#include "TFile.h" |
#include "TTree.h" |
#include "TH1F.h" |
#include "TStopwatch.h" |
#include <iostream> |
// ############### |
// The simplest solution of how to fill contents of trees / ntuples into their own histogram: declare every variable explicitly, connect it to a branch, loop over all entries of the tree and, at every point, fill a histogram. |
// This is essentiall the same which tree->MakeClass() also generates |
// ############### |
void explicitVariableDeclaration(TTree * tree) { |
// Create flat float variables for every property that needs to be extracted of tree |
Float_t dPlusMass, dPlusMassSmeared, branchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel; |
Int_t dPlusPdgCode; |
// Connect branch address to every variable |
tree->SetBranchAddress("dPlusMass", &dPlusMass); |
tree->SetBranchAddress("dPlusMassSmeared", &dPlusMassSmeared); |
tree->SetBranchAddress("branchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel", &branchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel); |
tree->SetBranchAddress("dPlusPdgCode", &dPlusPdgCode); |
Int_t numberOfEntries = tree->GetEntries(); |
// Create histogram for every variable |
TH1F * histDPlusMass = new TH1F("histDPlusMass", "D^{+} m", 100, 1.7, 2.0); |
TH1F * histDPlusMassSmeared = new TH1F("histDPlusMassSmeared", "D^{+} m (smeared)", 100, 1.5, 2.2); |
TH1F * histDPlusMassDiff = new TH1F("histDPlusMassDiff", "D^{+}: m - m_{smeared}", 100, -0.5, 0.5); |
TH1F * histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel = new TH1F("histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel", "Branching Ratio of a random Decay Channel", 100, 0, 0.12); |
TH1F * histDPlusPdgCode = new TH1F("histDPlusPdgCode", "PDG Code of D^{+}", 10, 408, 418); |
// Loop over all entries |
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; ++i) { |
tree->GetEntry(i); // Get each entry and fill the connected local variables |
// Fill variables into histograms |
histDPlusMass->Fill(dPlusMass); |
histDPlusMassSmeared->Fill(dPlusMassSmeared); |
histDPlusMassDiff->Fill(dPlusMass - dPlusMassSmeared); |
histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel->Fill(branchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel); |
histDPlusPdgCode->Fill(dPlusPdgCode); |
} |
// histDPlusMassSmeared->Draw("HIST"); // Commented to not include this in timing |
delete histDPlusMass; |
delete histDPlusMassSmeared; |
delete histDPlusMassDiff; |
delete histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel; |
delete histDPlusPdgCode; |
} |
// ############### |
// Similar to the first approach, but some more structure - we're using C/C++ after all! |
// ############### |
// Create a container for all the information in the tree |
struct dMesonInfo { |
// For this example, this might only be four, but you can work here with more parameters and even sub-structs and stuff (inheritance!) |
Float_t mass, massSmeared, branchingRatio; |
Int_t pdgCode; |
}; |
// Why not make a function which extracts the boring part of setting branch addresses? Exactly. |
void setBranchAddresses(TTree * tree, dMesonInfo & dMeson) { |
TString baseString = "dPlus"; |
tree->SetBranchAddress(baseString + "Mass", &(dMeson.mass)); |
tree->SetBranchAddress(baseString + "MassSmeared", &(dMeson.massSmeared)); |
tree->SetBranchAddress(baseString + "PdgCode", &(dMeson.pdgCode)); |
tree->SetBranchAddress("branchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel", &(dMeson.branchingRatio)); |
} |
void structAndTree(TTree * tree) { |
dMesonInfo dPlus; // Much condensed! |
setBranchAddresses(tree, dPlus); // Very wow! |
Int_t numberOfEntries = tree->GetEntries(); |
TH1F * histDPlusMass = new TH1F("histDPlusMass", "D^{+} m", 100, 1.7, 2.0); |
TH1F * histDPlusMassSmeared = new TH1F("histDPlusMassSmeared", "D^{+} m (smeared)", 100, 1.5, 2.2); |
TH1F * histDPlusMassDiff = new TH1F("histDPlusMassDiff", "D^{+}: m - m_{smeared}", 100, -0.5, 0.5); |
TH1F * histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel = new TH1F("histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel", "Branching Ratio of a random Decay Channel", 100, 0, 0.12); |
TH1F * histDPlusPdgCode = new TH1F("histDPlusPdgCode", "PDG Code of D^{+}", 10, 408, 418); |
// Loop over all entries |
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; ++i) { |
tree->GetEntry(i); // Get each entry and fill the connected local variables |
// Fill variables into histograms, this time you can access all parameters neatly as members of the dPlus object |
histDPlusMass->Fill(dPlus.mass); |
histDPlusMassSmeared->Fill(dPlus.massSmeared); |
