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Created October 9, 2012 20:37
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Some useful context manager utilities used when working with Python.
""" Utility methods for context managers. License is BSD 3-Clause. """
from collections import defaultdict
from unittest import TestCase
class nested(object):
This context manager is different from ``contextlib.nested``.
``contextlib.nested`` is one-shot: once instantiated it can only be used
in a ``with`` statement once. This manager can be infinitely re-used. So
the following code works with this incarnation of ``nested``, but not with
``contextlib.nested`` ::
n = nested(a, b, c)
with n:
with n:
There are other subtle differences.
def __init__(self, *nest):
self.nest = nest
def __enter__(self):
self.exits = [mgr.__exit__ for mgr in self.nest]
vars = []
for mgr in self.nest:
return vars
def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb):
for exit in self.exits:
exit(et, ev, tb)
def ContextCase(cm):
Constructs a TestCase from the given context_manager. ``__enter__`` will
be called during ``setUp`` and ``__exit__`` will be called during
class _Case(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(_Case, self).setUp()
def tearDown(self):
super(_Case, self).tearDown()
cm.__exit__(None, None, None)
return _Case
class Ordering(object):
Defines and maintains two maps of sets: ``higher``, which maps an object to
all objects greater than it, and ``lower``, which maps an object to all
objects less than it.
def __init__(self):
self.lower = defaultdict(set)
self.higher = defaultdict(set)
self.acquired = []
def update_set(self, m, to_update, to_add):
def update(self, low, high):
""" Indicate that in this ordering, low is less than high. """
self.update_set(self.higher, low, high)
for lower_down in self.lower[low]:
self.update_set(self.higher, lower_down, high)
self.update_set(self.lower, high, low)
for higher_up in self.higher[high]:
self.update_set(self.lower, higher_up, low)
class OrderedManager(object):
:class:`OrderedManager` inheritors must be entered in the same ``order``
every time. ``order`` is an :class:`Ordering` that records all managers
"greater" and "less than" any given manager.
Every time this manager is acquired, it declares that it must be invoked
after all currently active managers. This dynamically creates a total order
of all managers that are entered in an interleaved fashion.
def __init__(self, order):
self.order = order
def __enter__(self):
order = self.order
greater = order.higher[self]
if order.acquired:
conflicts = greater & set(order.acquired)
if conflicts:
raise EntryOrderError(self, greater, conflicts)
for lower in order.acquired:
order.update(lower, self)
def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb):
class EntryOrderError(RuntimeError):
""" Invalid attempt to acquire manager out of order. """
def __init__(self, mgr, not_after, conflicts):
self.not_after, self.conflicts = not_after, conflicts
self.bad = mgr
msg = (self.__doc__ + "\n" +
"Bad Manager: {0.bad}\n"
"Cannot acquire after: {0.not_after}\n"
"Conflicts with: {0.conflicts}").format(self)
super(EntryOrderError, self).__init__(msg)
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