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Created December 5, 2014 08:48
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Game of Life
define('LIFE', '+');
define('VOID', ' ');
define('MAX_X', $argv[1]);
define('MAX_Y', $argv[2]);
$world = genWorld(MAX_X, MAX_Y);
$world = draw($world);
$world = update($world);
usleep(0.5 * 1000 * 1000);
function genWorld()
$world = array();
for($x = 0; $x < MAX_X; $x++)
for($y = 0; $y < MAX_Y; $y++)
$world[$x][$y] = VOID;
for($i = 0; $i < MAX_X * MAX_Y * 0.25; $i++)
$world[rand(0, MAX_X)][rand(0, MAX_Y)] = LIFE;
return $world;
function update($world)
$toFill = [];
$toKill = [];
for($x = 0; $x < MAX_X; $x++)
for($y = 0; $y < MAX_Y; $y++)
$neighbors = countNeighbors($world, $x, $y);
if($world[$x][$y] == LIFE)
if ($neighbors < 2 OR $neighbors > 3 )
$toKill[] = array($x, $y);
if($neighbors == 3)
$toFill[] = array($x, $y);
foreach($toFill as $ent)
$world[$ent[0]][$ent[1]] = LIFE;
foreach($toKill as $ent)
$world[$ent[0]][$ent[1]] = VOID;
return $world;
function draw($world)
for($x = 0; $x < MAX_X; $x++)
for($y = 0; $y < MAX_Y; $y++)
echo ' '.$world[$x][$y];
echo PHP_EOL;
return $world;
function countNeighbors($world, $x, $y)
$count = 0;
for($a = $x - 1; $a <= $x + 1; $a++)
for($b = $y - 1; $b <= $y + 1; $b++)
if($a == $x AND $b == $y) continue;
if(isset($world[$a][$b]) AND $world[$a][$b] == LIFE)
return $count;
function fillAround($world, $x, $y, $with = LIFE)
for($a = $x - 1; $a <= $x + 1 AND $a <= MAX_X; $a++)
for($b = $y - 1; $b <= $y + 1 AND $b <= MAX_Y; $b++)
if($a == $x AND $b == $y) continue;
$world[$a][$b] = $with;
return $world;
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