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Created November 21, 2019 02:31
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Resume For leap Microsoft
# Veselin Mladenov
907.888.0695 | | [GitHub]( | [LinkedIn](
### Summary
Recently certified Full-Stack Software Developer, looking to join a team and advance my skills in software engineering as well as challenge my current skill set. Detail-oriented, problem-solver and creative thinker.
### Highlights
* Languages: C# | Python | JavaScript (ES5 and ES6) | TypeScript | CSS3 | HTML5 | SQL | Shell
* Frameworks/Libraries: Django | Angular | ASP.NET Core | Entity Framework Core | Flask | JQuery | AJAX | Node | Bootstrap
* Database/Servers: MySQL | MongoDB | SQLite | AWS
* Interpersonal: Multi-tasking | Communication | Multilingual: English, Bulgarian, Serbian and Bosnian
### Experience
##### _**Earned Red Belt in Python Stack**_
__**Business Pusher®**__ [github](
Built app to help new entrepreneurs enter the market and help them boost their company in the web competitive world. Worked as a team of two and deployed with AWS.
* Used Django MTV Framework for the backend and saved the data to a MySQL database.
* Entrepreneurs can rent or buy website of their choice and can leave a reviews and upload photos of their project so they can get more clients.
* APIs used: Google Places API to access location information.
* Entrepreneurs can leave or delete their own reviews to the Business Pusher web site and their own customers can leave or delete their own reviews.
* Entrepreneurs have full CRUD privileges for their own website.
* Registration and Login both utilize frontend and backend validations.
* Technologies: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, and Python.
__**Tourist Company Trip Organizer**__
Customers can join or create trips to different destinations and other users can join their trip. Users have full CRUD privileges for all trips.
* Registration and Login both utilize fronted and backend validations.
* Used Django MTV framework for the backend and saved the data to MySQL database.
* Other technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQLite.
Built smaller scale, lightweight applications using Flask and MySQL.
Practiced Test-Driven Development (TDD) by using Jasmine to write unit tests.
Built modularized full stack web applications using Django and SQLite.
* Built many websites with login/registration functionality.
* Used Bcrypt to hash user passwords before storing to a database.
* Used Regex for URL routing and password verification.
Earned Black Belt in MEAN Stack
##### _**Earned Black Belt in MEAN Stack**_
__**Pet Shelter**__ [github](
Developed a Single Page Application (SPA) that allows users to add and update pets to a shelter.
* Users are allowed to adopt a pet, thereby removing it from the database.
* Users have full Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) privileges for all pets.
* Used Angular Frontend Framework, Node server with Express Framework for the backend and saved the data to a MongoDB with a RESTful API.
* Technologies: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScrypt, AJAX, Postman
__**Ninja$Bet**__ [github](
Used and Angular to build real time chat and real time betting on “Running Ninjas”.
Learned JavaScript fundamentals (ES5, ES6, TypeScript, JavaScript, JavaScript OOP, AJAX, JQuery).
##### _**Earned Black Belt in C# Stack**_
__**Activity Planner**__ [github](
Developed an app that allowed registered users to plan activities and be joined by other users.
* Leveraged OOP concepts such as abstract classes, inheritance and polymorphism.
* Used complex View Models and Data Models.
* Use Entity Framework Core for model creation and database querying.
* Utilized technologies: C#, ASP.Net Core MVC Framework, HTML, CSS, MVC, MySQL, LINQ, Entity Framework.
* Built full stack web applications using C#, ASP.Net Core MVC Framework that allows user to add an activity to the planner.
__**The Wall**__ [github](
Created a wall page where users can post messages and see messages posted by other users, as well as leave comments.
* Registration and Login uses both frontend and backend validations.
* Uses full Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) for all Users and Ideas.
* Technologies: C#, .Net Core MVC Framework, Entity Framework Core and MySQL.
__**CEO/Project Manager**__
IMBA painting LLC – Seattle, WA
* Responsible for all operations, management, and business planning.
* I have created my own website [github](
### Education
**Coding Dojo Bootcamp, Seattle, WA**
14-week on-site program. Over 800 hours of hands-on coding in 3 full stacks: Python (Django, Flask, MySQL).
-MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) – C# (.NET Core, Entity).
* Black Belt (Highest Honors) MEAN.
* Black Belt (Highest Honors) C#.
* Red Belt Python.
**University of World and National Economics – Bulgaria | September 2010 – May 2014**
• Bachelor in Macroeconomics.
• Minor in Computer Science
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