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Last active April 11, 2018 12:54
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The script shows postgresql indexes of a passed table with their size and some table statistics.
# - The script shows postgresql indexes
# of a passed table with their size and some table statistics
# Author: Andrey Klychkov
# Date: 23-03-2018
# Licence: Copyleft free software
# Requirements: python3, psql and postgres (installed locally),
# run as 'postgres' user
# It has the output like below:
# -----------------------------
# Table: test_table
# Relation size: 54.4 GB
# Total relation size: 142.41 GB
# Total indexes size: 78.14 GB
# Idx percentage: 54%
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 3.45 GB | test_table_fileuuid_idx | fileuuid
# 2.32 GB | test_table_modifydate | modifydate
# 16.0 KB | test_table_creationdate | creationdate
# 16.0 KB | test_table_deleted | deleted
# ...
import math
import re
import subprocess
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print('use: ./ <dbname> <tblname>')
DB = sys.argv[1]
TBL = sys.argv[2]
def convert_size(size_bytes):
if size_bytes == 0:
return "0B"
size_name = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
i = int(math.floor(math.log(size_bytes, 1024)))
p = math.pow(1024, i)
s = round(size_bytes / p, 2)
return "%s %s" % (s, size_name[i])
def exec_command(cmd):
'''Execute a shell command'''
ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
out = ret.stdout.readlines()
rcode = ret.poll()
return out, rcode
if __name__ == '__main__':
GET_IDX_CMD = 'psql %s -t -c "SELECT indexname, indexdef '\
'FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = \'%s\';"' % (DB, TBL)
out = exec_command(GET_IDX_CMD)[0]
constraint = re.compile(' UNIQUE ')
idx_list = []
total_idx_size = 0
for i in out:
t = i.decode("utf-8").strip(' ').rstrip('\n').split('|')
if t[0]:
idx_name = t[0].rstrip(' ')
idx_def = t[1].strip(' ').split(' ')
column = idx_def[7].strip('(').strip(')')
GET_REL_SIZE = 'psql %s -t -c "SELECT '\
'pg_relation_size(\'%s\');"' % (DB, idx_name)
idx_size = exec_command(GET_REL_SIZE)[0][0].decode("utf-8")
idx_size = idx_size.rstrip('\n').lstrip(' ')
idx_pr_size = convert_size(int(idx_size))
total_idx_size += int(idx_size)
idx_list.append([idx_size, idx_pr_size, idx_name, column])
# Sort the index list by index size:
sorted(idx_list, key=lambda x: x[0])
# Get table size:
GET_REL_SIZE = 'psql %s -t -c \"SELECT '\
'pg_relation_size(\'%s\');"' % (DB, TBL)
rel_size = exec_command(GET_REL_SIZE)[0][0].decode("utf-8")
rel_size = rel_size.rstrip('\n').lstrip(' ')
GET_TOT_REL_SIZE = 'psql %s -t -c \"SELECT '\
'pg_total_relation_size(\'%s\');"' % (DB, TBL)
total_rel_size = exec_command(GET_TOT_REL_SIZE)[0][0].decode("utf-8")
total_rel_size = total_rel_size.rstrip('\n').lstrip(' ')
# Compute what part of total relation size consists of indexes::
idx_percentage = total_idx_size * 100 // int(total_rel_size)
# For size in a pretty form:
pretty_total_idx_size = convert_size(total_idx_size)
pretty_rel_size = convert_size(int(rel_size))
pretty_total_rel_size = convert_size(int(total_rel_size))
# Printing block:
row_sep = '-' * 100
print('Table: %s\nRelation size: %s' % (TBL, pretty_rel_size))
print('Total relation size: %s' % pretty_total_rel_size)
print('Total indexes size: %s' % pretty_total_idx_size)
print('Idx percentage: %s%%' % idx_percentage)
print('{:{}{}} | {:{}{}} | {}'.format(
'SIZE', '>', '12', 'IDX_NAME', '<', '64', 'COLUMN'))
for i in idx_list:
print('{:{}{}} | {:{}{}} | {}'.format(
i[1], '>', '12', i[2], '<', '64', i[3]))
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