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Created May 11, 2024 06:54
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run-play-opus example crashlog
PS C:\dev\mach> zig build run-play-opus
steps [265/339] info(mach): found D3D12 backend on Integrated GPU adapter: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770, D3D12 driver version
[typing] Play SFX
[arrow up] increase volume 10%
[arrow down] decrease volume 10%
thread 39756 panic: index out of bounds: index 0, len 0
C:\dev\mach\src\sysaudio\main.zig:426:42: 0xdbe978 in preferredFormat (play-opus.exe.obj)
var best: Format = device.formats[0];
C:\dev\mach\src\sysaudio\wasapi.zig:594:46: 0xdbe14c in createPlayer (play-opus.exe.obj)
const format = device.preferredFormat(options.format);
C:\dev\mach\src\Audio.zig:54:38: 0xdbf55d in init (play-opus.exe.obj)
var player = try ctx.createPlayer(device, writeFn, .{ .user_data = audio, .sample_rate = 48000 });
C:\dev\mach\src\module\module.zig:373:93: 0xdd1942 in dispatchInternal__anon_6664 (play-opus.exe.obj)
try m.callSystem(@enumFromInt(d.module_name), @enumFromInt(d.system_name), d.args_slice, injectable);
C:\dev\mach\src\module\module.zig:337:38: 0xdd33dc in dispatch (play-opus.exe.obj)
return m.dispatchInternal(stack_space, options, injectable);
C:\dev\mach\src\core\main.zig:29:22: 0xdd34dd in tick (play-opus.exe.obj)
try mods.dispatch(&stack_space, .{ .until = .{
C:\dev\mach\examples\play-opus\main.zig:16:30: 0xdd3702 in main (play-opus.exe.obj)
while (try mach.core.tick()) {}
C:\dev\zigup\zig\0.12.0-dev.3180+83e578a18\files\lib\std\start.zig:484:5: 0xdd399a in main (play-opus.exe.obj)
return callMainWithArgs(@as(usize, @intCast(c_argc)), @as([*][*:0]u8, @ptrCast(c_argv)), envp);
C:\dev\zigup\zig\0.12.0-dev.3180+83e578a18\files\lib\libc\mingw\crt\crtexe.c:267:0: 0xeb3595 in __tmainCRTStartup (crt2.obj)
mainret = _tmain (argc, argv, envp);
C:\dev\zigup\zig\0.12.0-dev.3180+83e578a18\files\lib\libc\mingw\crt\crtexe.c:188:0: 0xeb35eb in mainCRTStartup (crt2.obj)
ret = __tmainCRTStartup ();
???:?:?: 0x7ffeac87257c in ??? (KERNEL32.DLL)
???:?:?: 0x7ffeae90aa47 in ??? (ntdll.dll)
└─ run play-opus failure
error: the following command exited with error code 3:
Build Summary: 337/339 steps succeeded; 1 failed (disable with --summary none)
run-play-opus transitive failure
└─ run play-opus failure
error: the following build command failed with exit code 1:
C:\dev\mach\zig-cache\o\d3663e51732ffe6969fc76eb93f9533d\build.exe C:\dev\zigup\zig\0.12.0-dev.3180+83e578a18\files\zig.exe C:\dev\mach C:\dev\mach\zig-cache C:\Users\Ando\AppData\Local\zig --seed 0xd78be906 -Ze33210e36481a48c run-play-opus
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