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Created January 17, 2019 15:40
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Script to generate Firefox-Color themes on the fly using base0x
#!/usr/bin/env sh
ffc_c() {
msgpack-cli encode | lzma -c | base64 | sed 's|+|-|g; s|/|_|g'
ffc_d() {
sed 's|-|+|g; s|_|/|g' | base64 -d | lzcat | msgpack-cli decode
h=$(echo "${1}" | tr -d '#' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
r=$(printf '%s' "${h}" | cut -c 1-2)
g=$(printf '%s' "${h}" | cut -c 3-4)
b=$(printf '%s' "${h}" | cut -c 5-6)
printf '{"r":%d,"g":%d,"b":%d}' "0x${r}" "0x${g}" "0x${b}"
ffc_g() {
#test -f "${1}" && thm=$(cat "${1}") || thm=$(cat)
tb=$(hex2rgb "${base01}") # toolbar
tbt=$(hex2rgb "${base07}");
ac=$(hex2rgb "${base03}") # background
tc=$(hex2rgb "${base07}"); tbf=$(hex2rgb "${base05}")
tbft=$(hex2rgb "${base02}"); tl=$(hex2rgb "${base02}")
pop=$(hex2rgb "${base02}"); popt=$(hex2rgb "${base07}")
cat << EOL
{"title:": "default", "colors": {
"toolbar": ${tb}, "toolbar_text": ${tbt},
"accentcolor": ${ac}, "textcolor": ${tc},
"toolbar_field": ${tbf}, "toolbar_field_text": ${tbft},
"tab_line": ${tl}, "popup": ${pop}, "popup_text": ${popt}
}, "images": {}}
ffc_o() {
test -f "${1}" && thm=$(cat "${1}") || thm=$(cat)
cmp=$(printf '%s' "${thm}" | ffc_c)
xdg-open "${cmp}"
test "$#" -gt 0 || exit 1
act="${1}"; shift
case "${act}" in
c*) ffc_c ${@};;
d*) ffc_d ${@};;
g*) ffc_g ${@};;
o*) ffc_o ${@};;
# base64-encode
# return buffer.toString('base64')
# .replace(/\+/g, '-') // Convert '+' to '-'
# .replace(/\//g, '_') // Convert '/' to '_'
# .replace(/=+$/, ''); // Remove ending '='
# base64-decode
# base64 += Array(5 - base64.length % 4).join('=');
# base64 = base64
# .replace(/\-/g, '+') // Convert '-' to '+'
# .replace(/\_/g, '/'); // Convert '_' to '/'
#compress(json) {
# const packed = pack ? (await LOADERS.msgpack()).encode(json) : JSON.stringify(json);
# const compressed = await ALGORITHMS[algorithm].compress(packed);
# const encoded = encode ? (await LOADERS.safe64()).encode(compressed) : compressed;
# return encoded;
#decompress(string) {
# const decoded = encode ? (await LOADERS.safe64()).decode(string) : string;
# const decompressed = await ALGORITHMS[algorithm].decompress(decoded);
# const unpacked = pack ? (await LOADERS.msgpack()).decode(decompressed) : JSON.parse(decompressed);
# return unpacked;
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