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Created January 7, 2021 22:43
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Sample code for my Medium article "How to build powerful deep recommender systems using Spotlight".
Utility functions for generating movie recommendations using matrix factorization models
def get_metadata(movie_id, metadata):
Retrieves the metadata for a movie given the movie ID
movie_data = metadata[metadata['movieId'] == movie_id]
return movie_data[['original_title', 'release_date', 'genres']].to_dict(orient='records')
def recommend_movies(user_id, metadata, model, n_movies=5):
Recommends movies for user using a matrix factorization model.
pred = model.predict(user_ids=user_id)
indices = np.argpartition(pred, -n_movies)[-n_movies:]
best_movie_ids = indices[np.argsort(pred[indices])]
return [get_metadata(movie_id + 1, metadata) for movie_id in best_movie_ids]
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