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Created March 20, 2018 10:27
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import Foundation
struct AVLTree<T: Comparable> {
class AVLTreeNode<T: Comparable> {
typealias SearchResult = (isFound: Bool, searchNode: AVLTreeNode?, parent: AVLTreeNode?)
/// 节点携带的数据
var data: T
/// 父节点
var parentNode: AVLTreeNode?
/// 左节点
var leftChild: AVLTreeNode?
/// 右节点
var rightChild: AVLTreeNode?
/// 该节点对应树的深度
var depth: Int {
if leftChild != nil, rightChild != nil {
if leftChild!.depth < rightChild!.depth {
return rightChild!.depth + 1
} else {
return leftChild!.depth + 1
} else if leftChild != nil {
return leftChild!.depth + 1
} else if rightChild != nil {
return rightChild!.depth + 1
return 0
/// 结点的平衡因子为(平衡二叉树中的平衡因子为-1, 0, 1)
var balanceFactor: Int {
if leftChild != nil, rightChild != nil {
return leftChild!.depth - rightChild!.depth
} else if leftChild != nil {
return leftChild!.depth + 1
} else if rightChild != nil {
return -rightChild!.depth - 1
return 0
init(data: T) { = data
func setNil() {
leftChild = nil
rightChild = nil
parentNode = nil
class func searchBST(currentRoot: AVLTreeNode?, fatherNode: AVLTreeNode?, data key: T) -> SearchResult {
// 查找失败,返回该节点的父类节点
guard let current = currentRoot else {
return (false, nil, fatherNode)
// 查找成功,返回成功的节点
if key == {
return (true, current, fatherNode)
} else if key < {//递归左子树
return searchBST(currentRoot: current.leftChild, fatherNode: current, data: key)
} else {//递归右子树
return searchBST(currentRoot: current.rightChild, fatherNode: current, data: key)
/// 不平衡树的类型
enum NoBalanceType {
case LL(AVLTreeNode<T>)
case LR(AVLTreeNode<T>)
case RR(AVLTreeNode<T>)
case RL(AVLTreeNode<T>)
init?(node: AVLTreeNode<T>) {
switch node.balanceFactor {
case 2:// LL或者LR的情况
let leftChildBalancerFactor = node.leftChild?.balanceFactor
if leftChildBalancerFactor == 1 {
self = .LL(node)
} else if leftChildBalancerFactor == -1 {
self = .LR(node)
} else {
self = .LL(node)// 删除节点时使用
case -2:
let rightChildBalancerFactor = node.rightChild?.balanceFactor
if rightChildBalancerFactor == -1 {
self = .RR(node)
} else if rightChildBalancerFactor == 1 {
self = .RL(node)
} else {
self = .RR(node)// 删除节点时使用
return nil
func addjust(rootNode: inout AVLTreeNode<T>?) {
switch self {
case .LL(let node):
let currentLeftChild = node.leftChild
node.leftChild = currentLeftChild?.rightChild
currentLeftChild?.rightChild = node
guard let fatherNode = node.parentNode else {
rootNode = currentLeftChild
node.parentNode = currentLeftChild //更新父节点
currentLeftChild?.parentNode = nil
if currentLeftChild!.data > {
fatherNode.rightChild = currentLeftChild
} else {
fatherNode.leftChild = currentLeftChild
node.parentNode = currentLeftChild
currentLeftChild?.parentNode = fatherNode
case .LR(let node):
let currentLeftChild = node.leftChild
node.leftChild = currentLeftChild?.rightChild
currentLeftChild?.rightChild = currentLeftChild?.rightChild?.leftChild
node.leftChild?.leftChild = currentLeftChild
currentLeftChild?.parentNode = node.leftChild
currentLeftChild?.rightChild?.parentNode = currentLeftChild
node.leftChild?.parentNode = node
NoBalanceType.LL(node).addjust(rootNode: &rootNode)
case .RR(let node):
let currentRightChild = node.rightChild
node.rightChild = node.leftChild
currentRightChild?.leftChild = node
guard let fatherNode = node.parentNode else {
rootNode = currentRightChild
node.parentNode = currentRightChild//更新父节点
currentRightChild?.parentNode = nil
if currentRightChild!.data > {
fatherNode.rightChild = currentRightChild
} else {
fatherNode.leftChild = currentRightChild
node.parentNode = currentRightChild
currentRightChild?.parentNode = fatherNode
case .RL(let node):
let currentRightChild = node.rightChild
node.rightChild = currentRightChild?.leftChild
currentRightChild?.leftChild = currentRightChild?.leftChild?.rightChild
node.rightChild?.rightChild = currentRightChild
// 更新父节点
currentRightChild?.parentNode = node.rightChild
currentRightChild?.leftChild?.parentNode = currentRightChild
node.rightChild?.parentNode = node
NoBalanceType.RR(node).addjust(rootNode: &rootNode)
var rootNode: AVLTreeNode<T>?
