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Created July 15, 2018 18:49
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uniform float4x4 ViewProj;
uniform texture2d image;
uniform float elapsed_time;
uniform float2 uv_offset;
uniform float2 uv_scale;
uniform float2 uv_pixel_interval;
sampler_state textureSampler {
Filter = Linear;
AddressU = Border;
AddressV = Border;
BorderColor = 00000000;
sampler_state textureSampler_H {
Filter = Linear;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Border;
BorderColor = 00000000;
sampler_state textureSampler_V {
Filter = Linear;
AddressU = Border;
AddressV = Wrap;
BorderColor = 00000000;
struct VertData {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
VertData mainTransform(VertData v_in)
VertData vert_out;
vert_out.pos = mul(float4(, 1.0), ViewProj);
vert_out.uv = v_in.uv * uv_scale + uv_offset;
return vert_out;
#define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974
#define PIO3 1.047197551196597746154214461093167628065723133125035273658
#define PI2O3 2.094395102393195492308428922186335256131446266250070547316
float melScale(float freq){
return 2595 * log10 (1 + freq / 700.0);
float hertzFromMel(float mel) {
return 700 * (pow(10, mel / 2595) - 1);
uniform texture2d audio <bool is_audio_source = true; bool is_fft = true; string window = "blackmann_harris";>;
uniform bool vertical;
float4 mainImage(VertData v_in) : TARGET
float2 px;
float4 color;
px = float2((1 - distance(v_in.uv.y, 0.5) * 2), v_in.uv.x);
color = audio.Sample(textureSampler_V, px);
return color;
} else {
px = float2((1 - distance(v_in.uv.x, 0.5) * 2), v_in.uv.y);
color = audio.Sample(textureSampler_H, px);
return color;
technique Draw
pass p0
vertex_shader = mainTransform(v_in);
pixel_shader = mainImage(v_in);
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