 20160125
∗ install atd 2.0.0
∗ install ounit2 2.2.1
∗ install extlib 1.7.6
∗ install ctypes 0.15.1
∗ install base64 3.2.0
∗ install ANSITerminal 0.8.1
∗ install ppxfind 1.3
∗ install yojson 1.7.0
∗ install variantslib v0.12.0
∗ install typerep v0.12.0
∗ install stdio v0.12.0
∗ install parsexp v0.12.0
∗ install fieldslib v0.12.0
∗ install elina 1.1
∗ install ounit 2.2.1
∗ install javalib 3.1.1
∗ install ppx_deriving 4.4
∗ install atdgen-runtime 2.0.0
∗ install sqlite3 4.4.1
∗ install ppxlib 0.8.1
∗ install sexplib v0.12.0
∗ install sawja 1.5.7
∗ install atdgen 2.0.0
∗ install ppx_variants_conv v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_typerep_conv v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_stable v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_sexp_conv v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_pipebang v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_optional v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_optcomp v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_let v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_js_style v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_inline_test v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_here v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_fields_conv v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_enumerate v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_compare v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_custom_printf v0.12.1
∗ install ppx_bench v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_sexp_value v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_sexp_message v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_fail v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_hash v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_assert v0.12.0
∗ install bin_prot v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_base v0.12.0
∗ install splittable_random v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_expect v0.12.0
∗ install jst-config v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_bin_prot v0.12.1
∗ install base_quickcheck v0.12.1
∗ install time_now v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_module_timer v0.12.0
∗ install ppx_jane v0.12.0
∗ install base_bigstring v0.12.0
∗ install core_kernel v0.12.3
∗ install protocol_version_header v0.12.0
∗ install core v0.12.4
∗ install async_kernel v0.12.0
∗ install textutils v0.12.0
∗ install async_unix v0.12.0
∗ install async_rpc_kernel v0.12.0
∗ install async_extra v0.12.0
∗ install async v0.12.0
===== ∗ 109 =====
<><> Gathering sources ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
[ANSITerminal.0.8.1] downloaded from cache at
[async.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[async_extra.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[async_kernel.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[async_rpc_kernel.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[apron.20160125] downloaded from cache at
[async_unix.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[atd.2.0.0] downloaded from cache at
[base.v0.12.2] downloaded from cache at
[atdgen.2.0.0] downloaded from cache at
[base64.3.2.0] downloaded from cache at
[base_bigstring.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[base_quickcheck.v0.12.1] downloaded from cache at
[biniou.1.2.1] downloaded from cache at
[bin_prot.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[atdgen-runtime.2.0.0] downloaded from cache at
[camlidl.1.07] downloaded from cache at
[camlzip.1.09] downloaded from cache at
[cmdliner.1.0.4] downloaded from cache at
[cppo.1.6.6] downloaded from cache at
[core.v0.12.4] downloaded from cache at
[core_kernel.v0.12.3] downloaded from cache at
[ctypes.0.15.1] downloaded from cache at
[dune.1.11.4] downloaded from cache at
[easy-format.1.3.2] downloaded from cache at
[extlib.1.7.6] downloaded from cache at
[fieldslib.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[integers.0.3.0] downloaded from cache at
[elina.1.1] downloaded from cache at
[jane-street-headers.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[javalib.3.1.1] downloaded from cache at
[jst-config.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[mlgmpidl.1.2.12] downloaded from cache at
[mtime.1.2.0] downloaded from cache at
[num.1.2] downloaded from cache at
[ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.1] downloaded from cache at
[menhir.20190924] downloaded from cache at
[ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0] downloaded from cache at
[ocamlbuild.0.14.0] downloaded from cache at
[ocamlfind.1.8.1] downloaded from cache at
[octavius.1.2.1] downloaded from cache at
[ocamlgraph.1.8.8] downloaded from cache at
[ounit.2.2.1] downloaded from cache at
[parmap.1.0-rc11] downloaded from cache at
[parsexp.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_assert.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_base.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_bench.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_bin_prot.v0.12.1] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_compare.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ounit2.2.2.1] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_custom_printf.v0.12.1] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_derivers.1.2.1] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_enumerate.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_deriving.4.4] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_expect.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_fail.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_fields_conv.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_hash.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_here.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_inline_test.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_jane.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_js_style.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_let.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_module_timer.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_optcomp.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_optional.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_pipebang.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_sexp_conv.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_sexp_message.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_sexp_value.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_stable.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_tools.5.1+4.06.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_typerep_conv.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppx_variants_conv.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[ppxfind.1.3] downloaded from cache at
