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Last active May 10, 2024 07:34
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NbE with implicit sharing in quotation
At ICFP 2022 I attended a talk given by Tomasz Drab, about this paper:
"A simple and efficient implementation of strong call by need by an abstract machine"
This is right up my alley since I've implemented strong call-by-need evaluation
quite a few times (without ever doing more formal analysis of it) and I'm also
interested in performance improvements. Such evaluation is required in
conversion checking in dependently typed languages.
I was surprised to hear in the talk that the following can be normalized in
linear time:
λ x. N ω x
where `ω = λ x. x x` and `N` is a Church numeral. Normalizing this expression
iterates self-application N times on `x`, and in the end we get a tree of
self-applications with depth N.
The familiar NbE (normalization-by-evaluation) has a lot of implicit sharing in
runtime values (which is one reason why it's better than naive term
substitution), but when we "quote" values back to terms we usually don't get any
implicit sharing, because we create fresh term copies from values. For example,
when we evaluate
let x = expensive in cons x (cons x (cons x nil))
the value of `x` is shared across the three copies in the list, but when we
quote the value, the implicit sharing is discarded and we get three copies
of `x` as a term.
The idea of the paper/talk is to *also* have sharing when we compute
terms. In this file I present a small Haskell implementation for an NbE
algorithm in this style.
Regarding applications: in short, I don't think I would use this algorithm in
practical elaborators, but I do think that it's important to be aware of it.
The algorithm has two primary design requirements.
1. We must use a fresh name convention in terms, we can't use De Bruijn indices
or levels. The reason is that we need term weakening for free.
2. We must represent neutral values as embedded terms. This is essential for
avoiding fresh copying in quotation.
(1) is not too problematic; it's only a small overhead and it's not too
annoying. However, (2) is not really workable in elaboration, because we really
want neutral values with carefully chosen structure, for convenience and
efficiency in unification. Also:
- We get *non-observable sharing* from the algorithm. Such sharing is destroyed
when we copy the resulting terms! If we want to e.g. serialize terms, we need
to convert sharing to observable sharing, which is usually not cheap.
- In elaboration we very rarely quote to actual beta-normal terms. Instead, we
get the greatest amount of size compression and observable sharing from
*preserving definition unfoldings*.
-- Mind the Strict pragma.
{-# language Strict, LambdaCase #-}
{-# options_ghc -Wincomplete-patterns #-}
One important point is that we *can't* use De Bruijn convention, IIUC. The `Int`
variables here behave like names. The reason is that weakening for *terms* must
be for free in this algorithm, or else we don't get the nice asymptotics.
data Tm = Var Int | App Tm Tm | Lam Int Tm deriving (Show)
-- Association lists of names and lazy values.
data Env = Nil | Def Env Int ~Val
-- Name of binder, env, closure body.
data Closure = Cl Int Env Tm
Here's the main departure from vanilla NbE: neutrals are literally terms.
Also, VLam is annotated with a lazy term which is just the normal form
of the value.
data Val = Ne Tm | VLam {-# unpack #-} Closure ~Tm
-- This means that quotation is not even recursive! It's just a projection.
-- This is pretty much the main point: quotation does not copy anything.
quote :: Val -> Tm
quote = \case
VLam _ t -> t
Ne t -> t
{-# inline quote #-}
-- evaluation
We pass the next fresh variable along with the environment. The fresh variable
must not appear free in any of the values in the env. This is IMO the most
efficient way to implement fresh name generation for our purposes. We don't
really need global state.
var :: Env -> Int -> Val
var e x = case e of
Def e x' v | x == x' -> v
| True -> var e x
_ -> undefined
nf :: Int -> Env -> Tm -> Tm
nf fresh e t = quote (eval fresh e t)
{-# inline nf #-}
-- apply a closure to a value.
appCl :: Int -> Closure -> Val -> Val
appCl fresh (Cl x e t) ~u = eval fresh (Def e x u) t
{-# inline appCl #-}
eval :: Int -> Env -> Tm -> Val
eval fresh e = \case
Var x -> var e x
App t u -> case eval fresh e t of
VLam t _ -> appCl fresh t (eval fresh e u)
Ne t -> Ne (App t (nf fresh e u))
Lam x t -> VLam (Cl x e t)
(Lam fresh (nf (fresh+1) (Def e x (Ne (Var fresh))) t))
{- In eval, in the neutral application case we immediately normalize the
argument and build the normal term.
In the lambda case we save a closure and compute a lazy normal form.
-- Normalize a closed term.
nf0 :: Tm -> Tm
nf0 = nf 0 Nil
-- Syntactic sugar for variables.
instance Num Tm where
fromInteger = Var . fromInteger
(+) = undefined; (*) = undefined; abs = undefined
signum = undefined; negate = undefined
($$) = App
infixl 7 $$
-- Church natural number literal.
cnat :: Int -> Tm
cnat n = Lam 0 $ Lam 1 (go n) where
go n | n <= 0 = 1
| True = 0 $$ go (n - 1)
-- This one is the `λ x. N ω x` expression that I mentioned before. It runs
-- reasonably quickly in ghci even for args around one million.
test :: Int -> ()
test n = seq (nf0 (Lam 0 $ cnat n $$ (Lam 0 $ 0 $$ 0) $$ 0)) ()
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Hirrolot commented May 9, 2024

Thanks, but why the gist notes that the paper uses implicit sharing?

The idea of the paper/talk is to also have implicit sharing when we compute terms.

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Bad wording, edited.

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