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Last active January 31, 2022 12:35
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ICAO MRZ Transliteration (by ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3)
// spec can be found here:
// prettier-ignore
// noinspection NonAsciiCharacters
const transliterationMapping: Record<number, string|string[]> = {
0x0020: '<',
0x002C: '<',
0x002D: '<',
0x00C0: 'A',
0x00C1: 'A',
0x00C2: 'A',
0x00C3: 'A',
0x00C4: 'AE',
0x00C5: 'AA',
0x00C6: 'AE',
0x00C7: 'C',
0x00C8: 'E',
0x00C9: 'E',
0x00CA: 'E',
0x00CB: 'E',
0x00CC: 'I',
0x00CD: 'I',
0x00CE: 'I',
0x00CF: 'I',
0x00D0: 'D',
0x00D1: 'N',
0x00D2: 'O',
0x00D3: 'O',
0x00D4: 'O',
0x00D5: 'O',
0x00D6: 'OE',
0x00D8: 'OE',
0x00D9: 'U',
0x00DA: 'U',
0x00DB: 'U',
0x00DC: 'UE',
0x00DD: 'Y',
0x00DE: 'TH',
0x0100: 'A',
0x0102: 'A',
0x0104: 'A',
0x0106: 'C',
0x0108: 'C',
0x010A: 'C',
0x010C: 'C',
0x010E: 'D',
0x0110: 'D',
0x0112: 'E',
0x0114: 'E',
0x0116: 'E',
0x0118: 'E',
0x011A: 'E',
0x011C: 'G',
0x011E: 'G',
0x0120: 'G',
0x0122: 'G',
0x0124: 'H',
0x0126: 'H',
0x0128: 'I',
0x012A: 'I',
0x012C: 'I',
0x012E: 'I',
0x0130: 'I',
0x0131: 'I',
0x0132: 'IJ',
0x0134: 'J',
0x0136: 'K',
0x0139: 'L',
0x013B: 'L',
0x013D: 'L',
0x013F: 'L',
0x0141: 'L',
0x0143: 'N',
0x0145: 'N',
0x0147: 'N',
0x014A: 'N',
0x014C: 'O',
0x014E: 'O',
0x0150: 'O',
0x0152: 'OE',
0x0154: 'R',
0x0156: 'R',
0x0158: 'R',
0x015A: 'S',
0x015C: 'S',
0x015E: 'S',
0x0160: 'S',
0x0162: 'T',
0x0164: 'T',
0x0166: 'T',
0x0168: 'U',
0x016A: 'U',
0x016C: 'U',
0x016E: 'U',
0x0170: 'U',
0x0172: 'U',
0x0174: 'W',
0x0176: 'Y',
0x0178: 'Y',
0x0179: 'Z',
0x017B: 'Z',
0x017D: 'Z',
0x1E9E: 'SS',
0x0621: 'XE',
0x0622: 'XAA',
0x0623: 'XAE',
0x0624: 'U',
0x0625: 'I',
0x0626: 'XI',
0x0627: 'A',
0x0628: 'B',
0x0629: ['XTA', 'XAH'], // XTA is used generally, except if teh marbuta occurs at the end of the name component, in which case XAH is used.
0x062A: 'T',
0x062B: 'XTH',
0x062C: 'J',
0x062D: 'XH',
0x062E: 'XKH',
0x062F: 'D',
0x0630: 'XDH',
0x0631: 'R',
0x0632: 'Z',
0x0633: 'S',
0x0634: 'XSH',
0x0635: 'XSS',
0x0636: 'XDZ',
0x0637: 'XTT',
0x0638: 'XZZ',
0x0639: 'E',
0x063A: 'G',
0x0640: '', // not encoded
0x0641: 'F',
0x0642: 'Q',
0x0643: 'K',
0x0644: 'L',
0x0645: 'M',
0x0646: 'N',
0x0647: 'H',
0x0648: 'W',
0x0649: 'XAY',
0x064A: 'Y',
0x064B: '', // not encoded
0x064C: '', // not encoded
0x064D: '', // not encoded
0x064E: '', // not encoded
0x064F: '', // not encoded
0x0650: '', // not encoded
0x0651: '', // "shadda" denotes doubling, next latin character or sequence is repeated?
0x0652: '', // not encoded
0x0670: '', // not encoded
0x0671: 'XXA',
0x0679: 'XXT',
0x067C: 'XRT',
0x067E: 'P',
0x0681: 'XKE',
0x0685: 'XXH',
0x0686: 'XC',
0x0688: 'XXD',
0x0689: 'XDR',
0x0691: 'XXR',
0x0693: 'XRR',
0x0696: 'XRX',
0x0698: 'XJ',
0x069A: 'XXS',
0x069C: '', // not encoded
0x06A2: '', // not encoded
0x06A7: '', // not encoded
0x06A8: '', // not encoded
0x06A9: 'XKK',
0x06AB: 'XXK',
0x06AD: 'XNG',
0x06AF: 'XGG',
0x06BA: 'XNN',
0x06BC: 'XXN',
0x06BE: 'XDO',
0x06C0: 'XYH',
0x06C1: 'XXG',
0x06C2: 'XGE',
0x06C3: 'XTG',
0x06CC: 'XYA',
0x06CD: 'XXY',
0x06D0: 'Y',
0x06D2: 'XYB',
0x06D3: 'XBE',
function convertToRoman(n: number): string {
const romanMapping = {
M: 1000,
CM: 900,
D: 500,
CD: 400,
C: 100,
XC: 90,
L: 50,
XL: 40,
X: 10,
IX: 9,
V: 5,
IV: 4,
I: 1,
let str = '';
for (const romanLetter of Object.keys(romanMapping)) {
const q = Math.floor(n / romanMapping[romanLetter]);
n -= q * romanMapping[romanLetter];
str += romanLetter.repeat(q);
return str;
* Transliterates a string to machine-readable zone using ICAO 9393 P3 Transliteration Mapping
* hint: This does not respect different variants for serbian/bulgarian/ukrainian etc. - it always uses the first recommended transliteration
* @param input
function transliterateMRZ(input: string): string {
const mappedOutputCharacters: string[] = [];
const inputUppercase = input
.trim() // trim start and end
.toUpperCase() // uppercase normalization
.replace(/[^\u0020-\u0233\u1E02-\u1EF9]/, '')
.replace(/(\d+)/, (numberString: string) => {
const number = parseInt(numberString, 10);
return convertToRoman(number);
for (let i = 0; i < inputUppercase.length; i++) {
let charCode = inputUppercase.charCodeAt(i);
let n = 1;
// if it's "shadda" for double notion and there's at least one more character
if (charCode == 0x0651 && i < inputUppercase.length - 1) {
charCode = inputUppercase.charCodeAt(i);
n = 2;
for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
const transliterated = transliterationMapping[charCode];
if (transliterated !== undefined) {
if (Array.isArray(transliterated)) {
if (i === inputUppercase.length - 1) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
const upperCharacter = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
if (upperCharacter.match(/^[A-Z]$/)) {
return mappedOutputCharacters.join('').replace(/<+/g, (match) => {
return match[0]; // de-duplicate '<'
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