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Created October 7, 2015 12:19
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Don't allow open several tabs
angular.module('myMod').factory('tabsData', function (localStorageService) {
var Factory = {},
keyReg = /^tab-(\d+-\d+)$/;
* get all tabs data
* @return array
Factory.all = function () {
var keys = localStorageService.keys(),
ret = []; {
if (key.match(keyReg)) {
return ret;
* remove tab data by id
Factory.remove = function (id) {
localStorageService.remove('tab-' + id);
* add tab data with id, and update / creation time
Factory.add = function (id) {
var t = (new Date()).toString(),
tabData = {id:id, t: t};
localStorageService.set('tab-' + id, tabData);
* get tab data or null
Factory.get = function (id) {
var tabData = localStorageService.get('tab-' + id);
return tabData;
* udpate tab data.t and remove data.markedToRemove
* if it set
Factory.update = function (id) {
var tabData = Factory.get(id);
if (tabData === undefined || tabData === null) {
console.error("invalid tabData id", id);
var t = (new Date()).toString();
tabData.t = t;
tabData.markedToRemove = undefined;
localStorageService.set('tab-' + id, tabData);
* add tab data.markedToRemove with current Date toString()
* as data.markedToRemove param
Factory.markToRemove = function (id) {
var tabData = Factory.get(id);
if (tabData === undefined || tabData === null) {
console.error("invalid tabData id", id);
var t = (new Date()).toString();
tabData.markedToRemove = t;
localStorageService.set('tab-' + id, tabData);
* unique id generation
function getRandomArbitary (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
Factory.generateId = function () {
return getRandomArbitary(0,9999) + '-' + (new Date()).getTime();
return Factory;
angular.module('myMod').factory('tabsTracker', function (tabsData) {
var Factory = {ids: []},
checkingPeriod = 800,
removeAfterMarkingTime = checkingPeriod * 3,
tabNotAliveAfter = 5000;
* do not allow open several tabs on certain pages
* (it works with pages, generated on fly with ng-location,
* please use it only with topmost $scope / template in nested templates / locations)
Factory.track = function ($scope) {
* do not allow track single tab in same scope
if ($scope.trackingTabId) {
throw new Error("tab already tracked with current scope");
return null;
* do not allow track single tab in same app
if (Factory.ids.length) {
throw new Error("tab already tracked with another scope");
return null;
var id = tabsData.generateId();
$scope.trackingTabId = id;
* save these id to Factory to not allow track tab twice in
* same ng-app
* right away after tracking this tab we can block
* it if other tab was opened
var interval = setInterval(_checkOpenedTabsData, checkingPeriod, $scope);
var destroyIdOnPageClose = function (/*event*/) {
* destroy tabData when pages will be closed/redirected
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', destroyIdOnPageClose);
* destroy tabData on $scope $destroy event
* note that $destroy event doesnt fires when we close tab,
* it fires only in normal angular-js workflow
$scope.$on('$destroy', function ($event) {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', destroyIdOnPageClose);
* set $scope.tooManyTabs true / false
function _checkOpenedTabsData ($scope) {
var tooManyTabsOldVal = $scope.tooManyTabs;
if (!_checkIsTabSingleAndRmoveOldTabsData($scope.trackingTabId)) {
$scope.tooManyTabs = true;
} else {
$scope.tooManyTabs = false;
if (tooManyTabsOldVal != $scope.tooManyTabs && $scope.$$phase === null) {
* check if current tab is single and remove not alive tabs data
function _checkIsTabSingleAndRmoveOldTabsData (tabTrackingId) {
var _tabs_data_arr = tabsData.all(),
currentDateTime = new Date(),
* @var bool currentTabSingle
currentTabSingle = true;
* check that _tabs_data_arr.length contains only current tab data
if (_tabs_data_arr.length === 1 && _tabs_data_arr[0].id == tabTrackingId ) {
return currentTabSingle;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < _tabs_data_arr.length; i++) {
var data = _tabs_data_arr[i];
* skip current tab
if ( == tabTrackingId) {
var tabNotAlive = (currentDateTime - new Date(data.t)) > tabNotAliveAfter;
* mark to remove and wait if tab is live it will update his data.t
* or remove not live tabs data that was already marked
if (tabNotAlive) {
currentTabSingle = false;
return currentTabSingle;
function _destroyId (tabTrackingId) {
function _markToRemove (tabData) {
var isMarked = tabData.markedToRemove !== undefined;
if (!isMarked) {
function _removeMarkedOldTabData (tabData) {
var isMarked = tabData.markedToRemove !== undefined;
if (!isMarked) {
var currentDateTime = new Date(),
markedDateTime = new Date(tabData.markedToRemove),
readyToRemove = currentDateTime - markedDateTime > removeAfterMarkingTime;
if (readyToRemove) {
return Factory;

do not allow open servarl tabs

angular.module('myMod').controller('pageCtrl', function ($scope, tabsTracker) {
<div class="overlay" ng-show="tooManyTabs">
  <div class="popup">
    Please close this tab and resume the other nomination.
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