[ppxlib.0.8.1] downloaded from cache at
[protocol_version_header.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[re.1.9.0] downloaded from cache at
[result.1.4] downloaded from cache at
[sexplib.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[sexplib0.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[sawja.1.5.7] downloaded from cache at
[spawn.v0.13.0] downloaded from cache at
[splittable_random.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[stdio.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[sqlite3.4.4.1] downloaded from cache at
[stdlib-shims.0.1.0] downloaded from cache at
[textutils.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[time_now.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[topkg.1.0.1] downloaded from cache at
[variantslib.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[typerep.v0.12.0] downloaded from cache at
[xmlm.1.3.0] downloaded from cache at
[yojson.1.7.0] downloaded from cache at
[zarith.1.9.1] downloaded from cache at
<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
∗ installed camlidl.1.07
∗ installed cmdliner.1.0.4
∗ installed conf-gmp.1
∗ installed conf-m4.1
∗ installed conf-mpfr.1
∗ installed conf-perl.1
∗ installed conf-pkg-config.1.1
∗ installed conf-sqlite3.1
∗ installed conf-which.1
∗ installed conf-autoconf.0.1
∗ installed conf-zlib.1
∗ installed ocamlfind.1.8.1
∗ installed base-bytes.base
∗ installed camlzip.1.09
∗ installed mlgmpidl.1.2.12
∗ installed num.1.2
∗ installed ocamlbuild.0.14.0
∗ installed dune.1.11.4
∗ installed ANSITerminal.0.8.1
∗ installed base64.3.2.0
∗ installed cppo.1.6.6
∗ installed dune-configurator.1.0.0
∗ installed easy-format.1.3.2
∗ installed biniou.1.2.1
∗ installed extlib.1.7.6
∗ installed integers.0.3.0
∗ installed jane-street-headers.v0.12.0
∗ installed javalib.3.1.1
∗ installed apron.20160125
∗ installed elina.1.1
∗ installed jbuilder.transition
∗ installed ctypes.0.15.1
∗ installed menhir.20190924
∗ installed ocaml-compiler-libs.v0.12.1
∗ installed ocamlgraph.1.8.8
∗ installed parmap.1.0-rc11
∗ installed ppx_derivers.1.2.1
∗ installed ppx_tools.5.1+4.06.0
∗ installed octavius.1.2.1
∗ installed result.1.4
∗ installed sawja.1.5.7
∗ installed atd.2.0.0
∗ installed seq.base
∗ installed sexplib0.v0.12.0
∗ installed re.1.9.0
∗ installed spawn.v0.13.0
∗ installed stdlib-shims.0.1.0
∗ installed ounit2.2.2.1
∗ installed ounit.2.2.1
∗ installed topkg.1.0.1
∗ installed base.v0.12.2
∗ installed fieldslib.v0.12.0
∗ installed mtime.1.2.0
∗ installed ocaml-migrate-parsetree.1.4.0
∗ installed stdio.v0.12.0
∗ installed parsexp.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppxfind.1.3
∗ installed sexplib.v0.12.0
∗ installed sqlite3.4.4.1
∗ installed typerep.v0.12.0
∗ installed variantslib.v0.12.0
∗ installed xmlm.1.3.0
∗ installed yojson.1.7.0
∗ installed ppx_deriving.4.4
∗ installed zarith.1.9.1
∗ installed atdgen-runtime.2.0.0
∗ installed atdgen.2.0.0
∗ installed ppxlib.0.8.1
∗ installed ppx_compare.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_enumerate.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_fields_conv.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_here.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_inline_test.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_js_style.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_let.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_optcomp.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_optional.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_pipebang.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_sexp_conv.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_assert.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_bench.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_custom_printf.v0.12.1
∗ installed ppx_fail.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_hash.v0.12.0
∗ installed jst-config.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_sexp_message.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_sexp_value.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_stable.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_typerep_conv.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_variants_conv.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_base.v0.12.0
∗ installed splittable_random.v0.12.0
∗ installed bin_prot.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_expect.v0.12.0
∗ installed time_now.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_bin_prot.v0.12.1
∗ installed base_quickcheck.v0.12.1
∗ installed ppx_module_timer.v0.12.0
∗ installed ppx_jane.v0.12.0
∗ installed base_bigstring.v0.12.0
∗ installed core_kernel.v0.12.3
∗ installed protocol_version_header.v0.12.0
∗ installed async_kernel.v0.12.0
∗ installed async_rpc_kernel.v0.12.0
∗ installed core.v0.12.4
∗ installed textutils.v0.12.0
∗ installed async_unix.v0.12.0
∗ installed async_extra.v0.12.0
∗ installed async.v0.12.0
<><> jbuilder.transition installed successfully <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 🐫
=> Jbuilder has been renamed and the jbuilder package is now a transition package. Use the dune package instead.
