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Last active October 18, 2019 05:21
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Resume For Microsoft
# Veselin Mladenov
907.888.0695 | | [GitHub]( | [LinkedIn](
#### Summary
Professional Software Developer with expirience in various sectors including eCommerce and full stack web development.
#### Highlights
**Languages:** JavaScript(ES5 and ES6), TypeScript,C#,Python,CSS3,HTML5,SQL,Shell.
**Frameworks/Libraries:** Django, Flask, Angular, .NetCore, .Net, Entity Framework Core, Bootstrap, AJAX, JQuery, Postman.
**Database/Servers:** MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, AWS.
Full stak web development with 3 different stacks. C#, Python and MEAN(MongoDB,Express,Angular,Node).
Used Git and GitHub to collaborate with multiple team members.
Experience in writing Python scripts,Shell scripts.
Expirience in working with Virtual machines Windows environment.
Good testing aptitute along with knowledge of writing test strategies,test plans and test cases.
Team based management style and excellent interpersonal / communication skills.
#### Expirience
##### **Student at Coding Dojo Bootcamp Seattle,WA**
**Earned *Red Belt* in Python Stack**
Build modularized full stack web applications using Django and SQLite.
* Build many websites with login/registration functionality.
* Uset Bcrypt to hash user passwords before storing to a database.
* Used Regex for URL routing and password verification.
Build website that provides websites to new entrepreneurs to help them build their own business as part of 2-person team.Deployed with AWS.
[GitHub ®Business_pusher](
* Built with Python and Django.
* Users can view information about the intrepreneurs and leave reviews or upload image to the database.
* Other Tehchnologies Used: HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,JavaScript,SQLite.
Build smaller scale,lightweight applications using Flask nad MySQL.
Practiced Test-Driven Development (TDD) by using,Jasmin to write unit tests.
**Earned *Black Belt* in MEAN Stack**
Build a full stack MEAN web app allowing users to add,adopt and rate pets from a pet shelter.
[GitHub Pet_shelter](
* Used MongoDB to store pets.
* Designet a RESTful API to handle requests between Angular and the database.
* Users can like pets,adopt pets,or edit the pet's details.
Implemented NoSQL database using MongoDB and Mongoose.
Designed and implanted many RESTful API projects.
Built full stack single page applications with MongoDB,Express,Angular,Node and RESTful API.
-Used **Socket. io** and ANgular to build a real time chat applications. [Git Ninja$Bet](
* Bet live
* Chat live
* While the ninjas(horse) are running.
Learned JavaScript fundamentals(ES5,ES6,Typescript,JavaScript OOP,AJAX,JQuiery and Postman).
**Earned *Black Belt* in C# Stack**
* Used complex View Models and Data Models.
* Use Entity Framework Core for model creation and database querying.
Build full stack web applications using C#, ASP.Net Core MVC Framework, Enity Framework Core and MySQL.
#### CEO/Owner
Imba painting LLC - Seattle,WA
* Responsible for all operations,management,and business planning.
* Experience with completing all requirements from corporate certification in the state WA.
* I have created my own website, but currently haven't have time to deploy it.
* Current [Website](
#### Education
**Coding Dojo Bootcamp,Seattle,WA** | April 2019 - November 2019
* Red belt Python.
* Black belt(highest Honors) MEAN.
* Black belt(higest Honors) C#.
**University of World and National Economics - Bulgaria** | September 2010 - May 2014
* Bachelor in Macroeconomics.
* Minor in Computer Scinece
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