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Created September 8, 2022 21:44
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1. IAM Users & Groups
2. IAM Policies
4. AWS Access Keys, CLI and SDK
6. AWS CloudShell: Region Availability
7. IAM Roles for AWS Services
8. IAM Security Tools
9. IAM Best Practices
10. AWS Budget Setup
11. EC2 Basics
12. EC2 Instance Types Basics
15. SSH Troubleshooting
16. EC2 Instance Connect
17. EC2 Instance Roles Demo
18. EC2 Instance Purchasing Options
19. EBS
20. AMI
21. EC2 Instance Store
22. EBS Volume Types
23. EBS Multi-Attach
24. Amazon EFS
25. EFS vs EBS
26. High Availability and Scalability
28. Classic Load Balancer (CLB)
29. Application Load Balancer (ALB)
31. Network Load Balancer (NLB)
33. Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB)
34. Elastic Load Balancer - Sticky Sessions
35. Elastic Load Balancer - Cross Zone Load Balancing
36. Elastic Load Balancer - SSL Certificates
37. Elastic Load Balancer - Connection Draining
40. Auto Scaling Groups - Scaling Policies
42. What is a DNS?
43. Route 53
44. Routing Policy
45. Route 53 Health Checks
46. Routing Policy
47. VPC Fundamentals
48. VPC, Subnets, IGW and NAT
49. NACL, SG, VPC Flow Logs
50. VPC Peering, Endpoints, VPN, DX
51. Three Tier Architecture
52. Amazon S3
53. S3 Buckets and Objects
54. S3 Versioning
55. S3 Encryption
56. S3 Security & Bucket Policies
57. S3 Websites
58. S3 CORS
59. S3 Consistency Model
60. AWS Policy Simulator
61. AWS CLI Dry Run
62. AWS CLI STS Decode
63. AWS EC2 Instance Metadata
64. AWS CLI Profiles
65. AWS CLI with MFA
66. Exponential Backoff & Service Limit Increase
67. AWS Credentials Provider & Chain
68. AWS Signature v4 Signing
69. S3 MFA Delete
70. S3 Default Encryption
71. S3 Access Logs
72. S3 Replication (Cross Region and Same Region)
73. S3 Pre-signed URLs
74. S3 Storage Classes + Glacier
75. S3 Lifecycle Rules
76. S3 Performance
77. S3 & Glacier Select
78. S3 Event Notifications
79. CloudFront Security
80. CloudFront Signed URL / Cookies
81. CloudFront Advanced Concepts
82. Docker
83. Amazon ECS
84. Amazon ECR
85. Amazon EKS
87. CodeDeploy for EC2 and ASG
88. AWS CloudFormation
89. CloudFormation
90. AWS Monitoring
91. CloudWatch
92. Amazon EventBridge
93. X-Ray
94. CloudTrail
95. AWS Integration & Messaging
96. SQS Queue
97. Amazon SNS
98. Kinesis
99. AWS Lambda
100. DynamoDB
101. API Gateway
102. AWS SAM
103. Serverless Application Repository (SAR)
104. Cognito
105. Step Functions - Error Handling
106. Step Functions - Standard vs Express
107. AWS Amplify
108. Granting a User Permissions to Pass a Role to an AWS Service
109. AWS Directory Services
110. AWS Security
111. KMS Encryption Patterns and Envelope Encryption
112. KMS Limits
113. KMS and AWS Lambda Practice
114. S3 Security Advanced
115. S3 Bucket Key
116. SSM Parameter Store vs Secrets Manager
117. CloudWatch Logs Encryption
118. CodeBuild Security
119. AWS Other Services
120. AWS SES
121. Summary of Databases (OLTP, OLAP, NOSQL, CACHE)
122. Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM)
123. AWS Cloud Map
124. AWS Fault Injection Simulator - FIS
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