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Created January 7, 2021 22:56
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Sample code for my Medium article "How to build powerful deep recommender systems using Spotlight".
Utility functions for generating movie recommendations using sequence models.
import difflib
def get_movie_id(movie_title, metadata):
Gets the movie id for a movie title
existing_titles = list(metadata['original_title'].values)
closest_titles = difflib.get_close_matches(movie_title, existing_titles)
movie_id = metadata[metadata['original_title'] == closest_titles[0]]['movieId'].values[0]
return movie_id
def recommend_next_movies(movies, metadata, model, n_movies=5):
Recommends the top n next movies that a user is likely to watch
based on a list of previously watched movies.
movie_ids = [get_movie_id(movie, metadata) for movie in movies]
pred = model.predict(sequences=np.array(movie_ids))
indices = np.argpartition(pred, -n_movies)[-n_movies:]
best_movie_ids = indices[np.argsort(pred[indices])]
return [get_metadata(movie_id + 1, metadata) for movie_id in best_movie_ids]
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