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Last active December 13, 2023 11:43
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  • Save AndiSHFR/638358b41e78e43b52c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndiSHFR/638358b41e78e43b52c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Visual Basic Script to read measure value data from a ProLeiT Plant iT System.
' This visual basic script is a very basic example
' how to retrieve measure values from a ProLeiT plant it system.
' It will create a csv style output for all measure
' datapoints with the latest timestamp of data and value.
' Before running this script you need to change the username,
' password, database server/instance and database to
' point at your system.
' Usage: cscript /Nologo ReadPlantiTMva.vbs
' Author:
' Copyright (c) 2013 by Andreas Schaefer
' ***************************************
CONST username = "<Sql Username>"
CONST password = "<SQL Password>"
CONST dbInstance = "<Hostname or IP>\PLANTIT"
CONST database = "dbIdc"
' ***************************************
CONST DATE_19700101 = 25569.0 ' == CDbl(DateSerial(1970,1,1))
CONST adUseClient = 3 ' See:
CONST adOpenStatic = 3 ' See:
CONST adLockBatchOptimistic = 4 ' See:
Dim dbConnection, dbRecordset, sqlCmd, mvaItems, itemIndex
Set dbConnection = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
Set dbRecordset = CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
With dbConnection
.ConnectionTimeout = 20
.CommandTimeout = 120
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
With dbRecordset
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
dbConnection.Open "DRIVER={SQL Server};" & _
"SERVER=" & dbInstance & _
";DATABASE=" & database & _
";UID=" & username & _
";PWD=" & password & _
";APP=" & Wscript.ScriptName & _
' Table tblCPDataX contains generic information for all objects. nDataType=2080 means measure values objects.
' Table tblIdcServer hold information about the computer running this plant it system.
' Table tabLogbuch contains information about all measure data files that have been recorded. strBinFilename holds the
' path and filename of recorded data.
' The sql query will find all measure data objects and retrieves the last recorded filename for each object.
' The filename may contain a 'LOCAL' prefix to show that it was recorded "local" to the current computer
' so we need to replace the LOCAL prefix with the real name of the computer of this plant it system
' to generate a valid filesystem path and filename.
sqlCmd = "SELECT RTRIM(DX.szName), REPLACE( RTRIM(LOG.strBinFilename), '<LOCAL>', RTRIM(IDS.szComputerName) ) " & _
" FROM tblCPDataX DX, tblIdcServer IDS, tabLogbuch LOG " & _
" WHERE DX.nDataType=2080 " & _
" AND IDS.nKey = DX.nServerLink " & _
" AND LOG.nDataXLink = DX.nKey " & _
" AND LOG.lRecordNo = (SELECT TOP 1 LOG2.lRecordNo " & _
" FROM tabLogbuch LOG2" & _
" WHERE LOG2.nDataXLink = DX.nKey " & _
" ORDER BY LOG2.lStartTime DESC" & _
" ) "
dbRecordset.Open sqlCmd, dbConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic
If Not dbRecordset.Eof And Not dbRecordset.Bof Then
mvaItems = dbRecordset.GetRows
End If
If IsArray(mvaItems) Then
Dim itemName, latestMvaFile, latestGmtDateTime, latestValue, mvaValues, maxValueIndex
WScript.Echo "#, Name, Filename, GMT DateTime, Value"
For itemIndex = LBound(mvaItems,2) To UBound(mvaItems,2)
itemName = mvaItems(0,itemIndex)
latestMvaFile = mvaItems(1,itemIndex)
latestUtcDateTime = Empty
latestValue = Empty
mvaValues = Empty
sqlCmd = "EXECUTE master..xp_IdcGetMeasuredValues N'" & Replace( latestMvaFile, "'", "''" ) & "', 0, 0, 0, 0"
dbRecordset.Open sqlCmd, dbConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic
If Not dbRecordset.Eof And Not dbRecordset.Bof Then
' The Resultset goes: tTimestamp, dblValue, dblMinValue, dblMaxValue
mvaValues = dbRecordset.GetRows
End If
If IsArray(mvaValues) Then
maxValueIndex = UBound(mvaValues,2)
latestUtcDateTime = DateAdd( "s", mvaValues( 0, maxValueIndex ), DATE_19700101 )
latestValue = mvaValues( 1, maxValueIndex )
End If
WScript.Echo "" & itemIndex & ",'" & itemName& "', '" & latestMvaFile & "', '" & latestUtcDateTime & "', '" & Round(latestValue,2) & "'"
End If
Set dbRecordset = Nothing
Set dbConnection = Nothing
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Very nice program. Maybe you could give a hint on how to modify this script to get a single device measurement for a specified timeframe? And also i would like to ask if i understand it correctly: the database holds only path information, and the actual measurement data is stored somewhere else in the plant computer? I'm asking this because i'm trying to analyze a copy of database and i was wondering how to retrieve a meaningful data (like device name, timestamp and value or something like that) so i could then use it with powerBI or other platform. If database stores only links to some files in external storage then i'm lost :)

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