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Created March 20, 2018 22:49
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import Foundation
class HashableObject {
private static var hashTable = [Int: Int]()
private(set) var hashKey: Int = 0
private(set) var id: Int = 0
private(set) static var globalCount = 0
private static var queue = DispatchQueue(label: "your.queue.identifier")
required init() {
HashableObject.queue.sync {
HashableObject.globalCount += 1
id = HashableObject.globalCount
hashKey = HashableObject.add(value: id)
private static func add(value: Int) -> Int {
let key = createHashKey(value: value)
hashTable[key] = value
return key
private static func createHashKey(value: Int) -> Int {
var key = hashFuntion(value: value)
if hashTable[key] != nil {
key = conflictHandling(value: key)
return key
private static func conflictHandling(value: Int) -> Int {
var key = value
var cursor = hashTable[key]
while cursor != nil {
key = conflictMethod(value: key)
cursor = hashTable[key]
return key
/// 散列函数: 除留取余法
/// - parameter value: 散列函数的参数
/// - returns: 返回散列函数创建的值
class func hashFuntion(value: Int) -> Int {
return value % globalCount
/// 处理冲突的函数:线性探测
/// - parameter value: 要处理冲突的值
/// - returns: 不冲突的key
class func conflictMethod(value: Int) -> Int {
return (value+1) % globalCount
deinit {
HashableObject.queue.sync {
HashableObject.globalCount -= 1
HashableObject.hashTable.removeValue(forKey: hashKey)
class CustomHashableObject: HashableObject {
override class func hashFuntion(value: Int) -> Int {
return value % globalCount
override class func conflictMethod(value: Int) -> Int {
let randomDisplacement = Int(arc4random_uniform(50))
return (value + randomDisplacement) % globalCount
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