init<S: Sequence>(_ sequence: S) where S.Iterator.Element == T {
for key in sequence {
init(data: T) {
rootNode = AVLTreeNode<T>(data: data)
private mutating func adjust(node: AVLTreeNode<T>) {
var cursor = node.parentNode
while cursor != nil {
let balanceFactor = cursor!.balanceFactor
if balanceFactor < -1 || balanceFactor > 1 {
NoBalanceType(node: cursor!)?.addjust(rootNode: &rootNode)
cursor = cursor?.parentNode
private mutating func insert(parent: AVLTreeNode<T>?, data key: T) {
let node = AVLTreeNode<T>(data: key)
node.parentNode = parent
guard let fatherNode = parent else {// 创建根节点
rootNode = node
if key < {
fatherNode.leftChild = node
} else {
fatherNode.rightChild = node
adjust(node: node)
mutating func append(_ newData: T) {
let (isFound, _, father) = AVLTreeNode<T>.searchBST(currentRoot: rootNode, fatherNode: nil, data: newData)
if !isFound {// 如果没有找到
insert(parent: father, data: newData)
mutating func remove(data key: T) {
let searchResult = AVLTreeNode<T>.searchBST(currentRoot: rootNode, fatherNode: nil, data: key)
delete(searchResult: searchResult)
func contain(_ element: T) -> Bool {
return AVLTreeNode<T>.searchBST(currentRoot: rootNode, fatherNode: nil, data: element).isFound
private mutating func delete(searchResult: AVLTreeNode<T>.SearchResult) {
guard let searchNode = searchResult.searchNode else {
if searchNode.leftChild == nil, searchNode.rightChild == nil {//叶子节点
deleteNodeHaveZeroOrOneChild(searchResult: searchResult, subNode: nil)
} else if searchNode.leftChild != nil, searchNode.rightChild == nil {//只有左子树
deleteNodeHaveZeroOrOneChild(searchResult: searchResult, subNode: searchNode.leftChild)
} else if searchNode.leftChild == nil, searchNode.rightChild != nil {//只有右子树
deleteNodeHaveZeroOrOneChild(searchResult: searchResult, subNode: searchNode.rightChild)
} else {
deleteNodeHaveTowChild(searchResult: searchResult)
/// 要删除的节点是叶子节点或者有一个子节点的情况
private mutating func deleteNodeHaveZeroOrOneChild(searchResult: AVLTreeNode<T>.SearchResult, subNode: AVLTreeNode<T>?) {
searchResult.searchNode?.setNil() // 将要即将删除的节点的左右孩子的指针清空
guard let fatherNode = searchResult.parent else {
rootNode = subNode //更新节点
subNode?.parentNode = rootNode
if searchResult.searchNode!.data < {
fatherNode.leftChild = subNode //要删除的节点时父节点的左孩子
} else {
fatherNode.rightChild = subNode //要删除的节点时父节点的右孩子
subNode?.parentNode = fatherNode
NoBalanceType(node: fatherNode)?.addjust(rootNode: &rootNode)
/// 要删除的结点既有左子树也有右子树
private mutating func deleteNodeHaveTowChild(searchResult: AVLTreeNode<T>.SearchResult) {
var cursorSearchResult: AVLTreeNode<T>.SearchResult = (true, searchResult.searchNode?.rightChild, searchResult.searchNode)
while cursorSearchResult.searchNode?.leftChild != nil {
cursorSearchResult.parent = cursorSearchResult.searchNode
cursorSearchResult.searchNode = cursorSearchResult.searchNode?.leftChild
searchResult.searchNode?.data = cursorSearchResult.searchNode!.data
delete(searchResult: cursorSearchResult)
func forEach(callback:(T) -> Void) {
inOrderTraverse(node: rootNode, callback: callback)
/// 中序遍历
private func inOrderTraverse(node: AVLTreeNode<T>?, callback:(T) -> Void) {
guard let node = node else {
inOrderTraverse(node: node.leftChild, callback: callback)
inOrderTraverse(node: node.rightChild, callback: callback)
var count: Int {
var totalCount = 0
forEach { _ in
totalCount += 1
return totalCount
extension AVLTree: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
var desc = ""
forEach { value in
desc += "\(value)\n"
return desc
extension AVLTree: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
typealias ArrayLiteralElement = T
init(arrayLiteral elements: T...) {
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