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Last active April 1, 2022 15:43
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  • Save Andaeiii/853efef8907eb34d05c75c8295fea968 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Mongo DB short Commands on how to go about the basics in CRUD operations
// mongoDB Shell Commands...
// show dbs - show databases.
// use mycustomDatabase - create database and switch
// db - show me the current database being used...
pwd: "99wcl34",
roles:["readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]
//collections - tables in Relational DB
db.createCollection('customers'); //create table.. collections // show tables...
db.customers.find(); //no need of creating an ID field...
db.customers.insert({firstname:"amin", lastname:"man"}); //one record
//for multiple records and extra field on diff. columns..
db.customers.insert([{firstname:"mochacho", lastname:"ocholi"}, {firstname:"linda",lastname:"eno",gender:"female"}, {firstname:"okwuchi", lastname:"ugozie"},{firstname:"senora",lastname:"kme"}]);
//you can have an extra field on a column...
db.customers.find().pretty() //helper function - to objects..
//updating fields... update(criteriaKey, newObject)
db.customers.update({firstname:"linda", {firstname:"andrea", gender:"male"}) //replaces the entire object.
db.customers.update({firstname:"okwuchi", {$set:{gender:"female"}}) //keep previous keys and update record.
//for interger values...
db.customers.update({firstname:"senora", {$inc:{age:5}}) //find the record and increment the age by 5
//to remove a column...
db.customers.update({firstname:"mochacho"}, {$unset:{lastname:1}}) //use unset:field:1 // one
//to update a record that isnt there...
db.customers.update({firstname:"mary"}, {firstname:"Marianne", gender:"male"})
// -- returns 0,0,0 - unmatched...
// -- so if it isnt found - then insert it...
db.customers.update({firstname:"mary"}, {firstname:"Marianne", gender:"male"}, {upsert:true}) //to updateInsert it.
// To Remove Documents...
db.customers.remove({firstname:"Andrea"}, {justOne:true) //just the first one..
db.customers.find({$or:[{firstname:"okwuchi}, {firstname:"senora"}]}) //multiple fields & criteria..
db.customers.find({age:{$gt:20}}) //>20 < 20, ~ gte, lte, gt, lt.
db.customers.find({"":"boston"}) // for object properties..
//for array properties...
db.customers.find({membership:"mem1"}) //where membership is an array ["mem1","mem2","mem3"]
db.customers.find(~).sort({lastname:1}) //ascending
db.customers.find(~).sort({lastname:-1}) //descending
db.customers.find(~).count(); // count documents...
db.customers.find(~).limit(4).sort({firstname:-1}); //limit 4
db.customers.find().forEach(doc => print("Customer :: " + doc.firstname))
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