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AndiH/.sync.toml Secret

Last active February 2, 2018 15:46
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Memory Allocation Problem on JURON
# This file steers synchronization of the current folder with different target machines
# See for more information
hostname = "juron"
target_folder = "~/scratch/py-memory-test"

Files for a minimal error thingy

PYVERSION = python3
NPROC := 20
CC = mpicc
.PHONY: all run
all: run
mpirun -n ${NPROC} ${PYVERSION}
test_memory: test_memory.c
${CC} -O0 -o $@ $<
import ctypes
lib = ctypes.CDLL("", ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
ierr = lib.MPI_Init(None,None)
assert ierr==0
r = ctypes.create_string_buffer(4096)
n = ctypes.c_int()
ierr = lib.MPI_Get_library_version(r, ctypes.byref(n))
assert ierr==0
ierr = lib.MPI_Finalize()
assert ierr==0
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define UPPERLIMIT 250*1024/8
unsigned long long getTotalSystemMemory()
long pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
return pages * page_size;
unsigned long long getFreeSystemMemory() {
long free_pages = sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES);
long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
return free_pages * page_size;
int main() {
int rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
if (rank == 0) {
double* a[UPPERLIMIT];
int oneMeg = 1024 * 1024;
for(int i = 0; i < UPPERLIMIT; i++){
a[i] = (double*) malloc(oneMeg * sizeof(double));
for (int j = 0; j < oneMeg; j++)
a[i][j] = 23.42;
if (i%100 == 0){
"Iteration %3d\t Size of a: %5.2f GB\t Mem free: %3.2f%\n",
((float)i * oneMeg * sizeof(a[i][0]))/1024/1024/1024,
((double) getFreeSystemMemory()) / ((double) getTotalSystemMemory()) * 100.
if(a[i] == NULL) {
printf("is null\n");
for (int i = 0; i < UPPERLIMIT; i++)
return 0;
from sys import getsizeof
import os
# import mpi4py
# mpi4py.rc.initialize = False
# from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
# ^--- this will break things!
import ctypes
# !pip[3] install --user psutil
import psutil
# !pip[3] install --user hurry.filesize
from hurry.filesize import size
# def size(a):
# return a
# MPI.Init()
libmpi = ctypes.CDLL("", ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
rank = int(os.environ['OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK'])
# rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
if rank is not None:
if rank == 0:
data = []
# generate 190 GB of data: 3040 numpy 1024x1024x8 float64 arrays (64MB each)
for i in range(int(490*1024/(1024*1024*8*64/8/1024/1024))):
# data.append(np.ones((1024,1024,8), dtype=np.float64))
data += [1.] * (64 * 1024*1024 // 8)
if i % 100 == 0:
print('Rank: {:2}\t Data size: {:9.2f} MB\t Mem used {} ({:4.1f} %)'.format(rank, (len(data) * getsizeof(data[0])/1024/1024), size(psutil.virtual_memory().used), psutil.virtual_memory().percent))
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