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Forked from SimonRoblox/gist:7242348
Last active December 27, 2015 01:09
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Save Anaminus/7242954 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Overview
+ We're providing new Data Persistence API, which lets you store some data
between server runs for ROBLOX places
+ Significant improvement over previous API, including:
- Arbitrary global data, not just per-place data
* Allows to subscribe to updates made by other instances!
- Guaranteed saves - as soon as call returns, data will not be lost
- In future, will allow sharing this data between different places
- Saves arbitrary lua tables
* Setup
+ To access it, open place from website (for example, from Start Page->My Projects)
+ WARNING: call from studio will affect data server sees,
so it's higly advised to have a separate test place!
* Accessing data persistence:
ds = game:GetService("UniverseService"):GetGlobalDataStore()
* API:
+ All action APIs on DataStore yield(as shown by Async suffix)
+ All keys are global per-place, not per player
+ GetAsync(key) - returns value
+ UpdateAsync(key, function(oldValue) return newValue; end) - to update a key,
you need to provide function that receives old value and returns new one
- This function can be run multiple times in case of conflict, so make sure you use oldValue
- To cancel update, return nil
- If key doesn't exist, will receive nil
- If sucessful, returns value of the key
- If update is cancelled, returns result of callback function (may return multiple values)
+ IncrementAsync(key, delta=1) - increments value for a particular key, returns incremented value
+ SetAsync(key,value) - sets value. Very dangerous, since it can overwrite data from another instance.
Almost always using UpdateAsync is preferred
+ OnUpdate(key, function(value) end) - subscribe for key change. Change could come both from this
instance or other instances
- Returns connection, like event would
+ value can be number, boolean, string or lua table. ROBLOX types like Instances, Vector3, etc are not allowed
* Example:
ds = game:GetService("UniverseService"):GetGlobalDataStore()
ds:GetAsync("mykey") -- will return null
ds:Update("mykey", function(oldValue) return oldValue == nil and 4 or nil) -- If key doesn't exist, create it, otherwise cancel update
ds:IncrementAsync("mykey",3) -- will return 1
ds:UpdateAsync("mykey", function(oldValue) return oldValue*2; end)
ds:GetAsync("mykey") -- will return 4
ds:OnUpdate("mykey", function(value) print(value) end)
ds:SetAsync("mykey", 10) -- will print 10
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