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Created June 13, 2020 15:56
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course_1_assessment_7 of Python Basics of week 3 taught on Coursera
rainfall_mi is a string that contains the average number of inches of rainfall in Michigan for every month (in inches) with every month separated by a comma. Write code to compute the number of months that have more than 3 inches of rainfall. Store the result in the variable num_rainy_months. In other words, count the number of items with values > 3.0.
Hard-coded answers will receive no credit.
rainfall_mi = "1.65, 1.46, 2.05, 3.03, 3.35, 3.46, 2.83, 3.23, 3.5, 2.52, 2.8, 1.85"
rainfall_mi = rainfall_mi.split(',')
num_rainy_months = 0
for rain in rainfall_mi:
print (rain)
if float(rain) > 3.0:
num_rainy_months += 1
print (num_rainy_months)
The variable sentence stores a string. Write code to determine how many words in sentence start and end with the same letter, including one-letter words. Store the result in the variable same_letter_count.
Hard-coded answers will receive no credit.
sentence = "students flock to the arb for a variety of outdoor activities such as jogging and picnicking"
sentence = sentence.split()
# Write your code here.
same_letter_count = 0
for word in sentence:
if word[0] == word[-1]:
same_letter_count += 1
print (same_letter_count)
Write code to count the number of strings in list items that have the character w in it. Assign that number to the variable acc_num.
HINT 1: Use the accumulation pattern!
HINT 2: the in operator checks whether a substring is present in a string.
Hard-coded answers will receive no credit.
items = ["whirring", "wow!", "calendar", "wry", "glass", "", "llama","tumultuous","owing"]
acc_num = 0
for str in items:
if 'w' in str:
acc_num += 1
print (acc_num)
Write code that counts the number of words in sentence that contain either an “a” or an “e”. Store the result in the variable num_a_or_e.
Note 1: be sure to not double-count words that contain both an a and an e.
HINT 1: Use the in operator.
HINT 2: You can either use or or elif.
Hard-coded answers will receive no credit.
sentence = "python is a high level general purpose programming language that can be applied to many different classes of problems."
sentence = sentence.split()
num_a_or_e = 0
for word in sentence:
if 'a' in word or 'e' in word:
num_a_or_e += 1
print (num_a_or_e)
Write code that will count the number of vowels in the sentence s and assign the result to the variable num_vowels. For this problem, vowels are only a, e, i, o, and u. Hint: use the in operator with vowels.
s = "singing in the rain and playing in the rain are two entirely different situations but both can be fun"
vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u']
# Write your code here.
num_vowels = 0
for word in s:
for v in vowels:
if v in word:
num_vowels += 1
print (num_vowels)
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