preparing build...
checking for .release... no
checking for .facebook... no
checking for build platform... Darwin
checking for Windows build... no
checking for python2.7... python2.7
checking for xcode-select... xcode-select
checking for xcrun... xcrun
checking for clang... clang
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether clang accepts -g... yes
checking for clang option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... no
checking for awk... awk
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/local/bin/ginstall -c
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/local/bin/gmkdir -p
checking for ocamlc... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlc
OCaml version is 4.07.1
OCaml library path is /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/ocaml
checking for ocamlopt... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlopt
checking for ocamlc.opt... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlc.opt
checking for ocamlopt.opt... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlopt.opt
checking for dynlink.cmxa... yes
checking for ocaml... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocaml
checking for ocamldep... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamldep
checking for ocamlmktop... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlmktop
checking for ocamlmklib... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlmklib
checking for ocamldoc... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamldoc
checking for ocamlbuild... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlbuild
checking if OCaml version is >= 4.06.1... yes
checking for ocamlbuild... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlbuild
checking for ocamlfind... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamlfind
checking for ocamllex... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamllex
checking for ocamllex.opt... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/bin/ocamllex.opt
checking for menhir... menhir
checking for OCaml findlib package atdgen... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/atdgen
checking for OCaml findlib package biniou... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/biniou
checking for OCaml findlib package camlzip... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/camlzip
checking for OCaml findlib package easy-format... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/easy-format
checking for OCaml findlib package oUnit... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/oUnit
checking for utop... no
checking for OCaml findlib package yojson... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/yojson
checking which ocamlformat to use... ocamlformat
checking for opam... opam
checking opam version... 2.0.5
checking current opam root... /Users/paula1/.opam
checking current opam switch... ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda
checking for java... java
checking for javac... javac
checking for OCaml findlib package javalib... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/javalib
checking for OCaml findlib package sawja... /Users/paula1/.opam/ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda/lib/sawja
checking for Java major version... 8
checking for JAVA_HOME... /Users/paula1/.sdkman/candidates/java/8.0.172-zulu/jre/..
checking for inflateEnd in -lz... yes
checking for atdgen... atdgen
checking which .buckversion to use... dotbuckversion
checking for getconf... getconf
checking the number of cpus the build host has... 4
checking for ant... no
checking for buck... no
checking for emacs... emacs
checking for mvn... no
checking for ndk-build... no
checking for ndk-build... no
checking for Python module lxml... unavailable
checking for xcpretty... no
checking for sed... sed
checking if sed is GNU sed... no
checking for gsed... gsed
checking for brew... brew
checking for install_name_tool... install_name_tool
checking for ldd... no
checking for otool... otool
checking for patchelf... no
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile.autoconf
[11:44:31][49142] Generating source dependencies...
[ 1s][49142] SUCCESS Generating source dependencies
[11:44:32][49431] Building native(opt) Infer...
[ 84s][49431] SUCCESS Building native(opt) Infer
[11:45:56][55389] Building Infer models...
[*ERROR**][55389] *** ERROR 'Building Infer models'
[*ERROR**][55389] *** command: ' /Applications/ INTERACTIVE=1 infer_models'
[*ERROR**][55389] *** CWD: '/opt/src/infer'
[*ERROR**][55389] *** stdout:
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner Generating source dependencies
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner command: /Applications/ INTERACTIVE=1 -C /opt/src/infer/infer/src INFER_BUILD_DIR=_build/opt src_build_common
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner CWD: /opt/src/infer
[*ERROR**][55389] make[2]: Nothing to be done for `src_build_common'.
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner Building native(opt) Infer
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner command: /Applications/ INTERACTIVE=1 -C /opt/src/infer/infer/src INFER_BUILD_DIR=_build/opt infer
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner CWD: /opt/src/infer
[*ERROR**][55389] /usr/local/bin/ginstall -c /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer.exe /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer
[*ERROR**][55389] /Applications/ INTERACTIVE=1 /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-analyze /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-capture /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-compile /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-explore /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-report /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-reportdiff /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-run
[*ERROR**][55389] make[3]: `/opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-analyze' is up to date.
[*ERROR**][55389] make[3]: `/opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-capture' is up to date.
