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Last active February 7, 2021 15:28
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import Foundation
import UIKit
struct BaseStyles {
static func rounded<V: UIView>(cornerRadius r: CGFloat = 5.5) -> UIViewStyle<V> {
return UIViewStyle<V>(styling: { (view: V) in
view.layer.masksToBounds = true
view.clipsToBounds = true
view.layer.cornerRadius = r
static func border<V: UIView>(width: CGFloat = 1.0, color: UIColor = .black) -> UIViewStyle<V> {
return UIViewStyle<V>(styling: { (view: V) in
view.layer.borderColor = color.cgColor
view.layer.borderWidth = width
static func rounded<V: UIView>(corners: UIRectCorner, cornerRadius: CGFloat = 8.0) -> UIViewStyle<V> {
return UIViewStyle<V>(styling: { view in
let rectShape = CAShapeLayer()
rectShape.bounds = view.frame
rectShape.position =
rectShape.path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: view.bounds,
byRoundingCorners: corners,
cornerRadii: CGSize(width: cornerRadius, height: cornerRadius)).cgPath
view.layer.mask = rectShape
view.layer.masksToBounds = true
static func circle<V: UIView>() -> UIViewStyle<V> {
return BaseStyles.rounded().composing(with: { (v) in
v.layer.cornerRadius = v.frame.size.height / 2
static let card: UIViewStyle<UIView> = rounded(cornerRadius: 5.5).composing { view in
view.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 2.5)
static let shadow: UIViewStyle<UIView> = UIViewStyle { view in
view.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.gray.cgColor
view.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.15
view.layer.shadowRadius = 2
view.layer.masksToBounds = false
static let background: UIViewStyle<UIView> = UIViewStyle { view in
view.backgroundColor = .white
static let separator: UIViewStyle<UIView> = UIViewStyle { view in
view.backgroundColor = .lightGrey
static let tableView: UIViewStyle<UITableView> = UIViewStyle { tableView in
tableView.separatorStyle = .none
// Usage:
// BaseStyles.rounded().styling(view)
// BaseStyles.background.apply(to: view)
// BaseStyles.card.apply(to: view)
// BaseStyles.border(width: 0.5, color: .grey).styling(view)
import Foundation
import UIKit
struct ButtonStyle {
static let clear: UIViewStyle<UIButton> = rounded.composing { (button: UIButton) in
button.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
button.setTitleColor(UIColor.white, for: .normal)
static let rounded: UIViewStyle<UIButton> = base(cornerRadius: 4)
static func base<V: UIButton>(cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0) -> UIViewStyle<V> {
return BaseStyles.rounded(cornerRadius: cornerRadius).composing { (button: UIButton) in
button.setTitleColor(UIColor.white, for: .normal)
button.setBackgroundColor(UIColor.anteoBlue, forState: .normal)
static func bold<V: UIButton>(ofSize: CGFloat = 22) -> UIViewStyle<V> {
return UIViewStyle { button in
guard let label = button.titleLabel else {
LabelStyle.baseBold(with: ofSize).apply(to: label)
static func regular<V: UIButton>(ofSize size: CGFloat = 18) -> UIViewStyle<V> {
return UIViewStyle { button in
guard let label = button.titleLabel else { return }
LabelStyle.base(with: size).apply(to: label)
static let darkGreyTitle: UIViewStyle<UIButton> = {
return UIViewStyle { button in
guard let label = button.titleLabel else { return }
LabelStyle.darkGrey.apply(to: label)
// Usage:
// ButtonStyle.regular().apply(to: button)
// ButtonStyle.darkGreyTitle.apply(to: button)
import Foundation
import UIKit
struct LabelStyle {
static func base(with size: CGFloat) -> UIViewStyle<UILabel> {
return UIViewStyle { label in
label.font = Font.regular(size)
static func baseBold(with size: CGFloat) -> UIViewStyle<UILabel> {
return UIViewStyle { label in
label.font = Font.bold(size)
static let big: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = base(with: 30)
static let bigBold: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = baseBold(with: 30)
static let base: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = LabelStyle.base(with: 18)
static let baseBold: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = LabelStyle.baseBold(with: 18)
static let small: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = base(with: 14)
static let smallBold: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = baseBold(with: 14)
static let blue: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = UIViewStyle { label in
label.textColor =
static let darkGrey: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = UIViewStyle { label in
label.textColor = UIColor.darkGrey
static let grey: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = UIViewStyle { label in
label.textColor = UIColor.grey
static let black: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = UIViewStyle { label in
label.textColor =
static let white: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = UIViewStyle { label in
label.textColor = UIColor.white
static let dialogTitle: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = UIViewStyle { label in
static let dialogText: UIViewStyle<UILabel> = UIViewStyle { label in
// Usage:
// LabelStyle.smallBold.apply(to: label)
// LabelStyle.darkGrey.apply(to: label)
import UIKit
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
/// An abstraction if `UIView` styling.
struct UIViewStyle<T: UIResponder> {
/// The styling function that takes a `UIView` instance
/// and performs side-effects on it.
public let styling: (T) -> Void
/// A factory method that composes multiple styles.
/// - Parameter styles: The styles to compose.
/// - Returns: A new `UIViewStyle` that will call the input styles'
/// `styling` method in succession.
static func compose(_ styles: UIViewStyle<T>...) -> UIViewStyle<T> {
return UIViewStyle { view in
for style in styles {
/// Compose this style with another.
/// - Parameter other: Other style to compose this style with.
/// - Returns: A new `UIViewStyle` which will call this style's `styling`,
/// and then the `other` style's `styling`.
func composing(with other: UIViewStyle<T>) -> UIViewStyle<T> {
return UIViewStyle { view in
/// Compose this style with another styling function.
/// - Parameter otherStyling: The function to compose this style with.
/// - Returns: A new `UIViewStyle` which will call this style's `styling`,
/// and then the input `styling`.
func composing(with otherStyling: @escaping (T) -> Void) -> UIViewStyle<T> {
return self.composing(with: UIViewStyle(styling: otherStyling))
/// Apply this style to a UIView.
/// - Parameter view: the view to style
func apply(to view: T) {
/// Apply this style to multiple views.
/// - Parameter views: the views to style
func apply(to views: T...) {
for view in views {
extension Reactive where Base: UIResponder {
var style: Binder<UIViewStyle<UIResponder>> {
return Binder(self.base) { control, style in
style.apply(to: control)
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