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amber Amber0914

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if __name__ == '__main__':
env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
agent = Agent(env)
class Agent():
def __init__(self, env):
# set hyper parameters
self.max_episodes = 10000
self.max_actions = 10000
self.exploration_rate = 1.0
self.exploration_decay = 0.0001
# set environment
self.env = env
class QNET():
def update(self):
""" for updatte target network"""
def get_action(self, state, e_rate):
""" for training stage of the Agent, exploitation or exploration"""
if np.random.random()<e_rate: # exploration
return np.random.choice(self.out_units)
else: # exploitation
class QNET():
def batch_train(self, batch_size=64):
"""Implement Double DQN Algorithm, batch training"""
if self.exp.get_num() < self.exp.get_min():
#The number of experiences is not enough for batch training
# get a batch of experiences
state, action, reward, next_state, done = self.exp.get_batch(batch_size)
state = state.reshape(batch_size, self.in_units)
class QNET():
def __init__(self, in_units, out_units, exp, hidden_units=250):
# experience replay
self.exp = exp
def _batch_learning_model(self):
"""For batch learning"""
with tf.variable_scope('qnet'):
# TD-target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, ))
class QNET():
def __init__(self, in_units, out_units, exp, hidden_units=250):
# Target Network
self.tnet = TNET(in_units, out_units)
# Q network architecture
self.in_units = in_units
self.out_units = out_units
self.hidden_units = hidden_units
class TNET():
Target network is for calculating the maximum estimated Q-value in given action a.
def __init__(self, in_units, out_units, hidden_units=250):
self.in_units = in_units
self.out_units = out_units
self.hidden_units = hidden_units
class ExpReplay():
def __init__(self, e_max=15000, e_min=100):
self._max = e_max # maximum number of experiences
self._min = e_min # minimum number of experiences for training
self.exp = {'state':[], 'action':[], 'reward':[], 'next_state':[], 'done':[]} # total experiences the Agent stored
def get_max(self):
"""return the maximum number of experiences"""
return self._max
import gym
env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')
next_state, rewards, done, _ = env.step(action)
α - learning rate
γ - discount factor
QA(state, action) = QA(state, action) + α(rewards + γ*expected_q - QA(state, action))
# RegionRouting Overview
G = GraphPartition()
start = depot
while ActiveRegions() is None:
subG = ActiveRegions().get() # apply fast kNN search
result = RegionRouting(subG)
enqueue(Route, result)
start = result.end_object