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Created March 11, 2018 14:53
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Simple Sorts
// Sort.swift
// CLSwift
// Created by modao on 2018/3/11.
// Copyright © 2018年 MockingBot. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public extension Array where Element: Comparable {
mutating func bubbleSort(isAscend: Bool = true) {
guard count > 1 else { return }
var low = 0
var high = count - 1
while low < high {
for j in low..<high {//正向冒泡,找最大者
if self[j] > self[j+1] {
swapAt(j, j+1)
high -= 1 //修改high值,前移一位
for i in stride(from: high, to: low, by: -1) where self[i] < self[i-1] {
swapAt(i, i-1)
low += 1 //修改low值,后移一位
if !isAscend { reverse() }
mutating func selectionSort(isAscend: Bool = true) {
guard count > 1 else { return }
var minIndex = 0
for i in 0..<count-1 {
minIndex = i
for j in i+1..<count where self[j] < self[minIndex] {//寻找最小的数
minIndex = j //将最小的数的索引保存
swapAt(i, minIndex)
if !isAscend { reverse() }
mutating func binaryInsertionSort(isAscend: Bool = true) {
guard count > 1 else { return }
for i in 1..<count {
var (key, left ,right) = (self[i], 0, i-1)
while left <= right {
let middle = (left+right)/2
if key < self[middle] {
right = middle - 1
} else {
left = middle + 1
for j in stride(from: i-1, through: left, by: -1) {
self[j+1] = self[j]
self[left] = key
if !isAscend { reverse() }
mutating func shellSort(isAscend: Bool = true) {
guard count > 1 else { return }
var gap = 1
while gap < count/5 {
gap = gap*5+1 //动态定义间隔序列
var temp = first!
repeat {
for i in gap..<count {
temp = self[i]
var lastIndex = 0
for j in stride(from: i-gap, through: 0, by: gap) where self[j] > temp {
self[j+gap] = self[j]
lastIndex = j
self[lastIndex+gap] = temp
gap /= 5
} while gap > 0
if !isAscend { reverse() }
mutating func mergeSort(isAscend: Bool = true) {
self = self.mergeSort()
if !isAscend { reverse() }
func mergeSort() -> [Element] {
guard count >= 2 else { return self }
let middle = count/2
let left = Array(self[..<middle])
let right = Array(self[middle...])
return left.mergeSort().merge(with: right.mergeSort())
mutating func shift() -> Element? {
let firstEl = first
self = Array(dropFirst())
return firstEl
func merge(with rhs: [Element]) -> [Element] {
var left = self
var right = rhs
var result = [Element]()
while left.count > 0, right.count > 0 {
if left.first! <= right.first! {
} else {
result.append(contentsOf: left)
result.append(contentsOf: right)
return result
mutating func merge(with rhs: [Element]) {
self = merge(with: rhs)
fileprivate mutating func partition(low: Int, high: Int) -> Int {
let privotKey = self[low]// 基准元素
var (left, right) = (low, high)
while left < right {//从数组两端交替地向中间扫描
while left < right, self[right] >= privotKey {
right -= 1
swapAt(left, right)
while left < right, self[left] <= privotKey {
left += 1
swapAt(left, right)
return left
private mutating func _quickSort(low: Int, high: Int) {
guard low < high else { return }
let mid = self.partition(low: low, high: high)
_quickSort(low: low, high: mid-1)
_quickSort(low: mid+1, high: high)
mutating func quickSort(isAscend: Bool = true) {
guard count > 1 else { return }
_quickSort(low: 0, high: count-1)
if !isAscend { reverse() }
fileprivate mutating func heapAdjust(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) {
let temp = self[startIndex]
var fatherIndex = startIndex+1 // 父节点下标
var maxChildrenIndex = 2*fatherIndex //左孩子下标
while maxChildrenIndex <= endIndex {
if maxChildrenIndex < endIndex, self[maxChildrenIndex-1] < self[maxChildrenIndex] {
maxChildrenIndex += 1
guard temp >= self[maxChildrenIndex-1] else { break }
self[fatherIndex-1] = self[maxChildrenIndex-1]
fatherIndex = maxChildrenIndex
maxChildrenIndex = 2*fatherIndex
self[fatherIndex-1] = temp
///构建大顶堆的层次遍历数组 (f(i) > f(2i), f(i) > f(2i+1), i > 0)
fileprivate mutating func heapCreate() {
for i in stride(from: count, to: 0, by: -1) {
heapAdjust(startIndex: i-1, endIndex: count)
mutating func heapSort(isAscend: Bool = true) {
guard count > 1 else { return }
//创建大顶堆, 其实就是数组转换成大顶堆层次的遍历结果
for i in (0..<count).reversed() {
swapAt(0, i)
heapAdjust(startIndex: 0, endIndex: i)
if !isAscend { reverse() }
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