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Last active March 4, 2016 17:44
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  • Save AmauryCarrade/8ea14248c5961f3a6f70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AmauryCarrade/8ea14248c5961f3a6f70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Checks if Minecraft accounts in a list are still valid, to ban them from a server (as they can be hacked easily, if the data is from a leaked user/pass file). The rate limit is huge, like a request every two minutes.
import requests
import sys
import random
import csv
from time import sleep
rand = random.Random()
def check_account(username, password):
Checks if a given account is valid.
:param username: The username
:param password: The password
:return: a tuple, the first value being True or False regarding on if the account still exists, and the second an
object: if valid, it contains None; else, four keys ('http_code', 'error', 'message', 'cause').
r ='', json={
'agent': {
'name': 'Minecraft',
'version': 1
'username': username,
'password': password,
'clientToken': rand.getrandbits(256)
if r.ok:
return True, None
json_error = r.json()
data = {
'http_code': r.status_code,
'error': json_error['error'],
'message': json_error['errorMessage'],
'cause': json_error['cause'] if 'cause' in json_error.keys() else None
return False, data
def is_file_empty(filename):
Checks if a file is empty.
:param filename: The filename.
:return: True if the file does not exists or is empty.
with open(filename) as f:
for file_line in f:
if file_line:
return False
return True
except FileNotFoundError:
return True
def save(filename, username, password, error=None):
Writes a dict to a CSV file. The content is appended if the file is not empty.
:param filename: The CSV file name.
:param username: The username.
:param password: The password.
:param error: The error encountered, as returned by the check_account method: keys 'http_code', 'error', 'message',
print_headers = is_file_empty(filename)
if not error:
error = {
'error': '',
'message': '',
'cause': '',
'http_code': 200
with open(filename, 'ab') as f:
if print_headers:
f.write(bytes('username\tpassword\terror\terror_message\terror_cause\terror_http_code\r\n', 'UTF-8'))
data = username + '\t' + password + '\t'
data += str(error['error']) + '\t' + str(error['message']) + '\t' + str(error['cause']) + '\t'
data += str(error['http_code'])
data += '\r\n'
f.write(bytes(data, 'UTF-8'))
def load(filename: str, import_to: list):
Stores the usernames in the given CSV file (under the column 'username') in the import_to list.
:param filename: The CSV file (dialect: excel-tab).
:param import_to: The list where the usernames will be stored
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f, dialect='excel-tab')
for row in reader:
except FileNotFoundError:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <path to the file with users names and passwords>\n')
sys.stderr.write('The file containing the credentials must be formatted with a couple username/password '
'per line, separated by a colon\n')
valid_accounts_file = 'valid_accounts.csv'
invalid_accounts_file = 'invalid_accounts.csv'
max_tries_per_account = 5
waiting_seconds_on_rate_limit = 45
waiting_seconds_between_requests = 2
accounts = []
already_imported_accounts = []
valid_accounts = []
invalid_accounts = []
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
for line in f:
user_pass = line.strip().split(':', maxsplit=1)
if len(user_pass) is not 2:
sys.stderr.write('Invalid credential format in file: "{0}", skipping\n'.format(line.strip()))
accounts.append({'user': user_pass[0], 'pass': user_pass[1]})
except FileNotFoundError:
sys.stderr.write('Unable to open the input file ' + sys.argv[1] + '\n')
if not accounts:
sys.stderr.write('No account found in the given file\n')
print('Checking {0} accounts'.format(len(accounts)))
print('Data saved to {0} and {1}.'.format(valid_accounts_file, invalid_accounts_file))
load(valid_accounts_file, already_imported_accounts)
load(invalid_accounts_file, already_imported_accounts)
print('{0} accounts already imported'.format(len(already_imported_accounts)))
for account in accounts:
if account['user'] in already_imported_accounts:
print('Account {0} already checked, skipping.'.format(account['user']))
for _ in range(max_tries_per_account):
print('Checking account {0}... '.format(account['user']), end='')
valid, error = check_account(account['user'], account['pass'])
if valid:
save(valid_accounts_file, username=account['user'], password=account['pass'])
if error['message'].strip() == 'Invalid credentials.':
print('Rate-limited. Waiting {0} seconds.'.format(waiting_seconds_on_rate_limit))
print('INVALID: HTTP {0}: "{1}"'.format(error['http_code'], error['message']))
save(invalid_accounts_file, username=account['user'], password=account['pass'], error=error)
print('Done. {0} accounts still valid, and {0} invalid.'.format(len(valid_accounts), len(invalid_accounts)))
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