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npm scripts for Docker

These are generic npm scripts that you can copy & paste into your package.json file as-is and get access to convinience scripts to manage your Docker images all in one place.

Looking for npm scripts for AWS ECS? Go here!

Watch the video: Do More With Less JavaScript

Docker Containers for Static or Angular/React/Vue/etc SPA Websites


  • Cross-Platform: Works on Windows 10 and macOS.
  • docker:build: Builds your Docker image, using the root Dockerfile and tags the image as latest and whatever version is specificed in package.json like 1.0.0.
  • docker:run: Run the image you built on your local Docker instance. When you run docker ps your image will identified by the imageName you specify in package.json.
  • docker:debug: Builds and runs image; tails console logs, so you can see what's happening inside the container; launche target app URL http://localhost:imagePort in a browser; all in one command.
  • docker:publish: Publishes the image to the imageRepo specified. This can be on Docker Hub, AWS ECS or any other Docker repository you may create.


  • Install Docker for Mac or Windows
  • npm i --save-dev cross-conf-env npm-run-all: Needed to ensure cross platform functionality for scripts.

Configuring Package.json in 2-steps

Step 1

In your package.json file add a new config property with three sub-properties using your own values, as shown below:

  "config": {
    "imageRepo": "[namespace]/[repository]",
    "imageName": "custom_app_name",
    "imagePort": "0000"

Step 2

Copy & paste these new scripts under the scripts property in package.json:

Note that docker:runHelper assumes that your code is listening to port 3000. Update the value in the scripts, if this is not the case.

  "scripts": {
    "predocker:build": "npm run build",
    "docker:build": "cross-conf-env docker image build . -t $npm_package_config_imageRepo:$npm_package_version",
    "postdocker:build": "npm run docker:tag",
    "docker:tag": " cross-conf-env docker image tag $npm_package_config_imageRepo:$npm_package_version $npm_package_config_imageRepo:latest",
    "docker:run": "run-s -c docker:clean docker:runHelper",
    "docker:runHelper": "cross-conf-env docker run -e NODE_ENV=local --name $npm_package_config_imageName -d -p $npm_package_config_imagePort:3000 $npm_package_config_imageRepo",
    "predocker:publish": "echo Attention! Ensure `docker login` is correct.",
    "docker:publish": "cross-conf-env docker image push $npm_package_config_imageRepo:$npm_package_version",
    "postdocker:publish": "cross-conf-env docker image push $npm_package_config_imageRepo:latest",
    "docker:clean": "cross-conf-env docker rm -f $npm_package_config_imageName",
    "predocker:taillogs": "echo Web Server Logs:",
    "docker:taillogs": "cross-conf-env docker logs -f $npm_package_config_imageName",
    "docker:open:win": "echo Trying to launch on Windows && timeout 2 && start http://localhost:%npm_package_config_imagePort%",
    "docker:open:mac": "echo Trying to launch on MacOS && sleep 2 && URL=http://localhost:$npm_package_config_imagePort && open $URL",
    "docker:debugmessage": "echo Docker Debug Completed Successfully! Hit Ctrl+C to terminate log tailing.",
    "predocker:debug": "run-s -c docker:build docker:run",
    "docker:debug": "run-s -cs docker:open:win docker:open:mac docker:debugmessage docker:taillogs"

You can customize the build command to run your tests before building the image like:

    "predocker:build": "npm run build -- --prod && npm test",


You're done. Now run your scripts. To build and publish an image you only need to use two of the commands frequently. 0. npm run docker:build: Builds and Tags the image. After first run, you can just use npm run docker:debug.

  1. npm run docker:debug: Test (optional), Build, Tag, Run, Tail and launch your app in a browser to test.
  2. npm run docker:publish: Voila, you results are published on the repository you've defined.

Publish on the Internet

You've two options, easy and hard.

  1. Easy: Use After you install the cli tools and login. You'll need to run the following command on the same folder as your Dockerfile:
$ now

That's it!

  1. Hard: Use AWS ECS This is Amazon's Elastic Container Service and it's pretty excellent to use with Docker. However, it is complicated to setup. But worry not for step-by-step instructions head over to npm scripts for AWS ECS.
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