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Last active November 29, 2020 05:36
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Minimal (Type : Type) dependent LC with the Bound library
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, DeriveFunctor #-}
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Prelude.Extras
import Bound
data Term a
= Var a
| Star
| Lam (Type a) (Scope () Term a)
| Pi (Type a) (Scope () Type a)
| App (Term a) (Term a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
type Type = Term
instance Show1 Term
instance Eq1 Term
instance Applicative Term where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Term where
return = Var
Var a >>= f = f a
Star >>= f = Star
Lam ty t >>= f = Lam (ty >>= f) (t >>>= f)
Pi ty t >>= f = Pi (ty >>= f) (t >>>= f)
App t1 t2 >>= f = App (t1 >>= f) (t2 >>= f)
rnf :: Term a -> Term a
rnf = \case
Var a -> Var a
Star -> Star
Lam ty t -> Lam (rnf ty) (toScope $ rnf $ fromScope t)
Pi ty t -> Pi (rnf ty) (toScope $ rnf $ fromScope t)
App t1 t2 -> case (rnf t1, rnf t2) of
(Lam ty t1, t2) -> rnf (instantiate1 t2 t1)
(f , x) -> App f x
type TC = Either String
type Cxt a = a -> TC (Type a)
consCxt :: Type a -> Cxt a -> Cxt (Var () a)
consCxt ty cxt (B ()) = pure (F <$> ty)
consCxt ty cxt (F a) = (F <$>) <$> cxt a
check :: Eq a => Cxt a -> Type a -> Term a -> TC ()
check cxt want t = do
have <- infer cxt t
when (have /= want) $ Left "type mismatch"
infer :: Eq a => Cxt a -> Term a -> TC (Type a)
infer cxt = \case
Var a -> cxt a
Star -> pure Star
Lam ty t -> do
check cxt Star ty
let ty' = rnf ty
Pi ty' . toScope <$> infer (consCxt ty' cxt) (fromScope t)
Pi ty t -> do
check cxt Star ty
check (consCxt (rnf ty) cxt) Star (fromScope t)
pure Star
App f x ->
infer cxt f >>= \case
Pi ty t -> do
check cxt ty x
pure $ rnf (instantiate1 x t)
_ -> Left "can't apply non-function"
-- infer in the empty context
infer0 :: Eq a => Term a -> TC (Type a)
infer0 = infer (const $ Left "variable not in scope")
-- smart constructors
lam :: Eq a => a -> Type a -> Term a -> Term a
lam v ty t = Lam ty (abstract1 v t)
pi :: Eq a => a -> Type a -> Term a -> Term a
pi v ty t = Pi ty (abstract1 v t)
(==>) :: Type a -> Type a -> Type a -- non-dependent function type
a ==> b = Pi a (Scope $ fmap (F . pure) b)
infixr 5 ==>
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