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Created August 27, 2016 07:17
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Example of DLL injection launcher in python
from ctypes import *
import win32event
import win32process
import win32api
import win32ui
import sys
import os.path
def panic(proc, reason):
win32ui.MessageBox(reason, 'Launcher Error!', 0)
win32api.TerminateProcess(proc, 1)
def inject_dll(proc, dll_path):
# Check if the file exists
if not os.path.isfile(dll_path):
panic(proc, 'DLL path specified does not exist')
# Pull in kernel32 from ctypes becaue pywin32 doesn't implement VirutallAllocEx or WriteProcessMemory.
k32 = windll.kernel32
# Allocate space for dll path in the processes memory
VIRTUAL_MEM = (0x1000|0x2000)
dll_path_address = k32.VirtualAllocEx(proc.__int__(), 0, len(dll_path), VIRTUAL_MEM, PAGE_READWRITE)
# Write dll_path into the allocated memory
bytesWritten = c_int(0)
k32.WriteProcessMemory(proc.__int__(), dll_path_address, dll_path, len(dll_path), byref(bytesWritten))
# Get LoadLibraryA's address in memory
hKernel32 = win32api.GetModuleHandle('kernel32.dll')
hLoadLibraryA = win32api.GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "LoadLibraryA")
# Create at thread at the address of LoadLibraryA in the external process,
# Passing the adress of the allocated memory as an argument.
# The result is a tuple of the thread handle and thread ID.
remoteData = win32process.CreateRemoteThread(proc, None, 0, hLoadLibraryA, dll_path_address, 0)
# Wait for thread to end.
# Timeout of 60 seconds.
eventState = win32event.WaitForSingleObjectEx(remoteData[0], 60 * 1000, False)
if eventState == win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
panic(proc, 'Injected DllMain thread timed out.')
def main():
# Create the process in a suspended state
# The result is a tuple of (hProcess, hThread, dwProcessId, dwThreadId)
si = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
procData = win32process.CreateProcess('Eternal Daughter.exe', None, None, None, False, win32process.CREATE_SUSPENDED, None, None, si)
# Inject the dll into the suspended process
inject_dll(procData[0], 'test.dll')
# Resume the thread after the DLL has been injected.
if __name__ == '__main__':
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