histDPlusMassDiff->Fill(dPlus.mass - dPlus.massSmeared); |
histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel->Fill(dPlus.branchingRatio); |
histDPlusPdgCode->Fill(dPlus.pdgCode); |
} |
// histDPlusMassSmeared->Draw("HIST"); // Commented to not include this in timing |
delete histDPlusMass; |
delete histDPlusMassSmeared; |
delete histDPlusMassDiff; |
delete histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel; |
delete histDPlusPdgCode; |
} |
// ############### |
// ROOT has some built-in functions to shortcut what we did above... |
// ############### |
void projectOntoHistograms(TTree * tree) { |
// Create histograms as usual |
TH1F * histDPlusMass = new TH1F("histDPlusMass", "D^{+} m", 100, 1.7, 2.0); |
TH1F * histDPlusMassSmeared = new TH1F("histDPlusMassSmeared", "D^{+} m (smeared)", 100, 1.5, 2.2); |
TH1F * histDPlusMassDiff = new TH1F("histDPlusMassDiff", "D^{+}: m - m_{smeared}", 100, -0.5, 0.5); |
TH1F * histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel = new TH1F("histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel", "Branching Ratio of a random Decay Channel", 100, 0, 0.12); |
TH1F * histDPlusPdgCode = new TH1F("histDPlusPdgCode", "PDG Code of D^{+}", 10, 408, 418); |
// Now call Project to project onto a histogram a branch from the ROOT tree |
tree->Project("histDPlusMass", "dPlusMass"); |
tree->Project("histDPlusMassSmeared", "dPlusMassSmeared"); |
tree->Project("histDPlusMassDiff", "dPlusMass - dPlusMassSmeared"); // Note: You can use the usual ROOT maths in-string operators |
tree->Project("histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel", "branchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel"); |
tree->Project("histDPlusPdgCode", "dPlusPdgCode"); |
// histDPlusMassSmeared->Draw("HIST"); // Commented to not include this in timing |
delete histDPlusMass; |
delete histDPlusMassSmeared; |
delete histDPlusMassDiff; |
delete histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel; |
delete histDPlusPdgCode; |
} |
// ############### |
// Another way to make use of a built-in ROOT function, although less practical (IMHO), as it's running in-string |
// ############### |
void doubleChevronToHistogram(TTree * tree) { |
// Create histograms as usual |
TH1F * histDPlusMass = new TH1F("histDPlusMass", "D^{+} m", 100, 1.7, 2.0); |
TH1F * histDPlusMassSmeared = new TH1F("histDPlusMassSmeared", "D^{+} m (smeared)", 100, 1.5, 2.2); |
TH1F * histDPlusMassDiff = new TH1F("histDPlusMassDiff", "D^{+}: m - m_{smeared}", 100, -0.5, 0.5); |
TH1F * histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel = new TH1F("histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel", "Branching Ratio of a random Decay Channel", 100, 0, 0.12); |
TH1F * histDPlusPdgCode = new TH1F("histDPlusPdgCode", "PDG Code of D^{+}", 10, 408, 418); |
tree->Draw("dPlusMass >> histDPlusMass", "", "goff"); |
tree->Draw("dPlusMassSmeared >> histDPlusMassSmeared", "", "goff"); |
tree->Draw("dPlusMass - dPlusMassSmeared >> histDPlusMassDiff", "", "goff"); |
tree->Draw("branchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel >> histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel", "", "goff"); |
tree->Draw("dPlusPdgCode >> histDPlusPdgCode", "", "goff"); |
// histDPlusMassDiff->Draw("HIST"); // Commented to not include this in timing |
delete histDPlusMass; |
delete histDPlusMassSmeared; |
delete histDPlusMassDiff; |
delete histBranchingRatioOfRandomDecayChannel; |
delete histDPlusPdgCode; |
} |
// ############### |
// Main routine |
// ############### |
void analyze() { |
TFile * file = new TFile("ntuple.root", "OPEN"); |
TTree * tree = (TTree*)file->Get("tree"); |
TStopwatch timer; |
timer.Start(); |
explicitVariableDeclaration(tree); |
timer.Stop(); |
std::cout << "## Explicit variables:" << std::endl; |
std::cout << " Real time: " << timer.RealTime() << ", CPU time " << timer.CpuTime() << std::endl; |
timer.Start(); |
structAndTree(tree); |
timer.Stop(); |
std::cout << "## Variables, but as a struct:" << std::endl; |
std::cout << " Real time: " << timer.RealTime() << ", CPU time " << timer.CpuTime() << std::endl; |
timer.Start(); |
projectOntoHistograms(tree); |
timer.Stop(); |
std::cout << "## Project-ed onto histogram:" << std::endl; |
std::cout << " Real time: " << timer.RealTime() << ", CPU time " << timer.CpuTime() << std::endl; |
timer.Start(); |
doubleChevronToHistogram(tree); |
timer.Stop(); |
std::cout << "## Chevron project:" << std::endl; |
std::cout << " Real time: " << timer.RealTime() << ", CPU time " << timer.CpuTime() << std::endl; |
} |
int main() { |
analyze(); |
return 0; |
} |