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All the good stuff is in private repos!

anasauce Anasauce

All the good stuff is in private repos!
  • New York, NY
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Anasauce /
Last active June 4, 2016 14:37 — forked from lg-bot/
Color Picker challenge for the Learners Guild Learnathon:

Make a Color Picker

In this challenge, you'll build a color picker for a web page.

A color picker is a simple UI (User Interface) tool that allows a user to choose from a list of colors. It is used in lots of software where users can select different colors.

For example, say you are designing a blog editor. You will likely want to let users choose the colors of things like their blog header, background, and text. A color picker is a user-friendly way to edit things like this.

In this challenge, we'll start simple and build a web page with a color picker that, when clicked, changes the background color of the page.

Anasauce /
Last active May 22, 2017 19:02
Goals for 368 - Get Hired - Cycle 44

Goals for 368 - Get Hired - Cycle 44

  • Submit application for Color of Change
  • Research essay question for Github application
  • Follow up and email any contacts for each job I applied to last week to ask for a soft introduction or referral
  • follow up with email for Twilio conference
  • Meet with Jeff for Literator
  • finish final PR for "Student Notes" - WIP PR submitted, after meeting with Jeff specs have been changed so I will continue to work on it next week so PR will be merged

Final summary:

Anasauce / gist:1c708c067b7ead1d39968113af98c072
Created May 30, 2017 15:44
Goals for 368 - Get Hired - Cycle 45
# Goals for 368 - Get Hired - Cycle 45
- [x] Attend Twilio Conference
- [x] Follow up and email any contacts met a conferencfollow up with email for Twilio conference
- [x] Meet with Jeff for Literator
- [x] finish final PR for "Student Notes" - WIP PR submitted, after meeting with Jeff specs have been changed so I will continue to work on it next week so PR will be merged
- [x] Attend Slack Meeting
Anasauce /
Created June 2, 2017 23:15
Goals for 368 - Get Hired - Cycle 46

Goals for 368 - Get Hired - Cycle 46

  • Take PR from Ripple
  • Follow up and email any contacts met a conferencfollow up with email for Twilio conference
  • Follow up with Jeff about last PR for Literator
  • Follow up with Shyp about scheduling onsite interview
  • Follow up with Slack
  • Phone interview with Bridge US foudner
  • Phone interview with Color of Change
Anasauce /
Last active July 28, 2017 16:30
Phase 5: Wk 7/24-7/28

Weekly Goals:

  • Get though Basics of Ruby tutorial on Treehouse
  • Review "Unit Testing with Mocha and Chai" module
  • read code from one open-source Ruby/Rails application
  • Research all relavent exhibitors at NetRoots conference -- read documentation for at least three digital organizing tools
Anasauce /
Created July 31, 2017 20:52
Phase 5: Wk 7/31-8/4

Weekly Goals

  • finish basics of Ruby Treehouse course

  • build a basic full stack app with Rails

  • access an external API with Rails either in test application or through tutorial

  • say goodbye to Learners Guild and friends ::sad face::