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Last active April 17, 2022 19:45
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Conda (cheatsheet) Quick Commands

Quick Commands

Set up env
$ conda env create --prefix ./env -f environment.yml

Set up new env
$ conda create --prefix ./env python=3.10

Write env to Yaml
$ conda env export > environment.yml

$ conda activate ./env or
$ source activate ./env

Getting Started

Verify Conda is installed, check version number.
$ conda info

Update Conda to the current version.
$ conda update -n base conda

Update all packages to the latest version of Anaconda. Will install stable and compatible versions, not necessarily the very latest.
$ conda update anaconda

Working with Environments

Create a new environment named ENVNAME with specific version of Python and packages installed.
$ conda create --name ENVNAME python=3.6 "PKG1>7.6" PKG2

Activate a named Conda environment.
$ conda activate ENVNAME

Activate a Conda environment at a particular location on disk.
$ conda activate /path/to/environment-dir

Deactivate current environment.
$ conda deactivate

List all packages and versions in the active environment.
$ conda list

List all packages and versions in a named environment.
$ conda list --name ENVNAME

List all revisions made within the active environment.
$ conda list --revisions

List all revisions made in a specified environment.
$ conda list --name ENVNAME --revisions

Restore an environment to a previous revision.
$ conda install --name ENVNAME --revision REV_NUMBER

Delete an entire environment.
$ conda remove --name ENVNAME --all

Sharing Environments

Make an exact copy of an environment.
$ conda create --clone ENVNAME --name NEWENV

Export an environment to a YAML file that can be read on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
$ conda env export --name ENVNAME > environment.yml

Create an environment from YAML file.
$ conda env create --file envname.yml

Create an environment from YAML file in a subfolder.
$ conda env create --prefix ./env --f environment.yml

Create an environment from the file named environment.yml in the current directory.
$ conda env create

Export an environment with exact package versions for one OS.
$ conda list --explicit > pkgs.txt

Create an environment based on exact package versions.
$ conda create --name NEWENV --file pkgs.txt

Using Packages and Channels

Search for a package in currently configured channels with version range >=3.1.0, <3.2".
$ conda search PKGNAME=3.1 "PKGNAME [version='>=3.1.0,<3.2']"

Find a package on all channels using the Anaconda Client.
$ anaconda search FUZZYNAME

Install package from a specific channel.
$ conda install conda-forge::PKGNAME

Install a package by exact version number (3.1.4).
$ conda install PKGNAME==3.1.4

Install one of the listed versions (OR).
$ conda install "PKGNAME[version='3.1.2|3.1.4']"

Install following several constraints (AND).
$ conda install "PKGNAME>2.5,<3.2"

Add a channel to your Conda configuration.
$ conda config --add channels CHANNELNAME

Additional Useful Hints

Detailed information about package versions.
$ conda search PKGNAME --info

Remove unused cached files including unused packages.
$ conda clean --all

Remove a package from an environment.
$ conda uninstall PKGNAME --name ENVNAME

Update all packages within an environment.
$ conda update --all --name ENVNAME

Run most commands without requiring a user prompt. Useful for scripts.
$ conda install --yes PKG1 PKG2

Examine Conda configuration and configuration services.
$ conda config --show
$ conda config --show-sources

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