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Created January 28, 2016 17:15
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package items;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockTorch;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemDoor;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos.MutableBlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
public class IronGolemFarmKit extends Item
public static final String NAME = "iron_golem_farm_kit";
private final int heightToFirstFloor = 5;
public IronGolemFarmKit()
public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
if (!world.isRemote)
float direction = (360 + player.rotationYaw) % 360;
boolean south = direction < 90 || direction >= 270;
boolean north = direction >= 90 && direction < 270;
boolean west = direction < 180;
boolean east = direction >= 180;
int northVector = north ? 1 : -1;
int eastVector = east ? 1 : -1;
IBlockState stoneBrick = Blocks.stonebrick.getDefaultState();
BlockPos corner1 = pos.up();
BlockPos corner2 = corner1.east(19 * eastVector);
BlockPos corner3 = corner2.north(19 * northVector);
BlockPos corner4 = corner3.west(19 * eastVector);
for (int i = 0; i < heightToFirstFloor; i++)
world.setBlockState(corner1.up(i), stoneBrick);
world.setBlockState(corner2.up(i), stoneBrick);
world.setBlockState(corner3.up(i), stoneBrick);
world.setBlockState(corner4.up(i), stoneBrick);
buildDownwardsToNonAir(world, corner1, stoneBrick);
buildDownwardsToNonAir(world, corner2, stoneBrick);
buildDownwardsToNonAir(world, corner3, stoneBrick);
buildDownwardsToNonAir(world, corner4, stoneBrick);
buildStage(world, corner1.up(heightToFirstFloor - 1), stoneBrick, northVector, eastVector);
world.playSoundAtEntity(player, "random.explode", 1, 1);
return true;
private void buildStage(World world, BlockPos corner1, IBlockState stoneBrick, int northVector, int eastVector)
int x = corner1.getX();
int y = corner1.getY();
int z = corner1.getZ();
buildFloorWithHole(world, stoneBrick, northVector, eastVector, x, y, z);
buildWalls(world, stoneBrick, northVector, eastVector, x, y, z);
buildDoors(world, northVector, eastVector, x, y + 2, z);
buildTriangles(world, stoneBrick, northVector, eastVector, x, y, z);
buildTorches(world, northVector, eastVector, x, y + 4, z);
buildPockets(world, northVector, eastVector, x, y, z);
addWater(world, northVector, eastVector, x, y, z);
addVillagers(world, northVector, eastVector, x, y, z);
private void addWater(World world, int northVector, int eastVector, int x, int y, int z)
IBlockState water = Blocks.water.getDefaultState();
BlockPos p1 = new BlockPos(x + eastVector, y + 2, z - northVector);
world.setBlockState(p1, water);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(x + 18 * eastVector, y + 2, z - 18 * northVector);
world.setBlockState(p2, water);
BlockPos p3 = new BlockPos(x + 18 * eastVector, y + 2, z - northVector);
world.setBlockState(p3, water);
BlockPos p4 = new BlockPos(x + eastVector, y + 2, z - 18 * northVector);
world.setBlockState(p4, water);
for (int i = 9; i < 11; i++)
BlockPos p5 = new BlockPos(x + i * eastVector, y + 1, z - northVector);
world.setBlockState(p5, water);
BlockPos p6 = new BlockPos(x + eastVector, y + 1, z - i * northVector);
world.setBlockState(p6, water);
BlockPos p7 = new BlockPos(x + i * eastVector, y + 1, z - 18 * northVector);
world.setBlockState(p7, water);
BlockPos p8 = new BlockPos(x + 18 * eastVector, y + 1, z - i * northVector);
world.setBlockState(p8, water);
