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Last active July 31, 2017 18:27
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Basic B+W Film Processing


  1. Get
    a. container with ml/oz markings and rinse well w/ water
    b. funnel and rinse well w/ water
    c. thermometer and rinse well w/ water
    d. towel to dry your hands and work area as needed
    e. the 3 chems needed for processing

  2. Pour 10 oz of deveoper PER ROLL in container

  3. Measure developer temp

  4. Calculate development time based on developer type and temp, film type, and ISO film was shot at using
    a. film development table printed on the film box for the film you are shooting
    b. if a. is unavailable, use online film development table


  1. Developer
    a. pour solution into tank and put lid on
    b. rinse container after developer poured into tank
    c. 10 mins for ISO 1600 HP5+ @ 75F in undiluted (i.e. denoted as 1+0) D-76 developer
    d. 5 inversions every 30 secs
    e. pour down drain

  2. Stop bath
    a. pour solution into tank until full so that liquid begins to pool at top of tank and keep lid off
    b. 30 secs w/ agitation with little stick
    c. pour back into container using funnel d. rinse funnel and set aside

  3. Fixer
    a. pour solution into tank until full so that liquid begins to pool at top of tank and put lid on
    b. 5 mins
    c. 5 inversions every 30 secs d. pour back into container using funnel (avoid getting this chem on your hands!!!) e. rinse funnel VERY well
    f. film is now OK in light

  4. Rinse
    a. 1 min under running water w/ film still in closed tank
    b. 1 min in hypo clear w/ agitation with little stick w/ film still in closed tank
    c. 1 min under running water w/ film still in closed tank


  1. Remove film from tank

  2. Hang to dry w/ clip on end of film to keep straight

  3. Rinse w/ Photoflo to prevent water spots
    a. use 1 ml of solution in ketchup size squirt bottle
    b. use distilled water

  4. Dry for 1+ hours; if heated room, 1 hour is sufficient

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