[*ERROR**][55389] make[3]: `/opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-compile' is up to date.
[*ERROR**][55389] make[3]: `/opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-explore' is up to date.
[*ERROR**][55389] make[3]: `/opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-report' is up to date.
[*ERROR**][55389] make[3]: `/opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-reportdiff' is up to date.
[*ERROR**][55389] make[3]: `/opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer-run' is up to date.
[*ERROR**][55389] /Applications/ INTERACTIVE=1 -C /opt/src/infer/infer/annotations
[*ERROR**][55389] /usr/local/bin/gmkdir -p 'annot_classes'
[*ERROR**][55389] jar cvf /opt/src/infer/infer/annotations/annotations-src.jar src/main/java/com
[*ERROR**][55389] javac -source 7 -target 7 -cp /opt/src/infer/dependencies/java/jsr-305/jsr305.jar src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ -d 'annot_classes'
[*ERROR**][55389] added manifest
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 487) (out= 264)(deflated 45%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 1973) (out= 553)(deflated 71%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 547) (out= 301)(deflated 44%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 835) (out= 440)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 566) (out= 297)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 1010) (out= 522)(deflated 48%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 542) (out= 297)(deflated 45%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 546) (out= 285)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 522) (out= 285)(deflated 45%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 562) (out= 296)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 650) (out= 330)(deflated 49%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 854) (out= 449)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 563) (out= 298)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 1377) (out= 670)(deflated 51%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 890) (out= 464)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 544) (out= 293)(deflated 46%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 740) (out= 388)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 769) (out= 413)(deflated 46%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 572) (out= 311)(deflated 45%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 1021) (out= 494)(deflated 51%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 674) (out= 350)(deflated 48%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 561) (out= 295)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 823) (out= 427)(deflated 48%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 570) (out= 308)(deflated 45%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 658) (out= 350)(deflated 46%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 704) (out= 395)(deflated 43%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 586) (out= 318)(deflated 45%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 567) (out= 300)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 492) (out= 267)(deflated 45%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 558) (out= 288)(deflated 48%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 676) (out= 340)(deflated 49%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 504) (out= 273)(deflated 45%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 566) (out= 299)(deflated 47%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: src/main/java/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ = 941) (out= 485)(deflated 48%)
[*ERROR**][55389] cd 'annot_classes' && jar cvf /opt/src/infer/infer/annotations/annotations.jar com
[*ERROR**][55389] added manifest
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Expensive.class(in = 411) (out= 250)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Mutable.class(in = 439) (out= 273)(deflated 37%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/PrivacySource.class(in = 437) (out= 265)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Functional.class(in = 401) (out= 243)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/NullsafeStrict.class(in = 407) (out= 242)(deflated 40%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/TrueOnNull.class(in = 401) (out= 243)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SynchronizedCollection.class(in = 424) (out= 249)(deflated 41%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Present.class(in = 456) (out= 282)(deflated 38%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SuppressParameterNotNullable.class(in = 481) (out= 290)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Verify.class(in = 439) (out= 275)(deflated 37%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SuppressFieldNotInitialized.class(in = 479) (out= 290)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/PrivacySink.class(in = 406) (out= 245)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/ThreadSafe.class(in = 495) (out= 309)(deflated 37%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/IntegritySink.class(in = 410) (out= 247)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SuppressFieldNotNullable.class(in = 473) (out= 288)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/IgnoreAllocations.class(in = 415) (out= 246)(deflated 40%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/FalseOnNull.class(in = 403) (out= 244)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/NonBlocking.class(in = 434) (out= 268)(deflated 38%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/OkToExtend.class(in = 310) (out= 203)(deflated 34%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SuppressNullFieldAccess.class(in = 471) (out= 287)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Initializer.class(in = 447) (out= 277)(deflated 38%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SuppressViewNullability.class(in = 426) (out= 252)(deflated 40%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Assertions.class(in = 2135) (out= 918)(deflated 57%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/PerformanceCritical.class(in = 431) (out= 258)(deflated 40%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Lockless.class(in = 428) (out= 264)(deflated 38%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/NoAllocation.class(in = 405) (out= 242)(deflated 40%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/Cleanup.class(in = 439) (out= 274)(deflated 37%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SuppressLint.class(in = 456) (out= 280)(deflated 38%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/PropagatesNullable.class(in = 420) (out= 250)(deflated 40%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/ReturnsOwnership.class(in = 413) (out= 250)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SuppressReturnOverAnnotated.class(in = 479) (out= 286)(deflated 40%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/SuppressNullMethodCall.class(in = 469) (out= 287)(deflated 38%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/IntegritySource.class(in = 441) (out= 266)(deflated 39%)
[*ERROR**][55389] adding: com/facebook/infer/annotation/ThreadConfined.class(in = 551) (out= 324)(deflated 41%)
[*ERROR**][55389] /Applications/ INTERACTIVE=1 -C /opt/src/infer/infer/models all
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner Building Java models