private void buildPockets(World world, int northVector, int eastVector, int x, int y, int z)
IBlockState stoneBrick = Blocks.stonebrick.getDefaultState();
IBlockState water = Blocks.water.getDefaultState();
for (int hd = 0; hd < 4; hd++)
for (int ad = 0; ad < 6; ad++)
for (int bd = 0; bd < 5; bd++)
BlockPos p1 = new BlockPos(x + (7 + ad) * eastVector, y + hd + 1, z + (1 + bd) * northVector);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(x - (1 + bd) * eastVector, y + hd + 1, z - (7 + ad) * northVector);
BlockPos p3 = new BlockPos(x + (7 + ad) * eastVector, y + hd + 1, z - (20 + bd) * northVector);
BlockPos p4 = new BlockPos(x + (20 + bd) * eastVector, y + hd + 1, z - (7 + ad) * northVector);
if (ad > 1 && ad < 4 && bd > 0 && bd < 3 && hd > 1)
if (hd == 2)
world.setBlockState(p1, water);
world.setBlockState(p2, water);
world.setBlockState(p3, water);
world.setBlockState(p4, water);
world.setBlockState(p1, stoneBrick);
world.setBlockState(p2, stoneBrick);
world.setBlockState(p3, stoneBrick);
world.setBlockState(p4, stoneBrick);
private void addVillagers(World world, int northVector, int eastVector, int x, int y, int z)
for (int ad = 1; ad < 4; ad++)
for (int bd = 0; bd < 3; bd++)
addVillager(world, x + (7 + ad) * eastVector, y + 2, z + (1 + bd) * northVector);
addVillager(world, x - (1 + bd) * eastVector, y + 2, z - (7 + ad) * northVector);
addVillager(world, x + (7 + ad) * eastVector, y + 2, z - (20 + bd) * northVector);
addVillager(world, x + (20 + bd) * eastVector, y + 2, z - (7 + ad) * northVector);
private void addVillager(World world, float x, float y, float z)
EntityVillager v = new EntityVillager(world);
v.posX = x;
v.posY = y;
v.posZ = z;
private void buildTorches(World world, int northVector, int eastVector, int x, int y, int z)
IBlockState torch = Blocks.torch.getDefaultState();
IBlockState northFacingTorch
= torch.withProperty(BlockTorch.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH);
IBlockState southFacingTorch
= torch.withProperty(BlockTorch.FACING, EnumFacing.SOUTH);
IBlockState eastFacingTorch
= torch.withProperty(BlockTorch.FACING, EnumFacing.EAST);
IBlockState westFacingTorch
= torch.withProperty(BlockTorch.FACING, EnumFacing.WEST);
int zb1 = z - northVector;
int zb2 = z - 18 * northVector;
IBlockState torches1 = northVector == 1 ? northFacingTorch : southFacingTorch;
IBlockState torches2 = northVector == 1 ? southFacingTorch : northFacingTorch;
for (int xi = 0, xb = x + 2 * eastVector; xi < 16; xi++, xb += eastVector)
BlockPos p1 = new BlockPos(xb, y, zb1);
world.setBlockState(p1, torches1);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(xb, y, zb2);
world.setBlockState(p2, torches2);
int xb1 = x + eastVector;
int xb2 = x + 18 * eastVector;
IBlockState torches3 = eastVector == 1 ? eastFacingTorch : westFacingTorch;
IBlockState torches4 = eastVector == 1 ? westFacingTorch : eastFacingTorch;
for (int zi = 0, zb = z - 2 * northVector; zi < 16; zi++, zb -= northVector)
BlockPos p1 = new BlockPos(xb1, y, zb);
world.setBlockState(p1, torches3);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(xb2, y, zb);
world.setBlockState(p2, torches4);
private void buildDoors(World world, int northVector, int eastVector, int x, int y, int z)
IBlockState door = Blocks.acacia_door.getDefaultState();
IBlockState northFacingDoor
= door.withProperty(BlockDoor.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH);
IBlockState southFacingDoor
= door.withProperty(BlockDoor.FACING, EnumFacing.SOUTH);
