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Jacob M Andacanaver

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Andacanaver / gist:953ddcaf2c91f21276efeec54142eb14
Last active April 7, 2020 17:23
Expense Tracker App feedback
A user tested and found that they couldn't enter an expense - found out that the validation I was using didn't allow for
decimals. Fixed it.
A user also suggested that after logging in they would like to be taken to the expenses page rather than the landing
page - Fixed that so now users will go to expenses after logging in.
A user found that in both expense inputs they could enter an unlimited number of characters. - Fixed the inputs to
restrict to two decimals in expense and 128 characters in the description
A user said they registered and was then taken back to the login page where the demo account was in the inputs.
fixed it so a successful registration will then log the user in and be taken to expenses.
Andacanaver / gist:b90959f276b48aabc50a8415bde3141b
Last active April 3, 2020 13:38
second capstone wireframes
Landing page > tells user what the app is for and explains a demo account
Registration page > enter info and go to home page if all good, returns error if username/email already taken,
returns error if password doesn't meet criteria
Andacanaver / gist:fc883fbbf76a1f824ee1703ee8302f33
Last active March 30, 2020 17:29
Expense Tracker User stories
5 as a new user I want to be able to create an account
5 as a new user I want to be able to be able to input my expenses and info about them
3 as a new user I want to be able to see the total of my expenses
3 as a new user I want to be able to edit my expenses
3 as a new user I want to be able to see my expenses history
5 as a returning user I want to be able to sign into my account
4 as a returning user I want to be able to see my profile
2 as a returning user I want to be able to change my password/profile info
3 as a returning user I want to be able to edit previous expenses
2 as a returning user I want to be able to upload image of receipts
Expense Tracker App
An app that a user can track their expenses
Andacanaver / gist:53ac4f337a6d145a3b1cebc573c578d0
Created March 9, 2020 16:11
massage-products 2nd feedback
One person suggested refractoring the type search to be a filter instead, so there would be one less click for the user.
After converting many variables from state to context a person, LP, noted that the search and wishlist inputs weren't
clearing when the submit button was clicked.
a few of the users were having images come up as null when clicking into the wishlist. One also brought up that there was
null coming up when there were no wishlists for a user.
a few of the users were unable to see the messages when adding a product to a wishlist to see if it was added or already
in the wishlist.
Mobile view seems to be functional, though a user noted it needs some styling work
One user noted that a buy link or a link to a place to buy the products would be needed if this were to go live and used
App name - Massage Products App
Live Link -
Client Repo -
Api Repo -
Andacanaver / gist:89799a03b1db03c1f0611495f0e94571
Created February 21, 2020 17:17
full stack capstone static site
Name: Massage Products App
Live Site:
User Feedback: Family member-looks kind of plain, not much info on it though has potential
Friend-Liked the ease of use of the clicks, thought the registration and login pages were simple and effective
Friend-Wondered where the pictures were, asked if there would be a favorites/saved list
Andacanaver / gist:43c80fefda9c3e61b534650b7911094f
Last active February 10, 2020 20:17
Fullstack API capstone Info
Massage Therapy Products
landing page
registration page > enter info and go to home page if all good, returns error is username/email already taken,
returns error if password doesn't meet criteria
login page > enter info and go to home page, return error if incorrect username/password, lock account after X tries