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner command: /opt/src/infer/infer/bin/infer --biabduction-only --results-dir models/infer --biabduction-models-mode -- javac -bootclasspath /opt/src/infer/infer/lib/java/android/android-23.jar -d models -classpath /opt/src/infer/infer/lib/java/android/android-23.jar:/opt/src/infer/dependencies/java/guava/guava-23.0.jar:/opt/src/infer/dependencies/java/jackson/jackson-2.2.3.jar:/opt/src/infer/dependencies/java/jsr-305/jsr305.jar:/opt/src/infer/infer/annotations/annotations.jar /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/builtins/com/facebook/infer/builtins/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/builtins/com/facebook/infer/builtins/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/builtins/com/facebook/infer/builtins/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/builtins/com/facebook/infer/builtins/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/builtins/com/facebook/infer/builtins/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/junit/framework/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/org/assertj/core/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/dalvik/system/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/net/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/net/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/net/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/net/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/net/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/net/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/net/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/jar/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/jar/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/jar/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/zip/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/concurrent/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/util/concurrent/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/security/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/security/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/reflect/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/lang/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/nio/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/nio/channels/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/java/nio/channels/spi/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/javax/crypto/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/javax/crypto/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/javax/net/ssl/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/javax/net/ssl/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/sqlite/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/sqlite/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/sqlite/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/sqlite/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/sqlite/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/database/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/app/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/app/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/app/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/provider/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/content/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/content/res/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/content/res/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/content/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/content/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/content/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/content/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/android/text/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/google/common/collect/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/google/common/collect/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/google/common/io/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/google/common/base/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/google/common/base/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/facebook/infer/annotation/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/json/ /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/src/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/ -source 7 -target 7
[*ERROR**][55389] *** inner CWD: /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java
[*ERROR**][55389] *** stderr:
[*ERROR**][55389] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
[*ERROR**][55389] 1 warning
[*ERROR**][55389] Capturing in javac mode...
[*ERROR**][55389] Found 121 source files to analyze in /opt/src/infer/infer/models/java/models/infer
[*ERROR**][55389] Internal Error: Subprocess 3: died after receiving sigsegv (signal number 11)
[*ERROR**][55389] Error backtrace:
[*ERROR**][55389] Raised at file "src/" (inlined), line 50, characters 4-43
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "src/" (inlined), line 930, characters 4-246
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "src/" (inlined), line 959, characters 2-34
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 154, characters 10-30
[*ERROR**][55389] Re-raised at file "base/" (inlined), line 26, characters 8-56
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 32, characters 6-39
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/" (inlined), line 216, characters 9-70
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "src/" (inlined), line 30, characters 14-17
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/" (inlined), line 215, characters 5-115
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/" (inlined), line 214, characters 2-137
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/" (inlined), line 215, characters 5-115
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 214, characters 2-137
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 415, characters 8-35
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/" (inlined), line 166, characters 8-12
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/" (inlined), line 176, characters 16-54
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 211, characters 2-41
[*ERROR**][55389] Re-raised at file "istd/", line 13, characters 2-50
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/" (inlined), line 168, characters 6-141
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/" (inlined), line 176, characters 16-54
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 211, characters 2-41
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 423, characters 16-24
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "backend/", line 130, characters 24-47
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "backend/", line 189, characters 14-34
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "integration/", line 324, characters 2-34
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "integration/" (inlined), line 331, characters 2-32
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "integration/", line 422, characters 9-39
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 418, characters 16-20
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "scuba/", line 66, characters 29-44
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "", line 22, characters 2-47
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "base/", line 418, characters 16-20
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "scuba/", line 66, characters 29-44
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "" (inlined), line 26, characters 22-94
[*ERROR**][55389] Called from file "", line 149, characters 8-54
[*ERROR**][55389] Run the command again with `--keep-going` to try and ignore this error.
[*ERROR**][55389] make[3]: *** [models/infer/report.json] Error 4
[*ERROR**][55389] make[2]: *** [java] Error 2
[*ERROR**][55389] make[1]: *** [infer_models] Error 2
make: *** [infer] Error 2
compilation failure; you can try running
make clean
'./' -y java
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