IBlockState eastFacingDoor
= door.withProperty(BlockDoor.FACING, EnumFacing.EAST);
IBlockState westFacingDoor
= door.withProperty(BlockDoor.FACING, EnumFacing.WEST);
int zb1 = z;
int zb2 = z - 19 * northVector;
EnumFacing facing1 = northVector == 1 ? EnumFacing.SOUTH : EnumFacing.NORTH;
EnumFacing facing2 = northVector == 1 ? EnumFacing.NORTH : EnumFacing.SOUTH;
for (int xi = 1, xb = x + eastVector; xi < 19; xi++, xb += eastVector)
if (xi < 7 || (xi > 7 && xi < 12) || xi > 12)
BlockPos p1 = new BlockPos(xb, y, zb1);
ItemDoor.placeDoor(world, p1, facing1, Blocks.acacia_door);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(xb, y, zb2);
ItemDoor.placeDoor(world, p2, facing2, Blocks.acacia_door);
int xb1 = x;
int xb2 = x + 19 * eastVector;
EnumFacing facing3 = eastVector == 1 ? EnumFacing.WEST : EnumFacing.EAST;
EnumFacing facing4 = eastVector == 1 ? EnumFacing.EAST : EnumFacing.WEST;
for (int zi = 1, zb = z - northVector; zi < 19; zi++, zb -= northVector)
if (zi < 7 || (zi > 7 && zi < 12) || zi > 12)
BlockPos p1 = new BlockPos(xb1, y, zb);
ItemDoor.placeDoor(world, p1, facing3, Blocks.acacia_door);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(xb2, y, zb);
ItemDoor.placeDoor(world, p2, facing4, Blocks.acacia_door);
private void buildFloorWithHole(World world, IBlockState block, int northVector, int eastVector, int x, int y, int z)
for (int zi = 0, zb = z; zi < 20; zi++, zb -= northVector)
for (int xi = 0, xb = x; xi < 20; xi++, xb += eastVector)
if (zi < 9 || zi > 10 || xi < 9 || xi > 10)
BlockPos p = new BlockPos(xb, y, zb);
world.setBlockState(p, block);
private void buildWalls(World world, IBlockState block, int northVector, int eastVector, int x, int y, int z)
int xMax = x + 19 * eastVector;
int zMin = z - 19 * northVector;
for (int yd = 1; yd < 5; yd++)
for (int zi = 0, z2 = z; zi < 20; zi++, z2 -= northVector)
if (yd == 1 || yd == 4 || zi == 0 || zi == 7 || zi == 12 || zi == 19)
BlockPos p = new BlockPos(x, y + yd, z2);
world.setBlockState(p, block);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(xMax, y + yd, z2);
world.setBlockState(p2, block);
for (int xi = 1, x2 = x + eastVector; xi < 19; xi++, x2 += eastVector)
if (yd == 1 || yd == 4 || xi == 7 || xi == 12)
BlockPos p = new BlockPos(x2, y + yd, z);
world.setBlockState(p, block);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(x2, y + yd, zMin);
world.setBlockState(p2, block);
private void buildTriangles(World world, IBlockState block, int northVector, int eastVector, int x, int y, int z)
for (int a = 7; a > 0; a--)
int z1 = z - northVector * (8 - a);
int z2 = z - northVector * (11 + a);
for (int xd = 0; xd < a; xd++)
BlockPos p = new BlockPos(x + (xd + 1) * eastVector, y + 1, z1);
world.setBlockState(p, block);
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(x + (18 - xd) * eastVector, y + 1, z1);
world.setBlockState(p2, block);
BlockPos p3 = new BlockPos(x + (xd + 1) * eastVector, y + 1, z2);
world.setBlockState(p3, block);
BlockPos p4 = new BlockPos(x + (18 - xd) * eastVector, y + 1, z2);
world.setBlockState(p4, block);
private void buildDownwardsToNonAir(World world, BlockPos p, IBlockState s)
int x = p.getX();
int z = p.getZ();
for (int y = p.getY() - 1; y > 0; y--)
BlockPos p2 = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
if (!world.isAirBlock(p2) && !world.getBlockState(p2).getBlock().getMaterial().isLiquid())
world.setBlockState(p2, s);
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